"old man."

2 0 0

Levi was walking in front of me holding Charles's leash, he was eating vanilla and chocolate ice cream cone, he was wearing black ripped jeans, a light blue shirt, black vans and his black sunglasses, I was walking behind of him slower trying to enjoy Athens, I was wearing a flowy white dress and white converse, my hair was braided into Dutch braids, I was holding Levi's Polaroid camera taking pictures of the city, he looked back at me and smiled and at that moment I never thought I've seen something more beautiful in my entire life, it was like the time froze and it was only him, I took a picture of him and smiled.

"Val, where do you wanna go next?"

He said letting a kiss on my cheek,

"I mean, whatever you want."

He sighed,

"Alright, but if you don't like the place I choose remember that you were the one who let me do that."

He smiled sarcastically

"Fine, Levi."

I rolled my eyes, he grabbed my hand and we started walking, we got to Plaka, a very famous neighbourhood of Athens filled with flowers and beautiful old buildings, a lot of tourists were taking strolls down the little streets picking up flowers and taking pictures, Levi wrapped his right arm around my waist and gave me a kiss on the forehead

"I love you."

He said with a soft tone, his eyes shining , his smile more beautiful than ever, everytime he said that I felt like I didn't need anything else in my life to be happy, just him.

"I love you too, idiot."

We arrived at a Kebab shop and Levi decided to get us both souvlaki once more, he went up to the cook,

"Hi can I get two souvlaki please?"

The cook laughed ironically looking at his friend,

"If you say it in greek maybe."

"Dude I'm willing to give you my money, so are you gonna get me my food?"

Levi started getting upset, that boy had a temper and he was about to go off, but he deserved it.

"No." The cook said

Levi grabbed the cooks shirt and pulled him closer to him,


I shouted, he looked at me and then back at the cook,

"You're lucky she's here."

He smiled sarcastically and pushed off a wine glass from the counter letting it hit the floor and break,

"I'll find you."

The cook said in a Greek accent,

"I'll be waiting, old man."

Levi smiled, when we got outside I gave him a big hug and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around me and he was resting his head on my shoulders,

"I'm sorry, we'll go elsewhere."

He said and kissed my shoulder, I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair,

"It's fine baby. Let's go somewhere else."

He looked at me, then grabbed my hand and we started walking to another restaurant, at some point we found one, and the people were amazing, they treated us like family, we drank a lot and Levi got very drunk very fast cause of all the shots he took,

"Valerie, I am very lucky to be with you."

"I'm the lucky one, my drunk love."

I laughed, Charles was laying on the floor sleeping enjoying his summer.

I took pictures of Levi as he was posing like a Victoria's secret model, I was laughing my ass off.

After Levi felt a bit better and a bit sober we started walking to our cheap but cute airbnb house, we fed Charles and Levi and I were sitting outside our small balcony drinking cold beers, eating cold pizza and laughing,

"Everytime I look at you I see my future."

I said, Levi's eyes now looked down and his smile disappeared,

"Me too.."

He said with a weak voice, it felt as if he was about to cry,

I got up and sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around me and let a kiss on my lips,

"But that's thinking too far ahead, and I'm living for the moment. What I'm saying is that this has nothing to do with how much I love you, but with time."

He said and looked deep into my eyes,

"I understand."

I said,

"No you don't and that's what hurts me the most. Maybe one day, I'll be man enough to tell you, one day I won't care about you as much as I do now and I won't care if what I have to tell you shatters you. I'm sorry."

He said, as he stood up and walked with a fast pace into our bedroom, I saw him crying and sat right next to him,

"I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to upset you."

I said trying to calm him down,

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"There's nothing I should forgive you about. I love you Levi."

After what seemed to be 2 hours of hugging Levi took his map out and put a pin to Greece, he was looking at his map concentrated,

"How does London sound?"

"It sounds awesome." I replied smiling,

"Alright I'll book our tickets now."

He said and pulled his phone out,

"I can't believe it's already the end of July."

I said as tears started running down my face, he ran up to me and hugged me,

"What's wrong, my beautiful angel?"

"We only have one month left together, Levi."

He got up slowly, walking towards the window, he moved the curtain to the side and looked at the full moon, he stood there silent and then looked back at me,

"I don't know how many times i have left to tell you, but I love you with all my heart, my beautiful angel."

"What's wrong Levi?"

He wiped the tears off his eyes and smiled at me,

"Nothing. I'm just happy I'm spending my.... summer with you."

"I am too baby. My father is gonna accept you either he wants to or not when summers over. He knows you can survive now."

I laughed, he smiled and looked at me biting his lips,

"Damn, I wish I met you earlier. Where have you been all my life?"

"Waiting for you."

He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss holding my waist with one arm and my face with his other hand, relaxing music was playing, the summer breeze getting in the room from the windows, the room smelling like flowers from the houses garden, the beers getting colder in the fridge, and my love kissing me made this summer, this moment, unforgettable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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