10 - Seokmin

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Seokmin slowly stretches out as he wakes up. The room is large but it is entirely lit so he knows it must be morning or somewhere close to midday. Once his long legs are pushed outwards to stretch his legs he feels himself accidentally kick something off the bed. He sits straight up in bed and stands up. He looks down at the floor and sees that he had been left more clothes by Jihoon on the end of his bed: which is what he managed to kick onto the floor. It is more black jeans but a pastel blue T-shirt. It is a larger size again and he assumes it is more of Jihoon's clothes based on the strong scent that lingers on the fabric. He pulls them on and enjoys how soft and comfy they are. He glances into the mirror on the back of his door and noticed his hair is sticking up everywhere. He has not felt comfortable enough to ask Jihoon if he can use his shower yet so he just runs his hands through it to flatten it down a bit before leaving his room.

He walks down the hallways until he reaches Jihoon's room. He knocks lightly on the door, he wants to thank him for the clothes and ask permission to eat. There is no answer so he cautiously opens the door. It is a bit of a shock looking at the much darker decor in comparison to his softer blue room. But there is still no Jihoon so he heads back out and closes the door before going downstairs.

He glances in each of the rooms trying to find Jihoon. He eventually finds him sitting in the kitchen reading a book. He looks up when Seokmin walks in and nods slightly before pushing some cereal across the table. Seokmin smiles a little to himself that the Alpha thought of him and wanted to make him breakfast. He is glad that Jihoon is so kind, it almost makes him happy. He starts eating it and is glad that his hunger has been satisfied. He glances at the box of cereal that is still on the kitchen table and remembers it to ensure he can eat it again.

"Do you like tea or coffee?" Jihoon asks getting up to grab some mugs and make both drinks. Seokmin thinks for a moment back to before he went in the centre when he may have had those drinks. The memories are fuzzy and Seokmin can not make sense of any of it.

"I can't remember," he shrugs. Jihoon seems unbothered and just continues to make both of them. He puts both mugs in front of Seokmin with a warning to leave them for a while so that he won't burn his tongue. He takes a sip of the tea and kind of likes it but finds he coffee far too bitter. So Jihoon drinks the rest of the coffee and Seokmin enjoys his tea.

Seokmin watches as Jihoon finishes the coffee quickly, his mind clearly elsewhere, as he slowly nurses his still hot tea.

"Come to the studio when you're done," Jihoon suggests and waits for Seokmin to nod before putting his mug in the sink and leaving the room with a glance back at the Omega.

Seokmin takes a little over a minute to finish his tea, he really likes it as it warms his frail body. He is normally cold all the time so he is glad to have something that seems to warm him from the inside out. Once he drinks the last bit, he gets up and follows what Jihoon did earlier and puts his mug in the sink.

He leaves and heads towards the studio. He is unsurprised to see Jihoon at the computer working but is shocked to see how stressed the man looks. As Jihoon is often a man of calm and collected nature, it is strange to see him so obviously bothered. It is the most emotion he has seen out of his Alpha so far and it is a little uncomfortable for Seokmin to see him like this.

Getting a little closer, Seokmin can see that the song he heard yesterday is in lyric form on the desktop.

"Are you okay?" Seokmin ventures cautiously. Jihoon looks over his shoulder suddenly, he had clearly been so wrapped up in his work that he had not heard his Omega come in. He smiles slightly and his worried frown from before straightens out.

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"Yeah," he explains "I'm just stuck on some lyrics. I've just got a bit of writer's block."

"Maybe I can help?" Seokmin suggest tentatively. Jihoon looks at him for a long time; his head tipped slightly to the side. Seokmin thinks it makes him look like a puppy as his bangs flop into his eyes. Jihoon smiles a little and nods. He rummages around in the drawers in the desk. He produces a small notebook and then starts shuffling though stuff around the computer. He finds a ballpoint pen and hands both of the items over to the Omega. He takes them and their fingers touch just ever so slightly. It makes Seokmin gasp, partly because Jihoon's hands are so cold in contrast to Seokmin's warm ones but also because it is the first time that they have touched. It feels strange to have someone touch him and for it to be gentle or not followed by a hit from one of the handlers from the centre. It is a nice change and one that Seokmin hopes he can get used to. He knows Jihoon is a reserved man but he will have to touch him at some point; even accidentally like just then.

Jihoon turns back to the computer and Seokmin sits down behind him on the sofa. He looks over his Alpha's shoulder for a moment to remind himself of the lyrics so far. It is a love song and that is not something that Seokmin has ever felt before so he is not sure where to start. He thinks of some positive memories, mainly of his friends from the centre. He would think of the time before the centre but he can barely remember it now. He also does not like his parents that much, no matter how good his childhood was at first, because they were the ones that let him get taken away in the first place. So it is his friends that come to mind when he starts writing down lyrics of his own in the notebook.

It's still a boring morning
(Far away so far away far away so far away)
The distance between me and you has no progress
So far away (far away so far away)

It feels a little romantic, as that seemed to be the feeling that Jihoon was going for, despite the feelings he had for his fellow Omegas being explicitly platonic. They knew they would be paired off to an Alpha due to their genetic makeup, not for breeding purposes as most male Omegas were paired up with male Alphas due to the lack of female Alphas. There was no room for love among Omegas and Seokmin had never felt anything more than a brotherhood blossom among his friends from the centre. His only chance of a relationship was always destined to be with his Alpha. Even then, he had been taught that he was nothing more than an accessory for his Alpha and was to be used for his pleasure. Though he found it hard to imagine Jihoon would be like that. Besides that, Seokmin turned his platonic feelings of love for his Omega friends into lyrics that could be interpreted as romantic love for Jihoon's song, that way he would get some real emotion into it without making up stuff that he had never felt before: romantic love.

Jihoon and Seokmin are interrupted by Jihoon's phone ringing. It buzzed loudly on the table with a generic ring accompanying it. Jihoon picks it up and looks at the name, just out of sight of Seokmin, before looking at his Omega awkwardly.

"Ah, do you mind if I get this?" Seokmin is shocked that he asked for his permission and just shakes his head instinctively, signalling that he did not mind the intrusion, and Jihoon picks up the phone fully and answers it "Hi Jun-"

He stands up as he talks and nods once at Seokmin before exiting the studio and closing the door behind him. His voice is cut off, due to the obvious sound proofing of the studio, and Seokmin can not hear any more of their conversation. He turns back to his notebook and continues writing lyrics whilst Jihoon is gone. The lyrics come even easier now as he is used to letting the feelings come to him and he smiles as he thinks of the friends he misses. He thinks of how much they have gone through together, from small children; taken away to be tortured; to adults; with firm friends for life (though it was unlikely they would ever see each other again). They had grown so much and Seokmin was proud of their survival, even if their horrible life was not supposed to end after the centre. He put all those feelings into the few short lines he wrote next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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