SPOOK Two - The Shikigami's Revenge

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--> 2nd part

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The Shikigami’s Revenge

“Father, I think these few days I’d been immature…I need to rebuild myself to be a worthy successor in your place…Please allow me to make a quest to be stronger and to established everyone’s respect.” Ryujin determined said.

The emperor who nearly cried but just in time a servant handed him a tissue, so, he immediately wiped the fluid coming out from his lachrymal gland, [It is a humiliating act to see an emperor crying towards his subjects] was happy that his irresponsible heir came into his senses. Uttering those enlightened words made a new hope to the once despair-hearted king. In short, he was allowed.

But Ryujin’s intention was not pure in heart. He waited this, for a long time to get revenge to the man who ignored him before. “Hihihi…finally…REVENGE…hahaha” Ryujin’s idiotic expression followed by an evil laughter and a devilish aura.

Back to the Soul Post-Obitum Keeper Yard Realm also known as Spooky Country headed by the Spooky family in the Seishin World,

(Okay, that’s right…it is a pretty lousy name from the start but I love it!-by the author)

(The branch families had their own country as representation. It wasn’t like a graveyard but rather a civilized and industrialized country with a touch of chivalric structure. Like 14th century castles in the human world but with perfect combination of 20th century buildings with simple town construction- by the author)

Omoikane was as usual slacking around after facing a bitter spirit who wouldn’t want to leave the Earth (Realm for the living) but manage to capture and held it to the Soul Sanctuary or SOSA the fourth branch family, a division in the BADSS head family in which the soul be judge whether to go in the Abyss or in Nirvana. It was only done if the spirit gotten is of no use in the Seishin World. Some spirits where gathered and take the extensive examination to be part of the BADSS family, this also includes assigning spirit resources [similar to the term “human resources” used by the living] in each branch family.

(Pretty complicated, no…me too, wasn’t able to explain that… but probably I can by the near future but not now…let’s just simplify things out…agree…-by the author.)

Uke Mochi, greeted him and gave a sumptuous snack compose of a cake, a sandwich, and lemonade. Mochi was a total trouble that Omoikane could not leave her behind but when it comes to cooking, she's the best.

“Thanks…it’s delicious.” Omoikane commended.

“Oh…” that was only her response at the same time blushing. She got a big crush on him that she ‘d do everything to please him. Actually, ever since the girl arrived at their palace the aura of the place became different.

“Omoikane smiles a little bit more than usual and gotten cuter these days,” as what the Empress Suzaku had express, though, it was a disappointment to the part of Emperor Tenjin that his son acquired a lower than low type of Shikigami but it made their heir a bit more approachable.

(Hmm…things were good in here, so let’s move on…-by the author.)

On the other hand, Ryujin who’s not familiar in the outside world of Seishin got lost. His food got shortened. You can describe him now as a pauper and noone can ever believe that he was the heir to the Shikigami Kingdom.

(What a pity!-by the author)

(Shut up!-by Ryujin).

The worst was the heat gotten hotter and it seems that all water inside his body would zap out. As he nearly fainted, someone rescued him.

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Ryujin woke inside a luxurious room with some pretty glistening decorations. He reminded him of his mother’s room though it’s an eyesore, he admitted that it were so beautiful.

“Are you alright now?” a soft-spoken woman gotten the attention of Ryujin. She was a very attracted lady.

“Where am I?” he mumbled.

“You’re in our palace…feel-free to stay…anyway what’s your name?”

“Isn’t it rude to asked someone’s name without you introducing first?” he smugly utter.

“Oh, my…I’m sorry…” she apologetically said and gesturing as if she offended someone really bad. Now, Ryujin felt that he was acting so rude but cannot tell it back.

(He’s always like that…too egoistic to repent-by the author.)

She continued, “I am Suzaku…”

Ryujin stumbled, “Y-you’re Suzaku, the destructive f-fire phoenix…”

“Yes, noone can remember that now, aside from…” she continued “…are you a shikigami?”

Ryujin did not respond. Yet, the empress, recognized the smell of a shikigami’s blood in Ryujin but never persuaded him to tell the truth. On the other hand, Ryujin was busy thinking of what guise he would use in order not to be known.

“I am Tsukino.” He finally assumed.

“Oh, the great Moon shiki…I’d seen him once before…but you look younger…”

“of course I am…moon represents youth what would you expect me to be an oldie forever?” He said as if being hurt, a tactic he used to stop the empress in asking for more information.

“Alright, then I won’t asked anymore but you must stay here…it would be dangerous on your part to roam in this side of the world without a shinigami…I’ll look one for you…though I hope you came earlier so that I can give you to my son instead…hehehe” the empress said teasingly.

Ryujin blushed but manage to rebut, “Look I don’t need a shinigami because I’m the” he paused realizing that if he struggled, he’ll be found out. So, he planned back in his mind to escape late that night. Anyway, a shikigami, heir to the throne should not raise a pact to anyone or he’ll not be qualified to the position.

“Are you saying, what?” the empress inquired.

“Nonothing…” Then I’ll take my leave now,” said the happy empress.

