2, Escape

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                      Vera-lynn pov

  Like the principal said, school was literal hell today. Janett and Alexander said they wanted to talk to me, Kirstyn, and Sophia after dark. I really hope this is good. I love Alexander but he's unpredictable and is sometimes kind of a dumbass when you get to his soft side.

            *time skip because lazy*

  We all meet up outside of Janett's dorm room after dark and wait to make sure nobody else is in the halls. "So, Alex, Janett, what dangerous plan did you form up this time?" Kirstyn asked. Kirstyn, well, I guess you could say she's kinda the looks of the group. Yes of course we are all somewhat attractive, its just Kirstyn uses her good looks to get things from people. She has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes with fair skin, she could honestly be mistaken for Aphrodite's child.

"We'll show you in a second, but first, Sophia hold this" Janett said shoving a small plastic bag into Sophia's hands. "Shit, did you really take drugs from your dad again?" I asked kind of disappointed but not at all surprised.
The twins just smirk and start running down a back staircase, all three of us follow them down and the staircase leads to...an abandoned janitors closet?

I've know thess dumbasses for a long time and this is the first time they have ever gotten so excited about a fucking janitors closet. "What the hell?" I asked confused. "This is our ticket out," Alex said, "There's another door in the back, its our only way to escape this place." "Also, we have a place we can stay, its our dads friends old house. It's just an extra place that nobody ever goes to, it has eveything we might need too." Janett added on. They both slammed open the door to the janitors closet and we went out the back, god, for a boarding school they really did have shitty security.

  We were walking down the street when we heard sirens "SHIT!" I dont know who yelled, it could've even been me for all I know, but i dont think I've ever ran so fast in my life. "BACK HERE!" Alex yelled at us. We hid behind a tiny shed that was next to a huge house. The cops sped past the house and far off down the road. "Well ladies and brother. We're here" Janett said walking up to the front of the house. This house is, without a doubt fucking huge.

  Walking into the house I was shocked. I wasnt expecting it to be this big. The living room was about the size of public park, the kitchen had the nicest silverware I have ever seen, and there were at least 6 beadrooms. "Wow." Me, Sophia, and Kirstyn said in unison. "Well, now that we're here, lets set up our equipment and pick some rooms," Alexander said. "And after that, the fun will begin" Janett was smirking as she said that. Oh god, what the hell have I gotten myself into...

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