"JoJo..." Stroheim said as he stared at the youngest Joestar. "I've heard so much about you. Listen, and listen good! Sanviento here, the so-called Pillar Man, uses a mask to turn man into vampires. He does this to make them stronger and then he devours them! Destroy him! Take him out while there's still time!" Stroheim shouts at them, feeling slightly panicked over the whole situation. Lily shoves him back and says, while still glaring at the Pillar Man, "Just stay out of the way, and let us handle things." When Lily slams her fist into her hand, Hamon sparks flew out. She'd been itching for a real fight all day.
Joseph slid off the coat and walked towards Sanviento, reaching out towards him. "Don't do it, JoJo! He's dangerous!" Speedwagon shouted. Joseph kept advancing towards the Pillar Man. Slowing reaching out to touch him. Lily got into position with her fist readied. Joseph reached out...and tap Sanviento on the nose. "You're it!" Joseph said happily as he jumped back laughing a bit. ....What? Sanviento just stared as the young Joestar as he continued on with...whatever he was doing. "Oh, I get it. You're one of those strong, silent types, right? Ever thought about modelling, you've got a nice look there. Come on, let's see what you got, give me a smile!"
Lily groaned in annoyance as she facepalm. Of course.... By this point, she isn't even surprised anymore. If this was the same man who would willing dress like a woman, then she should expect even more stupidity out of him. Meanwhile, Stroheim and Speedwagon were staring at the scene in utter shock and bewilderment. What this really happening right now? "I know you can do it. Show me some vulnerability. Work with me here, make some love to the camera! Ready, set, give me happy! Now be silly! Show us those pearly whites." Joseph tells Sanviento. "Come on, big guy. Smile at the birdie."
"JoJo! Stop this nonsense immediately!" Stroheim yells out. "Don't provoke him! Please JoJo, Sanviento is dangerous!" Speedwagon warns him once again. But Joseph didn't seemed to bothered by their yells and kept on smiling at Sanviento. "Yeah, I know you think he's dangerous, but I have a theory that maybe he's not so bad. Let me test something out here. I don't want to assume he's evil just because he killed a bunch of brainless-."
"What are you, insane!?! If he's evil then why did he kill all my men!?" Stroheim shouted at him as he pointed to the bodies of German soldiers and scientists that littered the floor. Lily could tell that he was getting frustrated with Joseph's ways of thinking. And as much as she knew the feeling, she decided that she had seen enough of his antics to know that his ways of thinking could wrong or right. There's no grey area with him. And while she can think him saying Sanviento's wasn't evil was cute, she firmly believes that only a good Pillar Man is a dead one. Joseph stomped his way towards Stroheim and got up in his face, pointing his finger at him.
"Don't know, some would say you're responsible for what's happened! Weren't you the one experimenting on him and trying to blast him away in the first place?" Joseph shouts as he stuffed his fingers up Stroheim's nose. Lily scratched her head and said, "He's got a point on that part." Guess anyone would get pissed off if they were experimented on. "Not that I really care about that." He said. "The only reason I'm here is to make sure that Speedwagon makes it back to New York safe and sound. Anyway," Joseph let go of Stroheim and turned his attention back to Sanviento. "I'm not here to fight. And I'm feeling generous. Come on, loosen up big guy. How about that smile?" Joseph said but Sanviento only walked right past him without acknowledging him whatsoever.
It appeared that he may have listen to a word he said this entire time and Joseph got a little annoyed by that. "That was rude, he just walked through me like I wasn't even there. Who the hell does this guy think he is?" Joseph asked. 'Maybe I should teach him a quick lesson.' He thought with a grin. 'Have a nice trip!' Joseph turned his body around tried to trip Sanviento, but when leg contact with his ankle, it created a bad reaction as energy tore through Joseph's boot and Sanviento merely twisted his ankle around Joseph's leg and kept on walking.
Joseph let out a groan of pain as he fell to the floor. His leg twitching from where he made contact. "Joestar! Are you alright?" Lily asked as she kneeled beside him. "Wh...what the hell was that? That was the weirdest feeling and it hurt!" Joseph said. Lily checked over his leg and gave it a couple of squeezes. "You're okay...I don't think you took any damage from that thanks to your Hamon. But still..." Lily tells him as she turns to look at the resurrected Pillar Man.
Sanviento walks over to one of the soldiers' corpse and picked up his machine gun. He held it up and began to analyse it intently. "What is this? This...tool? Cold and long with many different pieces." Sanviento asked, particularly to no one. Speedwagon's eyes widened in fear as he said, "He does understand, he's not simply mimicking!! It took him practically no time at all to completely master our language!!" As if to further prove his advanced intelligence over humans, Sanviento took the gun and dismantle it almost instantly, a feat which would have taken several hours for a trained soldier to learn. He was using his advanced intelligence to learn everything around him. Two huge spotlights shined upon him and Sanviento raised his arms to shield away the harsh lights. "So bright. This light is new to me. What is it?" He said.
As Lily helped Joseph up, Speedwagon began to shout out, "Don't you see?! We weren't the ones observing all this time!! He was the watching us!!" As Sanviento was staring at the spotlights, Joseph came up and bang a helmet at the back of his head. "Hey big guy, you wanna learn a new joke? Just stop me if you heard this one before. Knock, knock. Knock, knock!" Joseph said as he kept tapping the helmet against Sanviento's head.
Lily crossed her arms and said to Joseph, "Maybe he isn't in the mood for jokes." Joseph then reached for Sanviento's earlobe and began to pinch and tug at it. "How hard is it to get someone to smile?" Joseph asked her. Lily shrugged in response as Speedwagon yelled out, "JoJo, get away!!" Something began moving inside Sanviento's body as he tells Joseph, "You are playing games, primitive. I do not...want to play games." He may have said in a calm manner, the anger rising in his tone was noticeable. Suddenly, Sanviento's ribs came out of his body, grew in size and spun around and moved to Joseph and Lily's direction. "What the-?!" "Your Hamon, quickly!" The ribs nearly killed them, but the two teenagers managed to blocked the attack with their Hamon, creating a makeshift barrier.
This one of Sanviento's abilities. Ribs Blades, sometimes known as Fighting Ribs. They're capable of being manipulated in any direction. Having a maximum length of 132 cm and a maximum pressure of 825 kg/cm², Sanviento can use them to either crush or impale his opponents. "JOJO!! LILY!!" Speedwagon called out. The two Hamon users put all their strengths into the defensive, but when fighting off from the Ribs Blades, it causes a small explosion that resulted in the Hamon users to be launched into the air and slammed against the metal ceiling. Causing the two to scream out and coughed up blood. Sanviento's eyes widened when he realised that he didn't adsorb either of them.
As Joseph and Lily landed back on the ground with a very harsh thud, Sanviento begins to talk to himself. "Sparks...energy. These humans are...different from the others. I was not able to adsorb their bodies into mine. They just...flew away. And somehow his leg...it remains. It still seems fine. These two are something...new. I have yet to see...such humans. Are they a unique specimen? Or do all humans of this particular class possess the same properties?"
Speedwagon's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach as Sanviento began walking towards him. "Could it be related to age?" Sanviento pressed his fingers against Speedwagon's skull and they were able to sink into his flesh as normal. So why couldn't he do so for the other two? Speedwagon screams from the pain Sanviento was inflicting upon him, but the Pillar Man paid no heed to his cries. "Ah... Now, I see. My instinct was right. Those humans are unique." Sanviento says.