the encounter and meeting the man

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(Y/N Pov)

im woken up by my alarm beeping. i groan and sit up, then look over at my bedside, right at the alarm clock. "stupid fucking thin, was just in the middle of a dream" i say as i get out of bed and hit snooze on the clock. i stretch, then head over to my closet and grab a F/C shirt and some (SF/C) pants, and of course the other essentials, and then i head to take a shower. when i get in there, i turn the water on and close the door, then i turn around and take my stuff off. i look at my arms and rub my hand gently over the scars lining my wrists and arms. i wince, then remember the water is running and hop in, then begin my daily routine of washing up and getting to work. when im all clean, i hop out and dry myself off, then throw on my clothes and check to make sure i have everything on me. scroll? check. Wallet? check. Keys? check. Earbuds? check. alright, i think i have everything. i mentally run through the checklist in my head, checking everything off, and when i deem i have everything, i head out the door to work. i put in my earbuds and hook them up to my scroll, then start to play some music (start to song on top, or whatever your listening to works) as i walk to work.

timeskip 20 minutes

after walking for a bit, i see a dust store called dust till dawn, and i chuckle at the usage of a pun in the name. as i get closer, though, i see a guy fly through the window, followed by a girl in red. i groan and crack my neck, then turn the music up and run towards the fighting. when i get there, i whistle for a guys attention, which gets everyone's. Shit, not what i wanted...oh well, more fun for me then. i think. i smile as i clothesline the guy closest to me, then slide under a guys punch and spring up with a head to the chin, knocking him down. i spin and elbow the next guy in the jaw as little red stares. i look at a dude with orange hair and a bowler hat, then look at little red. "what are you waiting for red? go get'im!" i tell her as i fight off the others. she nods and runs off, then i continue to fight the goons. "Man, you guys are easy. doesnt anyone every get any good goons to fight for them?" i ask as i knock out the last guy, then after looking around, i shrug and run to the roof, where i see red fighting a bullhead. i sigh and run towards the edge of the building, then as my foot hits the edge, i push off and reach out to grab the edge. i succeed in grabbing it, but when i look up, i see a chick in red. "uhhhh...hi?" i say. she smirks and stomps on my hand, causing me to let go. as i fall towards the ground, i grab onto the ledge, then pull myself up and look at the newly arrived girl in white with what seems like a riding crop? she starts to throw glass? at the bullhead, but it proves to be no use, as the bullhead merely flies off. i sigh and look at my watch, seeing im late. "SHIT!!! i gotta go" i say as i start to leave, but am stopped by the riding crop girl. "First off, im not into that kinky shit, second of all, i gotta go to work" i tell her. she glares at me and grabs my wrist and little reds, then she walks off. "i am so fired" i mutter to myself. "and to think my day was gonna be normal"

Timeskip to the interrogation room

as i sit in the room, the chick keeps on droning on about how if it were up to her we would be sent home with a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist, but in all honesty, i cant hear shit. im too busy listening to music and zoning out, at least until she yanks out my earbuds. "HEY!!" i say. she glares at me. "Did you hear a word i just said?" she asks. i shrug "something about a slap on the wrist and a pat on the back? i honestly dont know" i say. she rolls her eyes, then the door behind her opens up, and in walks a guy with a coffee mug and a green suit. he walks in and talks about how little red has special abilities and such, then he looks at me. "and you, you seem like a very useful ally. i would like for both of you to join my school, beacon academy" he says. little red squeals and agrees instantly, whereas i just shrug. "sure" i say. he nods and sends us on our way to get packed and to get a good nights sleep. as i walk home, all i can think about is what sort of new bullying and rejections am i gonna experience this time?

And with that being said, the first chapter is done. hope you guys enjoyed, and if there's anything you think i should add, then please feel free to tell me. and please, dont judge too harshly, im still kinda new to writing full books, as im used to writing smut or small things for people if they ask. and i ask that you dont judge the music choices in this book, cause im merely putting in what i like. and the song on top will be played the most by Y/N. anyway, see you guys later, and make sure to comment if you want more or have any ideas for the book.

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