For @_Lizzie_Black_
Being thirty and still a rock star was amazing, but it comes to a certain extent where you wanna say, 'hold the fuck on, I should be married with kids' but that's not me. I hadn't found the right one to settle with, and when I thought I did, they were in it for the label and the money. I wanted love, wherever it came from, I wanted that pure affection.
I thought like that, just until I met Lizzie.
Lexie was a short brunette girl, the most beautiful being that had ever caught my eye. Her voice was entirely angelic, and all I can say is that I was lucky. She was the form of love that I needed.
Let's rewind;
It was a chilly night downtown. I had just performed a small gig at a bar down the strip. As polluted the air was in L.A., I walked home, enjoy the little things, right? Anyways, down the strip, behind the stores and shit, there were the allies and the homeless. Me being the saint I was-so I like to think, I went down there.
It's dangerous, I get it, but Motley Crue wrote about switchblade knives for nothing. I grew up around these streets, I knew this place inside and out. I stepped around sleeping bags, tents, trash, and rats. People were either asleep or drinking their lives away. It makes me realize how lucky I got, that could have easily been me.
What caught my eye, was how loud she was crying. She had quite a set of lungs, but no one was comforting her. In fact, no one acknowledged her.
This may have been illegal, but something told me to pick her up and go.
So I did.
She wrapped her arms around me and stopped yelping. I cooed her as I walked with her in my arms. She was dirty, and I couldn't imagine the mess she had been through.
I found my way home and took her straight to the kitchen, she was obviously amazed at the giant room. I mean, so was I. It cost about 500,000 to finish it.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, placing a banana in front of her. She grabs it and rips it apart as if it was her first time ever eating one. I watched her though. Her teeth were dull and there were a few missing. I was unsure to judge her teeth because of her age or the fact she wasn't being fed or cared for. "What's your name?"
She shrugs, and it broke my fucking heart. "How long have you been out there?"
"Where did you come from?"
And that's where it clicked, Mrs.Lin's foster home. Here's a backstory on that home-there isn't. That place threw out kids every day, just because it was a maximum of fifteen kids to a house. So they're thrown out with nothing but the clothes on their back. Damn straight it was illegal, but it was yet to come to bust Lin's Foster Home.
It was too late to call anyone, so my best bet was to keep her overnight and go to the police first thing tomorrow.
But I didn't do that at all, and quite frankly, I adopted her. But I'll elaborate on that later.
One night, I went out for drinks, looking for someone to bring home, you know, the usual. I was unsuccessful, so I went to someone I knew who always accompanied me, Mr.Jack Daniels.
I sat in the bar, and downed it, thinking about my life as usual.
Mick took Liz and I just walked away. She was such a good girl, and she was considered family to the band. What I didn't think about though, was how time-consuming being a father really was. Lizzie was irritating a lot of the time, but she can't help it. I just needed time for myself, and that's what I was doing here, at a bar.
Here's the problem, It was a shitty move and it was a matter of time before the boys come searching for me, lecturing me into being the father Lizzie needed. But hey, I was too fucking drunk to do anything.
"Dude, Lizzie needs you, stop drinking." Someone says behind me. It was Tommy and Vince. Vince takes the bottle and slides the cap back onto it.
"She doesn't need me." I slurred, and chuckle. "She needs to man up." I laugh a little more and turn back around to continue drinking my alcohol.
"Nikki, we're not gonna sit here and watch you forget about your kid, you know you love her and you shouldn't just leave her as they did to her before, it's a too fucked up man," Tommy says, sighing. I groan and shove him off of me. I went outside to smoke a cigarette, ignoring the train of fuckwad's that had followed me out. They stared at me, criticizing the fact that I wasn't with my kid right now.
"Asshole, go home, Lizzie needs you," Vince says, grabbing my arm that I quickly shoved off.
"Fuck you man! I don't have a kid. Take her, she's not mine." I push Tommy and start to walk back inside. I felt Tommy shove me back, which only resulted in violence.
"Don't be a prick." He says. I swing at his blurry sighted face, but obviously miss, as he swings back and hits me directly in my fucking eye. I fall to the ground and wince.
Nothing but the feeling of blacking out fulfilled me, and I felt my body rise.
I woke up, laying on my couch, with Lizzie laying on top of me with a pacifier in her mouth as she watched the t.v. in front of her.
"Daddy." She whispers, and her sparkling eyes expressed her happiness. I couldn't help but grin, she was so damn precious.
I hated myself for thinking I didn't want her. If anything, I needed her.
"Hey, baby girl," I whisper back, and hug her tightly, kissing her forehead. "I love you so much." I hug her tightly, embracing her scent.
This was love.

The Dirt Imagines | mötley crüe
FanfictionNikki Sixx - Douglas Booth Tommy Lee - Machine Gun Kelly Vince Neil - Daniel Webber Mick Mars - Iwan Rheon