Fun & Games

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I had been here for a month now and I was finally settling into my new life. I soon realised that this biker club was very different to my fathers and it was a welcomed revelation. The men here have only been affectionate and loving towards me, especially Armz. The same brute of a man who held my wriggling form in his arms as he brought me closer to captivity. He was now a brother to me 

His warm smiles made my heart jump and his warm hugs made me feel loved. Since I had been here most of the things I did was either with Armz, Scissor or Jess. Some times Armz and I would hang out in the game room which I was currently sat in. I learnt that he was very competitive, he was playing Leo at pool. 

'Your asking for an ass whoopin' old man' Armz bravely said whilst he lined up to take his hit at the yellow balls. I frowned to myself, Leo didn't look old at all. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. His height and those broad shoulders had all the girls in this club drooling all over him, especially Molly. 

'stop thinking sweets, I can hear your thoughts from all the way from over here' he smirked winking at me. My cheeks started to rise in colour and it caused him to snicker. 'you don't look THAT old. Maybe in your 30s or something' I shot back with my own devious smile. Two could play that game.

Those first green eyes narrowed, examining my brave shield I had placed up. '30s? don't think so sweetheart' He said almost disappointed. 'I am 25, a hot one too' he winked at me flashing that million dollar smile. Armz looked in my direction subtly shaking his head at his Presidents cheekiness and flirtation. 

'GOTCH YA!' shouted armz startling me. Leo looked towards Armz direction and realised he had lost to Armz again. 'well done Armz!' I congratulated him giving him a nice hug. He hugged me back placing the cue stick in my hand. 'you wanna play?' he asked looking down at me. 'sure but ill tell you now I used to play snooker all the time with Salv' I grinned. They didnt know what they was in for.

'whose Salv?' asked Armz stepping to the side of me so both men could watch my response. 'oh he was my best friend when I used to live in San Francisco. I miss him loads' I confessed looking down at the cue stick in my hands smiling at the sweet memory I was now having 

'ok Clara, you have to use the white ball to hit all your balls into the pockets ok? just don't hit the black and white ball in the pockets and you're all good. Got it?' Salv babbled on about the instructions of the games whilst I day dreamed into space. 'Ok your turn C!' shouted Salv 

Lining up the cue stick with the white ball, I manoeuvred round to so I could try and get the yellow ball in the furthest pocket. 'you will NEVER get that in Clara, don't be so ambitious' he scoffed. Ignoring him, I lined my cue stick up and hit the white ball. It zoomed into two yellow balls making both to roll into the farthest pocket. 'Too ambitious you say?'  I laughed at Salvs shocked face. 'Ive created a fucking monster...' he muttered making me laugh whole heartedly 

'Anyways Prez, are you ready to get beat ?' I smirked at him. His eyebrow shot up at my sudden burst of confidence. He walked towards me, his sexy strides filled with ego and confidence, before he stopped right in front of me looking down. 

'you sure you wanna take me sweets?' the ghost of a smile on his lips. Leaning into him, standing on my tip toes I replied 'yes im sure I can handle it' I grinned in mischief. A deep smirk painted his face in content. 'fuck this im getting a drink' announced Armz. I completely forgot he was in the room and sized back down clearing my throat. 



The cheeky minx stood next to me shooting in ball after ball. When she said she was good I didn't know she meant this good. Whilst she was taking her turn I stared at her taking in her beautiful features. He long silky brown hair and golden skin shone under the artificial light in the games room. Her round breasts sat nicely in my black top which she was wearing and the figure hugging jean Jess had got her sat nicely on her hips. I wanted her so bad and I was slowly losing control of myself 

'shit' she muttered to herself missing one of her balls allowing me a chance to try and win this thing. Walking over to her I lined up the cue stick smirking to myself. Her hazel eyes looked down at me, examining my thick muscular arms and rustled hair. Her skin brushed against mine making her quietly gasp.

Focusing on the game I took my aim allowing the balls to fly into the pockets. 'sorry sweetheart but I can't let you win' I smiled at her innocent face before proceeding to play the game 


We were now sat in the games room talking about Clara's previous life. I sat on the stool at her feet whilst she was sat on the bar. 'I used to dance when I was at school' she smiled to herself. I looked at her, so captivated by her warm skin and heart. She was different to the others, all the other women I had encountered were whores. They lacked grace and common respect but Clara, she was pure and clean. Like a angel straight out of heaven.

'What do you think of me?' I blurted out unable to control my tongue. My dark green eyes stared into her hazel ones seeing a mixture of emotions swirl in them. 'w-what do you mean?' she stuttered unsure of where this was going. Leaning forward in my seat I opened my mouth, 'you know what I mean babe' I grinned at her uneasiness 

She squirmed around on the empty bar, wriggling around like a worm. How I wished to have her wriggling underneath me as I plowed into her mercilessly. I felt my stomach start to tighten and my length to harden as she sat there clueless to my dirty mind. Placing my hand on her thigh, I stroked her jeans giving her a warm safe sensation. 'I guess you're nice...' she started swallowing 

'is that all?' I chuckled at her sudden nervousness. I stared at her endlessly, almost as if she was the last sight I was going to ever see. Her beauty was incomparable to any other. 'whats wrong princess? cat got ya' tongue ?' I was now looming in front of her trapping her in her spot. The look of fear and lust painted her face. So this is mutual. I smirked to myself, she was going to be mine

Lifting my calloused hand I grasped her soft caramel skin. She sparkled in my eyes and under the light. My lips rubbed against hers lovingly. 'listen closely princess' I said looking dead straight 'these lips...they're mine, these eyes...they're mine, these sexy legs...they are mine' she swallowed hard 'YOU are mine. Never forget it' She nodded her head furiously and I chuckled at the sight 

'Prez! Is that y- OOh erm sorry wow' Jess shouted. I slowly backed away from Clara with a deep scowl on my face. We were always interrupted by something or someone. 'what is is Jess?' I sighed in annoyance rubbing my forehead. 'errr Scissor was looking for you, he wanted to ask you something' she rubbed the back of her head nervously

I turned to Clara smirking at her before striding out the room leaving her in Jess' clutches. 

Clara.. you're mine.

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