Early evening, Ryujin was summoned to the banquet chamber and was introduced to everyone especially to the servants. Then, Omoikane who freshly acquired and stored a very stubborn soul in a bottle appeared to the room. Ryujin was introduced by the empress to her son and both were shock. But the worst part was when Omoikane dropped the container because of bafflement, and was cracked. The soul wandered around causing turbulence in the banquet. Irritably, Ryujin used his Zapping Oceanic Blizzard to catch the problem.

“Sheesh…what a dope…releasing such kind of a problem” He murmured.

“Mom…do you know that…he’s the…” Ryujin used a large bread to gag Omoikane and whispered, “at least show a gratitude by keeping things quietly…” he sound threatening but Omoikane butted to himself “look who’s talking…you’re the one who should be grateful…” his ready to punch-in but noticing that everybody was curiously staring at them, he started to pick-up his mind and calmly said,

“He was a friend of mine…a long time ago.” But he was nearly nauseous in saying the word friend. Of course, the emperor and the empress knew already who Ryujin was but pretended not knowing it.

“Okay [clap]…okay [clap]…the shows ended…why not we start digging up the food here.” The empress said clapping as if nothing had happen.

Back to the room of Ryujin, he planned a perfect revenge to Omoikane.

“Just thinking of him…makes every fiber of my being wants to destroy him…” “…and the fate is so good that it directed me to him easily….hehehe” followed by a rough laugh from abyss.

That morning he went outside the palace in the greener part of the garden to smell the scent of his nearing success. Timely, he saw Omoikane walking with Uke Mochi, who’s doing the talking all the time and Omoikane seems unmindful of it.

“This is my chance…” Ryujin told to himself. He hampered their way and asked Mochi to cook something for him grudgingly she comply with Omoikane’s consent. Omoikane, already know the predicament and wouldn’t want the woman to be involved, he then asked, “What do you want…if it’s not necessary quit wasting my time.”

“You can say that again…” Ryujin said then attacked Omoikane. Omoikane was able to dodge it.

“Why keep on evading…Give me your best shot…or do you have any? hehehe” Ryujin mocked.

“Y-you…bastard…” Omoikane was a cool type of person but he loses control when it comes to Ryujin. He made him mad to the point that Omoikane couldn’t think reasonably but to kill his opponent. They exchange punches, deadly blows, and finally both use their elemental power to destroy each other. Their strength was of the same level noone was advancing. The intense of their energy flow out-of-place that one of the energy surge directly to Uke Mochi who was looking for them to give the prepared food.

Omoikane shouted, “GET OUTTA THERE!” But Mochi’s staggering and cannot move her body. This was a crucial decision, if he save Mochi, he will deeply injured but if not she’ll die. He chose the first.

“Ahhh…Omoikane…Omoikane…huhuhu” Uke Mochi weeping and shouting,

“Cough…cough…urg…” Omoikane staggered.

“Whawhat the hell was he doing…saving that worthless shikigami is not worth doing so…” Ryujin murmured spitefully. Then the crowds surrounded them. Ryujin who wouldn’t want to spoil-out his plans decided to heal Omoikane.

“Healing Rivulet…” he followed-up “We were just having a sparring session when this woman came to the scene.” Omoikane did not rebut.

“That guy is horrible…even if he was the future emperor…I will never forgive him in hurting you.” Uke Mochi said while washing Omoikane in the life-size Jacuzzi. He wraps herself to him then asked,

“Master, when will you going to make a pact with me?” “Sorry…I will never do it” he flatly said.

Uke Mochi was sadden by that reality and yet manage to say, “It’s alright as long as you’re by my side…I’m happy.” She then pressed her lips to him. Omoikane never likes that expression of love doing by Mochi but never dislikes the feeling of it.

Meanwhile at Ryujin’s room, he was lying in bed and deeply thinking about the incident earlier. “That guy…for sure was foolish…but I wonder what it fells like when someone tried to protect you…” He pressed his chest and blushed, “As if it would ever happen…to m” He just murmured and fell asleep.

The next day, Ryujin and Omoikane happened to cross path in the south end of the palace. Omoikane by nature became odiously defensive.

“Hey…I won’t bite…besides I turn to like this place and wouldn’t do again a thing that might compromise my safety.” Ryujin said then murmured, “Why am I explaining things out?” Back in reality, Omoikane didn’t mind and left him without saying a word. Ryujin was furious for being ignored he stoned him.

Omoikane summoned a blazing shock in return. “Waa…huff…huff…hot…hot…you idiot I throw a stone a small stone then you strike back by a fiery rock…UNFAIR!” Omoikane the deaf never mind.

“Y-you… I’ll get even with you…You HEAR me…I’ll GET EVEN!” Ryujin shouted at the top of his lungs but gain nothing.

“We had a lively day…aren’t we, dear?” the empress said while massaging the emperor and he was slurping his morning tea at the balcony of the palace.

(What happen to the REVENGE thing of Ryujin? Nothing in progress,…same thing happen every now and then…sheesh…why wouldn’t he give up…well…I don’t know…he’s pretty good in handling mind shielding…when he’s in control of his temper-by the author)

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