Till Tomorrow

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This chapter is dedicated to milla625170. Thank you for all the support:)

Hey everyone thank you for all of the reads and I really appriciate all of it and hopefully all of you are enjoying the story and I love all of you already!!!!:) ENJOYYYYY............

Victoria's Pov:

Waking up this morning I dreaded everything I did, every second, every step, every breath. I knew all that I had to do was drop off a wallet, but I felt that there was going to be so much more to it, and I don't know why or what brought these feelings on, but they just showed up and now I am very eerie about everything.

Right now I am making my way to Mr.James office building that he apparently owns. The office was about twenty blocks by foot which may not seem to be a lot to people who have cars but on foot, it is very long. I kept myself busy though with thoughts on if Mr.James was going to be present when I arrived or if I would be able to give it to someone else.

The crazy thing is, even though I don't want to see Mr.James again, I really want to see Mr.James again. I don't really know if it is because I want to see why he is so cold and guarded or if he can be nice and decent.

After about thirty minutes of walking I came up on a huge beautiful building that stood out from all of the similar ones around it. The building had all glass windows rolling all the way up towards the sun that was bouncing off each window. In the front there were two huge glass doors that were not as tinted as the windows, allowing you to see the lobby of the building.It was simply beautiful.

Pushing open the heavy glass doors, I was greeted with phones ringing and the smell of vanilla, and chocolate chip cookies. It was very odd for a buisness to smell like that if you ask me, but it made me feel relaxed nevertheless.

Walking up to the receptionist desk I was greeted with a not so nice woman with black hair, similar to mine, and brown eyes. I loved brown eyes so it made it hard not to like her.

I smiled and said " Hi I came to dr-"

She cut me off " Yeah I know you are late we needed you here five minutes ago! This is no way to get a new job missy!" She shrieked.

"Oh no- no I'm not here for a job im here fo-"

"Oh my gosh I'm going to get fired because of you! Mr.James is very busy and does not wait for anybody Mrs. Rane." She scolded.

"But I'm not-"

"Uugghhh just go to the elevators and hit the top floor!" She stated frustradedly marching away.

'Um ok' I thought to myself walking toward the elevators.

The elevators were a nice glossy dark brown not to shiny and not to matt, just right. They complimented the tall light brown walls that looked to be about twenty feet high or so, maybe more.There was a man in a black suit standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close silently, so I rushed inside before they did.The man was very attractive and looked to be about mid fourties with a bit of black stubble lining his chin.

"Hi, I'm Victoria" I said awkwardly trying to make conversation.

"Oh uh my apologies I'm Victor" He smiled apologetically.

"Do you work here" He asked

"Oh me? In a place like this? Never." I said feeling insecure all of a sudden.

" Why do you say that?" He asked seriously.

"Oh because I mean I'm not exactly the desirable candidate for a job here." I admitted truthfully.

"You really should think better of yourself. Maybe you are the perfect person to work here and you are to down on yourself to try." He smirked rolling his eyes.

Before I could reply the elevator doors opened on his floor and he nodded in dismissal and walked out. Now I was left alone only to tend to my thoughts. My thoughts about what I will say to him? And why I am kinda excited to see him? What he will say to me? All of these thoughts running through my head, making me nervous and excited. I didn't have time to think to much into it all when the doors opened.

Here goes nothing.........

The hallway that the elevator doors opened up to was all hardwood floor allowing all the sunlight to enter and glisten off of the floor giving the building a warm cozy feel. On either side of the hall their were doors, all of them closed and each one of the painted black, the same as the elevator doors. Phones ringing and people talking, that's all you heard, you could tell just by first glance that this place was very successful.

Mr.James, that was the name that was on the last door to the left. I suddenly got really nervous, unsure if I should turn back now or not. Letting my excitement get the best of me I knocked on the door.

"What!" A deep voice spat, making me jump and a little frightened.

Opening the door, after I gathered myself, I walked in. As soon as I closed the door I was engulfed in the amazing smell of cinnamon and pine with just a touch of mint. Intoxicating. Looking up I saw the back of a chair that was turned to face the window overlooking the rest of the town, but we were more toward the city because I lived a good ways away.

"What do you want! " The same voice ground out.

I decided to ignore him because I didn't like the way I was being talked to.

Spinning his chair around quickly, he stood up and almost yelled "Answer me-" He stopped once he saw me.

" Oh look you couldn't keep away could you?" He asked cockily .

"Actually I just thought you might want to buy me a nice dinner later." I said sarcastically.

"What? " He said confused.

I pulled his wallet out of my bag and waved it slightly. "You left it at the restaurant yesterday" I said.

"Alright bring it here." He said sternly.

"Um yeah no your wallet, your job to get it" I smirked.

"Then why did you bring it to me? " He asked, my smirk falling.

"Uhh -I um I didnt want to see you?" It came out more as a question.But then I realized how stupid that must have sounded because I am seeing him right now.

"Face It sweetheart, you think I'm hot." He stated simply

"What!" I said even though it was true. I mean how could you not brown eyes, light brown hair, strong jaw line and strong and tall.

He started walking over to me and kept eye contact the whole time. Once he was right in front of me he took my chin in between his index finger and thumb and tilted my face up towards him since he towered over my 5'6 frame.

"Deal" He whispered, his warm minty breath fanned across my face.

"Wh-what?" I studdered, trying to figure what it was that I had made a deal to.

"Tomorrow night we will go out and discuss your new job here. Apparently you are my new personal assistant princess." He said

"Till tomorrow kitten." He winked walking back to his desk.

"But wait I-" I was cut off when he sent me a harsh glare.

" Goodbye" I said.

"No, till tomorrow." He said sternly,letting me know there was no room for argument.

"Till tomorrow" I nodded, walking out of his office.

Confused. That is how I walked the twenty blocks back home. Confused as to how I got into a dinner with Mr.James and why he actually wanted to go with me of all people. I mean I was what he said yesterday, a girl with a dead end job and I knew that.

I just continued my way home thinking about how the hell I am going to get through that dinner tomorrow.

Hey guys thank you for all of the support and reads! Thank you all and please comtinue reading, and I know it is crappy but please comment and help me perfect this story. Im just starting so dont be to harsh:) Thank you and I hoped you enjoyed and will continue reading!:)

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