You're Hurt - [Chapter Eight]

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You and Luke were constantly arguing and fighting over the smallest things just like any couple that just moved in together would. But these fights started getting violent, as things were broken and plates were smashed. Today was different, Luke had left early in the morning for the studio without telling you which you didn't mind, but no note? Saying he loved you no nothing. He just left, he didn't answer your calls about simple things like what he would want from the store, or what time he would be home. He just ignored your calls and texts. It was around 1:30 am in the morning when Luke finally stumbled in drunk off  his ass. Ashton carrying him. You turned around facing Luke and Ashton who gave you a sad smile. "Where should I leave him" He asked. "On the stairs make him get up those himself" You spat turning around. Ashton did as was told, said goodbye and left. You were fed up with Luke's shit attitude and you weren't about to clean up his drunk ass.

"Luke get up and get in the shower" You insisted not breaking your attention away from the movie you two were going to watch. "Oh shut up Y/N" He mumbled. Did he just tell me to shut up?! You thought. "What did you say to me?" You hissed turning around standing up. "I said shut up!" He yelled standing up towering over you. You had never seen Luke so drunk and so angry before, and honestly it was a bit frightening. "Luk-" You started but he quickly cut you off. "Luke this, Luke that! Do you ever just  Shut up?" He yelled stepping towards you, making you step a foot back. "Excuse me for wanting you to clean up before bed! Your drunk off your ass Luke! It's disgusting!" You  yelled back standing your ground.

"Maybe I'm drunk of my ass because I can't stand you!" He yelled raising his hand slapping your cheek hard, not like in a kinky way but in a hard violent, abusive way. As his hand collided with your cheek you felt the wind being knocked out of you. As you tumbled down the few stairs and landed on your back. You stared at him in shock, and he was shocked himself. He was drunk, but he knew what he just did. "Y/N" He started stepping towards you, making you move back bumping into the couch. You got up quickly and ran past him up the stairs and to your room locking the door sliding down as the tears streamed down your face. You looked in the mirror to see an actual red print on your cheek. How could he?

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