26|the mother

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Lya looks down at the men who commanded the second sons. Daenerys sits in front of them with Lya to her immediate right and Missandei next to her. Grey Worm stands to her left along with Barristan and Jorah.

"Your Grace, allow me to present the captains of the Second Sons. Mero of Braavos, Prendahl na Ghezn, and..." Barristan starts before the youngest of them cuts him off.

"Daario Naharis," The man uses his long hair as a tent, making it seem that he was only talking to the Queen as he sends a wink.

Mero steps forward confidently, a smirk on his face as he holds the hilt of his sword. "You are the Mother of Dragons? I swear I fucked you once in a pleasure house in Lys."

"Mind your tongue." Jorah snaps before Lya can say anything. Mero shrugs and sits on the couch next to Daenerys. The other two men sit nearby.

"Why? I didn't mind hers. She licked my ass like she was born to do it." He says and wiggles his tongue at her suggestively. Lya feels a pang of something and wishes she had the go ahead to cut out his tongue. Daenerys does not respond though, leaving on a blank smile.

"You, slave girl, bring wine." He says, point at Lyanna. She sneers down at him.

"I am not your slave." Lya snaps. The man smirks, admiring her ferocity. Sunfyre appears from nowhere at the stress she felt her mother in. She lands on her shoulder and hisses down at the man. Mero does not react.

"We have no slaves here." Daenerys informs softly.

"You'll all be slaves after the battle unless I save you." Mero corrects and stretches out his legs and pats his lap. "Take your clothes off and come and sit on Mero's lap and I may give you my Second Sons."

"Give me your Second Sons and I may not have you gelded. Ser Barristan, how many men fight for the Second Sons?" Daenerys asks with a hint of a threat in the back of her throat.

"Under 2,000, Your Grace." Barristan informs them.

"And how many do we have, Ser Barristan?" Lya speaks up, letting Sunfyre climb into her crossed arms.

"10,000 Unsullied." Missandei serves wine to Mero who sniffs at her, causing her to jump away. She stumbles as she tries to get away from him but Lyanna catches her arm and sets her right. The man toasts Daenerys and drinks. Missandei serves the other two men carefully.

"I'm only a young girl, new to the ways of war, but perhaps a seasoned captain like yourself can explain to me how you propose to defeat us." Daenerys says innocently. This brings a laugh to the long haired young man.

"I hope the old man is better with a sword than he is with a lie. You have 8,000 Unsullied." Darrio informed casually. He seemed more sure of himself than anyone in the tent but still kept it to himself.

"You're very young to be a captain." Daenerys says as she stares him down.

"He's not a captain." The oldest of the second sons says. "He's a lieutenant."

"Even if your numbers are right, you must admit the odds don't favor your side." The dragon queen shrugs, turning to the flirtatious man.

"The Second Sons have faced worse odds and won." Mero smirks.

"The Second Sons have faced worse odds and run." Jorah bit back.

"Is your death worth the pay?" Lyanna questions softly.

"Or you could fight for me." Daenerys suggests.

"We've taken the slavers' gold. We fight for Yunkai."

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