...Baby Is Sad and Scared

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After Kun left, watching as the honey brown haired male stepped into the elevator and it shuts, he closed the door and turned around to see Taeil in the same position. This was over three hours ago and Taeil was still by the door.

The only difference with Taeil now is that the cat was now out of the bag and in his arms as he sat by the door.

Johnny wanted to give some time to Taeil being that he looked sad, so he left him at the door and was in his offices working on a project. The little fellow looked kind of scared of him as well so he thought maybe a little time alone would do.

He could be wrong, of course, because no progress was made and all Taeil did was stare at the door; the fluffy white cat sleeping on Taeil's lap. To think he'd at least sit in the sofa or check out his new room. Well, it was bland so Johnny couldn't blame him.

Johnny was standing behind him, now in a long robe with his pyjamas on, hair unkept and his glasses on. He didn't know exactly what to do and he wasn't exactly known as a people person. People person or not, it was almost noon and Taeil needed to eat so he needed to suck up his bullshit and get to work.

"Um, Taeil?" Johnny cautiously called, hand now scratching his head awkwardly. Taeil didn't answer but he did flinch at the sound of his name being called by the taller male. Well, at least Johnny got a reaction.

Sighing, Johnny walked to stand before Taeil as he knelt down to the floor to be at his height. Taeil finally looked away from the door and now at the cat as he pet him nervously. Johnny could tell he wasn't too fond of him.

"Taeil, is there something you'd like to eat?" He asks softly, well, as softly as he could.

No answer.

The small male just stared pointed at the white cat that, now he got a good look, had a brown patch at its eye. By the looks of it, It doesn't look like Taeil's gonna talk to him willingly. He'll probably have to manipulate him into talking.

"You know, I feel sad." The tall male states, pouting his lips a bit as he rest his chin on his knees and made circles with his finger on the ground.

Taeil paused a bit in petting the cat, look up through his eyelashes at Johnny then bit his lips and looked back at the cat.

Johnny sighed dramatically, earning Taeil's attention again, diverting it to Johnny. It kind of scared him more because, was something wrong with Mr. Seo?

Johnny sighed again, hugging his legs just staring at the floor. In the email Kun sent, he stated that Taeil had a natural sense of protecting and caring. It didn't matter who just as long as they didn't cause harm to him or someone he cares for, he'll aid them. And Kun wasn't wrong.

"I-is Mr. Seo okay?" He heard his little voice ask. When he looked up, Taeil was looking at him with almost noticeable swollen eyes, his chubby cheeks a light shade of pink.

Kun was right and Johnny realized that he'll need to keep a closer eye on Taeil if he responds so easily to anyone in distress; even fake distress.

Johnny wasn't sure he was right but, he's guessing Taeil hasn't accepted the reality of him living with an actual stranger yet and was waiting for Kun's return. He kind of felt bad for him. Note, kind of.

"No, I'm sad." Johnny fake sobs, avoiding Taeil's shy gaze purposely, laughing on the inside. It hasn't been a day yet and Johnny had to admit that Taeil is adorable.

"Why s-sad, Mr. Seo?" Taeil asks softly, slightly over a whisper and a bit hesitant but it seems like the sheer will power to aid Johnny was pushing him.

Johnny deepened his pout and wiped a fake tear from his eye as he keep his gaze low, answering, "cause' Taeil wasn't talking to me."

Taeil gasped softly and whispers out in panic, "T-t-taeil did not m-mean to, i-is just.. h-hyung.." he explained, his face making a sad expression as if he was on the verge to cry again, which he was. "I-T-taeil very sorry."

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