Over Again (37)

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Y/n P.O.V

Lunch with Jin was great, we talked about many things. I never knew Jin was actually very low on selfesteam.

His mother was miss Korea at one point and his father owned a big company, that put a lot of pressure on him to be the best.

I was picked up by JiYu a few minutes after our long conversations.

We went home and I had just remembered about Namjoon.

"JiYu?" I called to her.

She stopped using the blender and looked at me.

"I totally forgot about this but.... Can I go back to my friends house?" I said while smiling.

"You tell me now!" She sighed.

"Sorry I forgot about it and I really want to see him again." I said.

She nodded and unplugged the blender.

"Alright I'll take you and pick you up later." She explained.

I looked around and but my lip.

She noticed me and asked what was the matter.

"Well... Can I stay for the night?" I muttered.

Her eyes widened, "The night.. With a boy? You trust him that much. What if he tries to do things you're not willing to do?" She asked me.

"Then I'll know then and there that he doesn't care about me as much as I thought he did." I said, staring into her eyes with a straight face.

She swallowed her drink and set the cup down on the table.

"Does he know about your father?" she asked

I nodded.

"Your mother?"

I nodded again.

"Does he know about your fears."
"He knows the things I have told him..yes.. He knows I can't trust as easily as others.. But he knows that I trust him." I told her.

She nodded and picked up her keys, "Get some clothes." She said.

I smiled and ran to get my things.

We drove for like an hour because JiYu kept stopping for gas and food, I don't think I can look at another burger the same way I used to.

We finally made it to Namjoons house and rung the gates doorbell.

They opened and she drove in.

"You sure you wanna be here?" She sighed.

I nodded.

"A-alright.. I guess. Go." She gestured for me to get out.

I hugged her and thanked her.

When I got out Namjoons mother opened out.

"You're back!!!!!" Her jaw dropped.

I made jazz hands and said, "I'm back!!"

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"My son hasn't left his room since you left. You have some type of effect on him." She whispered in my ear.

"Oh.. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I'll figure it out." I explained to her.

She shook her head, "Atleast he isn't doing anything bad on the streets." She smiled.

I nodded and stepped in, "You can go straight to his room if you'd like." She told me.

I walked down to his door and knocked.

I heard him get up from his bed and him walking towards the door.

He opened it and a smile formed on his face, "you're back." He softly said.

I blushed a little as I nodded.

"I'm staying over." I told him.

His eyebrows lifted and he looked into my eyes.

I grabbed his hand and giggled.

"Come in." He said.

I set my stuff on the side of his bed and sat down.

"Did you get to finish the homework?" I asked.

He nodded, "want me to help you?" He looked down at me and asked.

I slightly smirked and stood up, "Will you?" I asked.

"Yeah." He turned around and sat at his desk.


I went with it and we studied for a long time, half of the time I was just staring at his side profile.
I noticed how different I was, I wasn't as protective as I was when I first met him.
I've become a different person but I don't think it was my choice, the boys have helped me a lot. There are a lot of things that might have been unasked for but I don't regret any of it. I've become so much more confident in my own skin, I actually feel free.

I touched Namjoon's shoulder, "I'm getting a bit tired." I told him.

"Are you going to wash up?" He asked me.

I told him that I would and to give me just a few minutes to get clean.

I didn't want to push anything so I just wore fizzy pants with a oversized shirt.

I tied up my hair and walked out of the bathroom with my stuff.

I walked into the room and Namjoon had just put his pants on.

I stepped back, "Oh, I'm sorry I should've knocked first." I apologized.

He chuckled, "Don't be sorry. Come on let's sleep." He waved over to the bed.

I walked over and again sat my things down and then sat myself down on his bed.

He turned off his light and laid down.

I laid my head down on his arm that was under my neck, "Hey y/n." He said.

I hummed as a response.

"You're different. I don't know if I like it or not." He said.

I turned to him, "Can you just accept me for the person I am and the person I am becoming??" I asked him.

He also turned to me, our noses touched. "Of course I can, just be careful on how much you open up to others." He smiled.

His dimple showed and I couldn't help but smile along.

I wrapped my arms around him and he covered me with his blanket.

He kissed my cheek, "I remember the first time you stayed here. I was a d*ck." He said, "I tried forcing you to open up without knowing your situation. " He continued.

"Well, I was hurt. I couldn't trust anyone because I wasn't being treated nicely. I learned a lot from the guys and you. I found a long lost friend of my mothers who is willing to be my guardian,  I feel... Really blessed." I went on.

He patted my head, I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Namjoon."


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