Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm going to try my best to upload more consistently with this one, maybe once a week or once each two weeks. It depends on what I have to do in real life.


It's been one week since my parents and I moved away from Chicago, during the summer vacations, to go to New York in Manathan because I was being bullied at school before and so, my parents wanted me to try to start a new life with new people and new places. My older brother, Teo, since he's twenty-two, he decided to stay in Chicago so that he could live with his girlfriend, Debby Ainslee. Anyway, I'll be going to the, kinda, new high school built to replace Stuyvesant High School that went bankrupt five years ago because of the lack of students over the years. Its name is Meadows High School, even though it was built five years ago, it still looks brand new and a lot of teenagers are going to this school, especially because it's a lot different from the other high schools, and I think there's maybe around three or four thousand people, not sure. But with this many people, I'm sure that there going to be someone who's going to talk to me, who's going to understand me despite my differences and who's going to respect me for who I am, just like a friend would do, but with the way I act sometimes, it's kinda hard no matter how many people there are because I nearly always screw it up. I really hope that everything goes well tomorrow, I really don't want to miss my only chance at having a good life that I'll enjoy living. Putting that aside, my new home is actually way bigger then what I had in mind. The kitchen is a twelve by twelve room, it has a pretty black and white design for the counters and the cabinets doors and it's pretty spacious. If you turn right instead of going straight from the entrance to go to the kitchen, you'll end up in the living room and if you look at it from the living room's principal entrance, there's a sixty-five inch Smart 4K Samsung Tv on the left wall with a modern looking piece of furniture that goes under, over and to the right of the Tv in a chaotic stairs design. There's a bay window on the back wall that gives on the street with a big fluffy gray bean bag right next to it. There are two couches in the middle of the room that kinda forms an L facing the window and there's a marble coffee table with a fluffy black carpet on the ground. There's also more furniture that isn't that important. The dining room is just a normal modern dining room and it has an entrance to the living room too. In the living room, there's a corridor to the left of the Tv, that leads to the bathroom, it's at the end of the corridor, my parents' room is on the left and my room on the right. The bathroom is, also, a modern designed bathroom, it as a triangular shaped bath in a corner and a glass shower enclosure in the corner next to the bath. I don't know what my parent's room looks like, I still haven't seen it. Finally, my room, my walls are light purple except for one that's white, I'm going to paint something on it when I'll have the time, my double bed as five drawers underneath, they're used for clothing and the bed is to the right of the window with a little black night table next to it, on the opposite side of the window there's my drawing desk and my white wall. I have a...

I stop and stare at my sheet, lost in my thoughts, I then start to understand my big mistake, I described my home when all I needed to do was explain my situation and I would have been done. I make a long sigh, get up from my desk chair to go take my schoolbag and prepare it for the first day of school. I look at the time, it's six past eight, I pick up my phone and take a look at the subway schedules. "What time does school starts again?" I thought to myself. I look at my schedule inside my agenda, I start at nine o'clock. "Okay, so... if I leave at twenty, I'll arrive at school and have around twenty minutes left until classes start... Enough time for me to visit real quick." I put back my agenda in my bag and close it. I verify one last time that I have everything, everything seems there, so I put on my super comfy black and red Puma hoodie, go to the bathroom brush my teeth and to verify if I was okay. Then, I put on my backpack, my parents aren't here in the morning, so I turn all the lights off, leave the apartment and lock the door behind me.

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I arrived at school at forty-three past eight with all the other teens that were also in the subway, when I entered I went to my locker, I made only two attempts to open it, put my stuff in it, closed it and started to look around to analyze the school properly and see where my classes are. After maybe ten minutes, I decided to go take my stuff and headed towards my class, so that I wouldn't go into the wrong class. The bell rang maybe two minutes after I arrived at my class and there were already some people there too. The first period was history class and it was really boring, we just made a quick presentation about ourselves to the class and then, we did some boring team activities, we were all in a team of four, so I didn't speak all that much, I tried to stop myself, but sometimes I just couldn't. The second period was English, it was a lot better than history since Miss Chapman was a lot more fun than Miss Grant and also because it was interesting, but the students in English class were really annoying compared to the students in my history class. After that, it was already lunchtime, I spent it eating and drawing with my music since I was alone. The third period was mathematics, Mister Holden was really serious about wanting to make some kind of connection between us and him, and since I love math, it wasn't boring at all, also because we had already started to do some revision exercises and I really enjoyed the way he talked to us. Finally, the last period was music, there wasn't really anything special about it though. The first day of school was over and nothing bad had happened, I was reassured because I was anxious during the whole time I was at school, especially during lunch break.


Today I start in science, the first bell rings and the door opens. The teacher is at the door and she keeps repeating "Welcome to my class! Your places are already assigned, just look at the pieces of paper!" every time a students passes the door, or almost. I take a look at the class, it's big and spacious, there are three rows of aligned tables for two people each. I look for my name and find it at the last table of the third row to the right, in other words, at the back next to the wall. I take a quick look at the name of the person who is going to sit next to me, "Max Irwin, probably a guy," I thought to myself. I wait for about three minutes, my head in the palm of my hand and music in my ears until someone arrives and sits next to me. I take off my left earphone and look at him, short shaggy blond hair and he seemed pretty tall when I saw him from the corner of my eye just now, he's also wearing a white and red vest, and blue jeans. He turns around to look at me and salutes me with his hand. That surprises me and gets me a little anxious. "Oh... hey..." I said a little anxious, turning my eyes away from his. The second bell rings so I take out my other earphone and stop my music. The teacher goes up to the front of the class and presents herself "Hello everyone! I hope you had a good night sleep because today is probably going to be tiring for all of you. Oh, and by the way, my name is Sara Brooks, you can call me Miss Brooks or Miss or just whatever you want actually!" She goes to the blackboard and writes down her name. "Today, all of you are going to learn to know your table partner because you won't change places until the end of the year and because we will do a lot of teamwork!" The class immediately burst into confusion and what seems to be anger, as people keep saying stuff that I can't hear because of all the sound. It doesn't really bother me, nor does it seem to bother Max too. "With that, I'm going to let you be free to do nearly whatever you want for the rest of the period, but you must stay at your places and if I see one of you get up from his place to go see someone else, I'll take away your privilege for the activities during lunch break!" She said with confidence. The class then begins to talk even louder, but no one got up from their place. I then realize what I need to do and I slowly begin to get anxious. I take out my sketchbook, a drawing pencil and continue my drawing that I had started yesterday. I can see Max from the corner of my eye watching me draw.

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