Your name is Abigail your Jungkook's number one fan. When BTS goes to America your are so excited to see them. When you go something crazy happens to you that will change your life forever.
"Sweetheart where are you going" You mom looked at your outfit which was this.
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"I'm going to a BTS concert" You giggled. "Oh those's Chinese boys" Your mom sounding annoyed. "MOM THERE KOREAN" You fell on your bed giggled. "Close enough" Your mom closed your door. "Oh my god mom" You wiped the tear from your eye. You went down stair to see your dad. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING LOOKING LIKE THAT!" You dad spitting out his water. "To a concert" you gave awkward smile.
"Be back by 8:00" You dad looked at his watch. "Dad the concert is until 9:30" You hugged your dads back. "Fine but give me a back rub when you get home" He giggled. "That's why you have mom" You giggled. "DON'T BRING ME INTO THIS" Your mom laughed. "Hehe Bye mom and dad" You pull them a kiss as you closed the door behind you. You got a taxi and he drove to the concert. You got a front row seat. 1 hour later the concert had started. But Jungkook keep coming to where you were. 2 hours later you watched them perform there last song.
"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK!" You yelled. After the concert you were heading to the bathroom but you weren't watching where you were going so you ran into someone you fell on them. "Sir I'm so so..." You couldn't believe your eyes it was Jungkook. "AHH!" You screamed. "Here... let me help.. you up" Jungkook held out his hand for you to grab. You grab it. "Thank you" your eyes widened.
"Hey... Uhh you pretty girl I saw" Jungkook trying his best to speak English. "Pr...." You fainted. Jungkook picked you up bridal style and put you into his car without anyone seeing you with him. When Jungkook got to his hotel room he laided you on his bed. He stroked your hair. Then you woke up. "Wh... where am I" you looked around to see Jungkook there watching you. "AHH!" You pulled your knees to your chest.
"Hello" He waved. "Where am I" You looked around the room. "Uh... my... hotel doom" Jungkook struggled to speak. "You mean hotel room" You looked back at him. "Yeah" He smiled. He moved closer to you and touched your cheek. "Your bootiful" Jungkook smiled. "I don't feel good" You couldn't believe what was going on. "Sick" Jungkook gave you a bunny smile. "No" You shook your head. "Sleep" he got off the bed. "SLEEP" You face bewildered. "Yes... sleep" Jungkook unbuttoned his shirt.
Jungkook turned around and took off his shirt so all you could see was his back. You were blushing so hard. "Jungkook where is my phone" You said. "Huh..." Jungkook trying to understand what you were trying to say. "My phone" You pointed at his. "OH!!" Jungkook grabbed it from the table. "Here pretty gurl..." Jungkook smiled as he handed you the phone. "Thank you" You smiled.
You texted your mom.
You" Mom I wont being coming home please don't worry I will be okay!
You" Yes I'm okay I will be home tomorrow.
Mom" Hmm.. Call me if you need me.
What will happen to you will Jungkook be nice or will he try to push himself on you. Also this book will be so different from The Fan Girl so don't worry! 😊💕😁😘🥰😉