I am a 19 year old girl with autism. As autistic person there are a lot of things non-autistic people can tell you. Some are out of curiosity while others might be intended to offend you.
In this book I will discuss 11 things that people with autism...
There is high functioning and low functioning autism and other would say: mild or severe autism or something in between.
People would probably describe me as high functioning or as someone who has mild autism. But I don't really like this classification. We are all different human beings with our own talents and struggles. We are all functioning in our own way. Verbal or non-verbal.
It is assumed that people with low functioning autism struggle more from it than people with high functioning autism. But that is not always true. Someone who is low functioning might have less symptoms but more severe, such as being non verbal and having extreme meltdowns. High functioning people could be having far more symptoms but seem less serious. For example sensory problems, socially awkward, sticking to routines.
By classifying autistic people on a scale from mild to severe we are basicly deviding them from being very autistic to being only a little autistic. That is something we should avoid.
Some people need more support in their life than others and some will be able to go the college while other cannot. But only classifying these differences in high and low functioning just seems not entirely right to me.
Instead of a scale I have seen many people using a cirkle with different colors and different categories. I like that one much more than a line fron mild to severe.
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