Many Happy Returns/Human Trials - Part 1

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I had been at the camp for two whole days now. Raven had no feeling in her lower left leg, but was up and walking after her surgery. However, when she tried to do things around camp, she felt inadequate. Kane had left yesterday with a few guards to search for the kids. He left Abby in charge as acting Chancellor. That was a big turn-around from the other day when he had lashed her. Raven, even with her wonky leg, managed to create a large... balloon? I had no idea what it was used for, but knowing her, it had a purpose. But not long after the balloon had been up, it was shot down again.

It wasn't until that night that something interesting happened. Gunfire rang out and I hurried to the fence, trying to catch sight of what was happening. Guards ran out of the gate and we waited for a few minutes before they returned. "Secure the perimeter. Teams of three. Hundred-yard buffer," the female guard who had lashed Abby – her name was Byrne – shouted as she led the returning guards. "Open the gate," she ordered as I noticed two of the guards dragging someone along. "Let's go," Byrne called as the gate slid open. "Gotta get her to Medical. Move, move," another guard shouted as I pushed forward to catch sight of this Grounder prisoner. But it wasn't a Grounder at all.

"Let her go!" I shouted as I stepped forward. One guard stepped forward, blocking me from reaching the not-Grounder. "Step back," he growled at me. "Like hell," I snapped right back before stepping around him and heading for the girl who was covered in dirt. "Let her go, right now!" I shouted as I shoved one of the guards carrying the girl away from her. "Wait," I heard Abby called out from behind me as one of the guards tried to restrain me. "Once the prisoner is secure," Byrne snapped as I shoved the guard away.

"She's not a prisoner," I growled at Byrne as Abby stepped forward. "She's my daughter," Abby added to my statement before kneeling down in front of Clarke and taking her face in her hands. "Clarke," Abby muttered, brushing her daughter's hair out of her face. "Mom?" Clarke muttered weakly before her head lulled to the side and she was unconscious. "Get her to Medical, now," Abby ordered as I helped lift Clarke. My father stepped forward, taking half of Clarke's weight onto himself and helping me get her into Medical.

My father left me and Abby with Jackson to deal with Clarke. Jackson helped me lift Clarke onto a bed. Clarke's face was covered in blood, mod all over her clothes and wild hair. "No wonder they thought she was a Grounder," I muttered to myself as Abby brushed Clarke's hair back from her face. "I need saline and a pressure dressing," Abby told us as Clarke's eyes opened. "I'm on it," Jackson replied before hurrying to grab the supplies. "Okay, honey," Abby muttered as Clarke stared up at her mom in surprise. "I saw your ship crash," she whispered in disbelief. "I wasn't on it. I'm right here," Abby assured her as Jackson came back with the supplies.

"What, I don't get a hello?" I asked Clarke. Her eyes snapped to me and more surprise filled her. "Willa? I thought you died," she whispered to me, her voice sounding a bit hoarse. The confusion on my face prompted her to explain. "You weren't with Bellamy and you didn't come to the Dropship," she added, clarifying what she meant. "Octavia was hurt and we wouldn't have made it to the Dropship. I had to get her out of there," I explained, resting my hand on Clarke's uninjured shoulder. "Octavia? Where is she?" Clarke asked, looking around the room for a moment. "She's safe. She's with Lincoln," I whispered, hoping Abby and Jackson were too preoccupied with Clarke's injuries to notice what I said. She gave a small nod of understanding.

"Is she all right?" Major Byrne asked Abby who sat by her daughter, pressing a bandage against Clarke's wounded shoulder. "She will be," Abby replied simply. "No thanks to you," I grumbled under my breath. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We had no idea who she was," Byrne said, trying to explain herself. Then she stepped forward. "Where have you been?" she asked Clarke. "Byrne," Abby snapped in a warning. "Mount Weather," Clarke replied softly. My gaze snapped to her in surprise. We were supposed to go to Mount Weather the first day we landed on Earth.


"The Grounders took you to Mount Weather?" Byrne asked in surprise as I remembered something Octavia had said. "No. The Mountain Men," I said, earning a nod from Clarke as she pushed herself into a sitting position. "We have to get them out," Clarke insisted as her mother gently tried to push her back onto the bed. "We're not doing this right now," Abby snapped at Byrne who replied with a simple "yes, ma'am," before leaving us. Abby glanced at me and Jackson before giving us a small nod. Taking the hint, I gave Clarke's shoulder a small squeeze before heading to the room I had been given. Something told me I wouldn't get much sleep.

The next morning, after a restless night, I started sharpening my sword. I sat on my bed as I did so, getting lost in the rhythmic motion. My door slip open and someone entered, but I didn't look up to see who it was. "Can we talk?" my father asked me from where he stood in the doorway. I gave a small shrug, signaling that I didn't care. He and I were still a bit tense around each other since after I called him a dog. "Look at me," my father said as he moved to stand in front of me. "You know, it's not a good idea to come near me when I have a sharp object. It's not the first time it's lead to deadly consequences," I grumbled, keeping my eyes on my sword.

"Willamina, look at me," my father snapped, annoyed with my lack of cooperation. I groaned internally and met his gaze. "What?" I asked him, keeping my sword on my lap as we spoke. "My necklace – you're mother's ring... I know what that means to you," he started. I rolled my eyes and groaned aloud. "Back to this again?" I snapped as I returned my gaze to my sword. "Yes, back to that! Willa, you gave it to a boy you've known for a few months. So, I'll ask you again. Why?" my father asked me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "You wanna know why I gave it to Bellamy?" I asked him, getting to my feet with my sword in my hand. "Yes," he replied, pleased that I was finally going to say something. I stepped forward, squaring up to my father and glaring hard. "A promise," I told him simply.

"You promised him my necklace?" my father asked, confusion clouding his features. "No! The necklace was a symbol of that promise. It –" I groaned in frustration, cutting myself off. I didn't want to tell my father about my relationship with Bellamy because I knew he would do everything he could to stop it. "What was the promise, Willa?" my father asked forcefully as I heard a commotion outside. "None of your business," I snapped in reply as I left my room with my sword in its sheath attached to my belt.

My hand rested on the hilt as I ran out of the ship and into the sunlight. I was blinded for a moment by the sunlight. But when I was able to see again, I saw a blonde running towards some people at the gate. Raven was hobbling in that direction as fast as she could. When I looked at who was at the gate, I couldn't really see them. But something about one of them made my heart leap. I took a few steps forward, unsure of what I saw. I recognized that curly black hair anywhere. A smile spread across my lips so widely that I thought my cheeks would split. My heart pounded against my chest as relief filled me. Bellamy was back.

The blonde – who I knew had to be Clarke – hugged Bellamy tightly for a moment. They pulled apart and a few seconds later, Bellamy was looking around the camp, his dark eyes frantically searching for something. Then his eyes landed on me. It only took him a second to get past Clarke and start jogging towards me. While he jogged, I broke out into a run, tears of joy and relief filling my eyes. The closer he got, the faster my heart pounded and the more I could see that he was okay.

He held his arms wide open to me and I ran into them. To stop my momentum, he lifted me up and spun me in a circle. His arms held on to me so tightly – like he thought I would disappear if he let me go. But I held him the same way, my face buried in his neck. He rested his lips against my red hair as he held me tightly. I didn't want to let go of him, but when he pulled back, I did. He held my face gently, my fingers wrapping around his wrists to assure myself that he was really there. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off before he could even get a word out. Forgetting myself and the fact that we had an audience, I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me right back and I knew he had been waiting for the moment just like I had. I pulled back and smiled up at him. He returned my smile.

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