19- She's Back

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I stare at Zak as he sleeps peacefully. He looks so beautiful as the light shines on his perfect face and body.

Zak was the one for me. My true love, my forever, my one and only.

I was gonna marry this man. I knew it.

What I didn't know what how long it was gonna take for him to grow some balls and ask me.

"What are you thinking about" he says stopping my mind from racing so fast. His morning voice is deeper than his usual which is so sexy.

"I'm thinking about how nice it is to have Ally here to watch Olivia when we want to have sex" I laugh.

Ally suddenly busts in the room making Zak and me quickly cover ourselves with the bed sheets. She walks in covering her eyes using her hands with Olivia who was laughing as Ally lightly tossed her on our bed.

"You've had your fun now take your baby. Thanks" she says on the way out.

"Hi princess" Zak takes Olivia and starts kissing her cheeks.

"Daddy" she says as she claps her little hands.

"Thank you" I yell out to Ally as she runs out of my bedroom.

Then we hear the front door slam.

"She looks like she was desperate to leave" Zak says behind me.

"I think I'm gonna go shower" I tell Zak.

I grab a towel and begin to take Olivia with me to the bathroom.

"You wanna to come with mommy to take a bath?" I bounce my beautiful happy baby.

"Yes I do " Zak calls out.

"I wasn't talking to you, nasty" I laugh.

"Damn."  He replies.

"Im hungry ,I'm gonna go get something to eat then" He kisses me and Olivia and runs to the kitchen.

"What are we gonna do with that crazy daddy of your liv?" My baby looks at me with her big beautiful blue eyes. She just drools as she sucks on her pacifier.

"Babe! I'm making a grilled cheese. You and Olivia want one?" Zak pops his head in the bathroom.

"Yes after I shower," I say as I notice Zak looking at me up and down. I grab a hand towel and throw it at his face.

"I can't watch?" He says shrugging his shoulders.

I quickly cover Olivia's ears because I didn't want her repeating what I was about to say.

"Get the fuck out!" I whisper loudly

Zak laughs but reluctantly leaves the bathroom.

I put Liv on the floor of the bathroom on the fluffy carpet while turn on my speaker and connect it to my phone. I go on YouTube and play a Selena Gomez playlist.

Then out of no where I hear the glass from the window shattering. I quickly bend over to pick up Olivia but feel a sharp pain on my head as I fade to blackness...


On my way back to the kitchen I hear Alaya's music turn on in the bathroom.

I go over to the fridge to grab some cheese and then the pantry for bread.


I hear glass shattering and then a thump. I wait for a second panicking but when I hear my babygirl crying I drop everything and sprint to the bathroom.

"Alaya?" I scream when I realize the door was locked.

Olivia's screams just get louder.

"Alaya , what's going on?" I cry out again.

No response.

"I'm coming in" I take a step back and hit the door hard enough the open it.

The first thing I see when I walk in is the shattered window. I turn off the loud music that was deafening me. As I walk towards Olivia's crying voice , I trip over something. When I look down it's Alaya sprawled on the floor and Olivia sitting next to her crying.

"Alaya!" I grab her face and see blood coming down her forehead.

"Oh my god . ALAYA!" A brick with a note on it was laying next to her still body. I grab it quickly to examine it.

*Kisses from your girls- Jen and Em<3

These fucking bitches. What are they? A fucking "We hate Zak" club? Damn, this is what happens when you fuck crazy bitches.

"Zak " Alaya's weak voice calls out.

"Where's Olivia? ZAK! What happened?" Alaya screams out after I don't respond.

"She's fine Alaya. You're not . I'm calling an ambulance." I say as I sit her up a little. She tries to stand but tumbles.

"No Zak I'm fine , my head hurts a little." She grabs her head and winces in pain.

Is this girl crazy? She has to be if she thinks she's not going to the hospital today.

"Baby . You were unconscious and your head is bleeding. We are going to the hospital"

She's agrees knowing that there was no way in hell I wasn't taking her to the hospital.

I grab my phone quickly and dial 911. I also call Ally to see if she can come watch Olivia. She said she was with Travis but at this point I don't care about him, Alaya needs to get checked out. I have to report this to the cops . Jenna and Emily have turned crazy and I won't let them hurt my family again.

As Alaya is getting checked out, my phone starts ringing. I quickly look down and see an unknown number.

I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey Zaky, you are on speaker with me and Emily. How'd you like our little surprise?"

"You fucking crazy bitches! How fucking dare you put the life of my wife and daughter in danger!" I can't control the anger that takes over me.

"Wife ? That whore is not your wife Zak, I'm your wife " Jenna says

I cut her off immediately.

"You're not shit to me Jenna"

Alaya looks over to me and mouths
"What's going on ?" As the doctor bandages her head.

"Don't worry, " I tell her "I love you"
I walk out of her hospital room so I don't worry her.

"You bitches know I'm calling the police right? Your crazy asses are going to jail."

"Oooooh I'm so scared" Emily says sarcastically.

"I wouldn't do that hubby " Jenna adds on.

"And why is that?" I say, tired of their bullshit.
I hear a familiar voice on the phone.




"Say hi to Daddy, Olivia" Jenna says as my daughter cries into the phone.


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