°Chapter one°

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Of course you didn't move, You stayed with your father and got beamed up along with Peter trying to protect the wizard. You didn't even have a proper suit and only brought your mask.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want you to get hurt!"

"You don't even have a suit! Where's the watch I gave you?!"

"I don't need a suit to fight!" You knew damn well what was going to happen, After the encounter with Star Lord and His team, the others were starting to make a plan-- and were also arguing at the same time.. was Interrupted.

Strange was floating slightly the Time stone was glowing from the eye of Agamotto. He looked like he was glitching, as if he was looking at something, You and Tony quickly made your way to him.

"Strange, We alright?" Tony asked, Stephen snapped out of what he was doing. "You're back, You're alright."

"I swear your shippers went nuts In this scene." You mumbled to yourself.

"Hey, what was that?" Peter asks behind you. Strange took a deep breath before answering.

" I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict."

"How many did you see?" Peter-- Quill, Asks.

"14,000,605." You held you breath knowing what was coming next.

"How many did we win?" Stephen looks at you and Tony before answering.

"Two." You gasped.

"Woah wait what? Two?? Isn't it like.. One. You were supposed to say one!" The rest of the Guardians didn't understand what you were saying. "Shit. I haven't seen the next movie yet! what do you mean?"

Stephen didn't answer, He only looked down.

"Well, If this reality is one of those two then...We need to make this work." Tony says, He looks up at you and you smiled at him.


Moments before Thanos arrives, you talked with your father.

"We'll win this one don't worry." You held his hand to reassure him that everything's going to be alright.

"How can I not? Y/n, out of fourteen million we only win two."

"so what? We'll loose together even if It happens Fourteen million times. and In the end we'll go home." before Tony could reply to you, Thanos went out of a portal.

" Oh, yeah, you're much more of a 'Thanos'"

"I take it the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." You scoffed at him.

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Stephen says and you held back the urge to cheer for him.

"And where do you think he brought you?"

"Your home isn't it? It was beautiful according to well...You." Thanos squinted his eyes at you then smirked.  He curled his hands inti a fist and used the reality stone to show what Titan looked like before.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." He explained.

"Genocide" Dr. Strange says.

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." Titan returned to it's destroyed state.

"Congratulations, You're a prophet." Strange sarcastically said.

"I'm a survivor." The purple guy replied.

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