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I lived in a world that told you what you would eat and what you would hear.

I lived in a world that told you whom you would marry. How many children you would have.

I lived in a world that told you what to read...

...or not read at all.

Knowledge was sparse where I lived. It was coveted above all things. There was nothing more precious than a collection of pages filled with words. With stories.

But stories caused people to think.

And that was exactly what our government didn't want us to do.

If we thought differently than the government, we'd rebel. We would break free from this reign of ignorance and finally find the courage to stand up for ourselves. Most people were unaware of their ignorance, of course, but I found out ages ago from the rebels. They were strong within our country.

But I wasn't one of them. They were too tactless. Too rebellious. They would get caught in the future.

I was smarter than they were because I had a plan. It was perfect. Flawless. Destined for success.

It was a grand quest for knowledge.

As I began the first part of the plan, the city suburbs were bustling with activity. Hovercraft sped through the streets and lightning flashed in the sky, igniting the many rods that powered the city of Toran. The acrid scent of smoke washed over me as I turned out of an alley and into a pristine street leading to the capital building.

This is perfect, I thought. No guards blocked the streets. They were in the government meeting just as I had predicted.

I was going to change the world with this plan.

I stayed to the side pathways of the street until I made it to Toran's capital building. I extracted a key from my front compartment and ran my calloused thumb over the smooth gold. It was the key to our freedom. And the key that had taken me ages to coax out of the government.

I walked up the white stone steps, clicking my inactive discus weapons in and out of the holsters on my hips. I had made sure to choose a dark blue suit so as to not attract attention. It was the lightest model I had; it came equipped with knee-high boots, an energy saber in the front thigh holster, and a compartment on the back of the suit for carrying heavier things. The back compartment was what I needed most out of this suit, but I thought to bring along the discusses and the saber as a precaution. I wasn't intending to fight to execute this plan, but I always prepared for the worst.

Lightning illuminated the capital building of Toran. Towering hundreds of feet into the air, the metal skyscraper held many of the city's most precious secrets.

Including a precious secret of power and knowledge.

More specifically, the library.

No one knew the library was in the capital, of course—save for a few special officials. I found out through the rumors. Being an info smuggler in Toran's slums was one of my talents. Sifting the truth from the lies was the hardest part.

I clicked up the titanium steps, the flat heels of my boots making sickeningly loud sounds in the silence that dominated the capital building. The doors of the structure stretched far and wide. I opened the first door, planting a smile of falsity on my face as I entered the cavernous lobby. The utilitarian room had polished granite flooring, cushioned lounges, and an information desk. It was empty except for a tall woman in a business suit. She approached me with a grand smile.

"Hello, miss," the woman greeted as she bowed her head, making her brilliant orange hair fall in front of her. "What may I assist you with today?"

A clicking sound accompanied her all-too-kind smile, and I had to remind myself that this was no ordinary woman.

"I have Level Three security information," I told her, pulling out a folder that was stashed in my back compartment. In truth, it was only filled with blank pages. But it was just for effect. She would never know the difference. "May I speak to the person in charge, please?"

She was all teeth and smiles and kind words as she shook her head. "That is against my protocols, miss. Do you have a passport?"

I faked shock as I slid my hand into a compartment on my thigh. "I forgot it at home!" I cried. "Can I go without it? This information is extremely important. It refers to the safety of Emperor Cedonia." I had to prevent myself from balking at his name. It was the name of the man who had all control over Toran.

Emotionless in the eyes, yet still smiling, the woman shook her head again. "I am sorry. That is against my protocols, miss. I must ask you to leave."

"But this is really important," I began. If only she wasn't so obstinate... I didn't want to resort to—

Something flickered behind her iris. A red beam of light shone straight at my chest.

And I acted.

I withdrew the utility knife from my thigh compartment and shoved it under her cheek and through her eye, ripping it out with a grinding sound. Sparks flew as sirens flared from her mouth.


It took only a second for me to immobilize the robot's voice box.

I smiled at her. "Is that against your protocols, miss?"


A/N: Woo! So what do you guys think of this? Let me know in the comments below! This is my first shot at Science Fiction, so it'll probably have a few clichés. I just put all my geeky desires into this story of what I thought would be awesome in a futuristic society. <3

This chapter is dedicated to @Monrosey, who has been an amazing Wattpad friend and fellow writer. Check out her works!

Chapter Image of Toran, generated by Midjourney!

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