Mr Pouty Lips ~ Ch1

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Chapter Title ~ Mr Pouty Lips Language ~ EnglishSong Reference ~ Wow Thing By Seulgi × SinB × Soyeon × Chungha

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Chapter Title ~ Mr Pouty Lips
Language ~ English
Song Reference ~ Wow Thing By Seulgi × SinB × Soyeon × Chungha

☆ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ☆

"Holy crap, it's cold." I shivered, grabbing onto Jimin's arm as the nurse rubbed some gel onto my stomach. Jimin giggled before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead as he stared down at my small growing baby bump.
"My abs are long gone." I joked, poking my round belly that stuck out like a sore thumb. Jimin chuckled and shook his head lovingly.
"I'm sure that after another 5 months that they will make their comeback." He joked, rubbing my hands soothingly with his thumb.
The nurse was now rubbing some sort of rod over the gel on my stomach. She looked at the screen then smiled brightly.

"There she is! She seems healthy and is growing well!" The nurse said. Jimins grin got wider by the second before the nurse gasped and turned to us.
"Oh God. I'm sorry! You didn't want to know the gender!" She cried to me with guilt dispayed in her voice. I smiled softly while shaking my head lightly.

"It's okay. Although i think Jimin's cockiness about his 'Father's intuition' will be the death of me." I chuckled. Jimin laughed and pulled me closer to him.
"It's a girl, Princess." He mumbled into my neck with a happy smile. I nodded with a small giggle.

"Yeah. You were right this whole time." I praised him. His chest puffed out in pride before he brang his hand up to flick his imaginary hair off of his shoulder.
"Well obviously! I'm Jimin." He boasted. I laughed, slapping his arm.
The nurse wiped the gel off of my stomach with some tissues before pulling down my top.

"I have all the scan prints right here. I'll see you in another few weeks, Araso?" She asked. I nodded, my smile never fading as Jimin took the paper out of her hands and placing it on his seat.
He carefully helped me out of the bed and onto my feet then wrapped his arm around my waist. After picking up the papers, he opened the door to find Jisung sitting boredly. He played on the phone that Jimin bought him as he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground.

We walked towards Jisung, snapping him out of his daze. Jimin handed the papers from the ultra sound to him with a smile that never seemed to leave his face.
"Put this in your backpack." He told him. Jisung nodded as he stared at the images of the fetus growing in me.
"This is it?" He asked Jimin curiously.
"It's a her." Jimin stated proudly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Jisung gasped with a smile, looking up at him with awe.

"Just like you said it would be!" He exclaimed in shock. Jimin nodded proudly with a smirk as i rolled my eyes playfully. Jimin gasped dramatically before bending down to my height.
"Was that an eyeroll i just saw?" He asked me in fake disbelief. I giggled and turned my head to the side as i shrugged.
"Maybe?" I said between giggles. He gasped once again before attatching his arms around my waist and started to tickle my sides. I squealed trying to walk backwards but only walked into a wall, cornering myself as he tickled me. I started slapping his chest as i laughed screaming "Hajima!" between laughs and breaths.

Once he let go, Jisung quickly stepped inbetween us and grabbed my hand before running down the hall. Ultimately dragging me with him. Jisung and i both laughed as Jimin whined loudly behind us.
"Guysssss! Stop runninggggg!" He moaned.

"Why are we running?!" I laughed breathlessly to Jisung who's hand was still latched onto my own.
"His ego was suffocating me!" Jisung said back. Then we came to a stop right before the lift, catching our breaths. I peeked around the corridoor to see Jimin attempting to jog to us. His leg was still injured from a recent mission that he went on. That day he ended up tearing a muscle which earned him a lovely slap across the head by Jin for being so reckless.

"Should we wait for him or go downstairs?" Jisung asked, still panting.
"We shall wait." I decided with a chuckle.
"Of course my lady." Jisung bowed. We both laughed loudly like two idiots, earning alot of stares from the people around me.

"Wait... I know her..." a man muttered from his seat.
"Is that His Princess?" He asked his friend. I smirked as Jimin finally caught up to us. I nudged his arm lightly and whispered into his ear,
"We've been recognised again."
He sighed, pulling out his gun from his back pocket
"Here we go again." Jisung whispered under his breath. I laughed and ruffled his hair.
"I thought you would have gotten used to it by now? It's been almost 5 months." I told him.

Jimin held his gun up for all eyes to see to make a bold statement.
"I am Park Jimin and she is My Princess. Tell anyone we were here and i will kill you and the rest of your family. That's my warning. Take it or leave it. You're choice." He said with cold eyes. Everyone nodded quickly, bowing at us as we walked into the lift.

"But who was that boy?" We heard as the lift closed.

I ruffled Jisung hair once again.
"I think you're gonna have to stop coming out with us to these appointments. People are starting to notice you more and more" i told him sincerely. He pouted sadly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"But i want them to notice me! I am going to be a person that they fear in a few years!" He whined. Jimin raised his brow with a mocking smirk.
"You can't even beat Yeseul in hand to hand combat. And she's the worst combat fighter we got." Jimin snickered. I elbowed Jimin's side as i glared at him, making him shut up instantly.

"I can beat Haechan!" Jisung defended.
I facepalmed right before the lift doors opened.
"You payed him to let you win. Don't think i didn't see that!" I scolded. He puffed out his cheeks and dropped his head in defeat.

"Fine. I'm crap at fighting but I'm gonna get better!" He promised us. Jimin smiled then patted Jisung's head as we made our way to Jin's car.
"That's the spirit." Jimin laughed.
"Don't be patting my head like you're taller than me. I'm five centimetres above you buddy." Jisung growled. I laughed histerically as my eyes widened to size of plates.

"Burnnnnnn!" I wheezed out. Jimin stumbled back as if he had been shot before sniffling and nodding sadly.
"I see how it is. I take your friends out of the adoption system and you repay me by targetting my height. I see how it is Jisung." Jimin choked out.

"No you don't see how it is. Stand on a stool then you might see how it is." Jisung mumbled before opening the door to Jin's limo. Jimin gasped before gritting his teeth, reaching out his hand in attempt to open Jisung's car door.

"That little--" he was cut off my hand pulling him back towards me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck then played with his hair, knowing this calms his down.
"Hey. He's just mad that he's not as good as you at fighting. You know how much he looks up to you. Don't be too mad okay?" I mumbled imto his chest. He sighed deeply, breathing in my candy floss spray like an inhaler.

"Fine. I won't be mad. But he really needs to stop using his 5cm height difference against me." He whined with a stomp of his foot as if he was a child. I giggled then kissed his cheek tenderly.
"I'll talk to him." I told him. Then Jimin poked his lips with his finger.
"You missed." He said.
"Okay Mr pouty lips." i laughed. Then i leaned up against his and kissed him softly againts the lips.

Then we heard Jin's voice which was interupting our moment,

"Come on you two! I need to show you the princess dresses i bought!"

(Author-nim ~ His Queen has now begun! Comment & Vote! ILY Mochies!)

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