34 《Female Chatacters》

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It seems like everywhere I go in the naruto fandom, there is a continuous hate for female characters. You all still underestimate them even when proving themselves its ridiculous.

Sakura Haruno Uchiha

LMFAOOOOO stop been dumb and ignorant

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LMFAOOOOO stop been dumb and ignorant. Sakura isn't useless, calling her useless is the most wrong and overrated thing you could say because now you look dumb asf. She's the Strongest kunoichi in the leaf village and yall can suck it, she opened a clinic, she surpassed an hokage and unlocked so many things tsunade could never at such a young age, her chakra control is steady and perfect, she has family, and she got the person she always loved no matter what bad thing homicidal shit he did(sasuke doesnt deserve her love, I said what I said), been in team seven and been trained by one of THE legendary sannin in general speaks volumes. She stays winning, and yall stay mad💋


Probabaly one of the most looked down kunoichi in the leaf village and the naruto fandom in general

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Probabaly one of the most looked down kunoichi in the leaf village and the naruto fandom in general. Just because she only uses weapons does not mean that she is useless. Y'all act like she wasn't one of the key factors to winning the war. Disregarding her because she never uses jutsu is dumb because she is still a very strong kunoichi who for gods sake is NOT useless.

Tsunade Senju

I haven't fully understood why tsunade is looked down upon, because she's the least strongest hokage? Ok?what about it? Does that diminish the fact that she is still very strong and one of the top kunoichi's? No

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I haven't fully understood why tsunade is looked down upon, because she's the least strongest hokage? Ok?what about it? Does that diminish the fact that she is still very strong and one of the top kunoichi's? No. She is literally one of the three sannin, she is the grandfather of the 1st Hokage, the last senju. I mean this much says alot. I won't go too much into this, because the hate on tsunade still baffles me and yall ain't dumb so figure it out.

Hinata Hyuga Uzumaki

Now Hinata is overrated and underrated at the same time

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Now Hinata is overrated and underrated at the same time. People love to rank her above sakura when survey says she not even close. She's also underrated as a kunoichi because she became a housewife at the end of day. Reminder: She never wanted to become a shinobi, her father and clan forced her and naruto gave her courage to actually try. Did you all also forget that she made a jutsu.....a brand new jutsu that the hyuga clan never thought of, but hinata did THAT. Yall gonna have to stop dissing my girl just because she a housewife, she will still kick ass.


I absolutely hate to admit but I thought her as useless and annoying too, because again she was ranked above sakura from the general public, when again survey says she not even close 🤷🏾‍♀️

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I absolutely hate to admit but I thought her as useless and annoying too, because again she was ranked above sakura from the general public, when again survey says she not even close 🤷🏾‍♀️. Butttttt that dont mean this woman is not talented. The fact that she can control people's mind is enough AND she's a medical kunoichi. Come onnn now get it together with the false hate with nothing to back it up.


i'm back luvs💕

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