How Starbucks is fucking with us

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[Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong (4m+ views) – YouTube]

So, before the madness begin, I’ll explain first what and how does it led the following Godlike comments to be posted.

As the title suggest, it’s a video about a fucked-up dude who’s working in a Starbucks café, who had a very noble objective, to fucked up every-single-customer that he has. And that’s to, intentionally misspell all the names of his customer in their cups.

Ex:  Jessica, he’ll then turn it into “Geesikka”

And now…… to the comments!

David Nowlan - how does this have 2 million views when there's only 700,000 people on earth?


Veronica Belson - it's 7,000,000,000

Bruce Bond- +Veronica Belson You've been trolled Miss. (41 likes)

Sam Xu - Wtf!?!? Are you like five or what?

Ane-Wei Chung - there are 7 billion people in the world not 7 hundred thousand

Godly Fury- U went to school bro?

Katie Kat- There is actually 7 billion people on earth

Alex Ramirez- the fact that people are serious and don't realize they are getting trolled is beyond me


Falcon Lover - Not being racist, But why do white people constantly craze over Starbucks? They need some serious help. (14 likes)


Supercalifragilistic Expialidocious- Retard.(16 likes)

Mean Wizard– lol

TheGreatestDaneEver - It is pretty much everyone nowadays. Starbucks actually brings in a very diverse crowd. i.e. The second the Mexican population discovered the term 'extra caramel' they became hooked for life. 

commentcomingthrough - not being racist, But why do black people constantly craze over KFC? They need some serious help (omega like!)


This one is the best!

James Gunton - One time I went to starbucks and I said my name was 'Lord Voldemort' and they wrote on my cup 'he who shall not be named' XD (218 ULTRA-MEGA LIKE)

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