Alpha dog - part 5

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<p>998 words</p>


<p>Pete spent most of the next day sorting out artists and bands he wanted to transfer over to urielectric, while also doing separate paperwork for the ones brendon sent over and putting a pink sticker on the files to show that they are from brendon.</p>

<p>He was in his office until 14:38 and patrick had no idea what to do. He lounged around and watched a few films but eventually got bored he even played a small fashion show with his new clothes as he waited for pete to finish his work.</p>

<p>Patrick was going to be a patient omega and wait for pete rather than demand for attention. He wasn't the type who needs an alphas attention on him 24/7, it just wasn't him. And also because he wanted to impress pete into thinking he will not be an annoying omega that's not worth the hassle while he tries to work a record label from home.</p>

<p>The omega gave up trying to entertain himself and fell onto the settee face first and let out a loud huff.<br />
His head immediately shooting up when he heard the front door open.</p>

<p>More people live here? He thought. He had only ever seen pete and a house maid wonder around the house since he had been here as the alpha hadn't mentioned more people living here.</p>

<p>The curious omega decided to go find out who was there and confront them. He had only made it so far in the hallway before shrieking loudly by another alpha he did not know if placing a hand on his shoulder. Instincts kicked in and patrick pushed himself into a corner trying to make himself small.</p>

<p>"Look what you've done now" one of them scolded the alpha, this confused patrick more because alphas are usually respected more and this person did not give off the alpha pheromones.</p>

<p>"I didn't mean to scare him" the alpha spoke,</p>

<p>"Well you did andy and now pete will kill us" so the alpha was called andy and they knew pete. So they were good then. Right?</p>

<p>Talking about pete who had panic rise in his chest when he heard patrick let out a noise of distress immediately rushed out of his office to find the omega. He feared the worst until he got to the hall and was greeted by a sight.</p>

<p>His two best friends (who were mated to eachother) Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman, were trying to comfort a scared patrick out from a corner that e had managed to squeeze himself into. Pete smiled at Patricks adorableness then set a hard state on his friends and let out a loud cough.</p>

<p>They both jumped and turned around to reveal the dominant. Both their faces white and scared.</p>

<p>"What are you doing to my omega?" He asked,</p>

<p>"We didn't mean... I mean andy went to say hello.... And he screamed... And ... Sorry" joe stuttered while andy just kept silent.</p>

<p>Pete moved his head to look at patrick who's eyes were wide and scared. He looked terrified and god knows how he got into that tight space.</p>

<p>The omega locked eyes with the alpha and calmed slightly. Pete opened his arms a little indicating for him to walk to him and both andy and joe had never seen an omega run into the arms of pete wentz as fast as patrick had.</p>

<p>Pete wrapped arms around patrick and both joe and andy's faces were of pure awe at the sight. Because pete wentz a notified bachelor had finally settled down and had an omega. Well, when they mate he would have a omega because they did not see a mark on his omega gland. But petes scent was all over patrick as well as Patricks scent being on pete.</p>

<p>Pete whispered something into Patricks ear and the omega hesitantly turned around to greet the two strangers he had never met.<br />
They were both the same height-ish but one had an amazing Afro and blue eyes while the other had shorter hair and a ginger Beard and hazel eyes.</p>

<p>"I'm patrick" he said in a small voice,</p>

<p>"I'm joe" Afro spoke, patrick knew straight away he was also an omega, but he had that beta feel about him and could possibly pass as a sub-alpha.</p>

<p>"Andy" hazel eyes spoke. Patrick knew he was the alpha, he sent off those dom vibes. Not as much as pete but he had dom vibes.</p>

<p>Pete wrapped arms around the omega and patrick instantly relaxed in his arms. He knew they would ask questions later on but for now he would enjoy patrick in his arms.</p>

<p>And he was right cause as soon as patrick went to bed and gave pete a lovely kiss on the lips they were both hounding him with questions. Pete ended up telling him the story and they both bad mouthed brendon and threatened him but oh well. What's done is done and pete seems as happy as patrick with the arrangement.</p>

<p>They both left after a while but not before threatening pete not to harm the omega even if they haver known him very long because he's an innocent small little bundle of sunshine who don't know about the omegas masochism or of petes sadism.</p>

<p>Pete agreed because well he doesn't want to hurt patrick. Unless it's voluntary. He feels like he needs to protect him from the world and keep him wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and keep him away from the evils. Including the alpha.</p>

<p>Pete got into bed that night cuddling the omega close to his chest and loving how patrick snuggled into his chest. He also thought of many surprises for the omega tomorrow for his seventeenth birthday. They he felt like a pervert because of age gaps. Then went to sleep with the calming strawberry mixed with petes musk scent that clung to patrick.</p>

<p>To say pete was in love with the scent was an understatement.</p>

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