Chapter 1

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    His dark eyes scanned the crowd nervously, as if he knew someone was around to kill him. He tugged nonchalantly at the collar of his suit and, even from the distance, I could tell he was sweating. His words were short and clipped. He wanted out of the place as soon as possible.
    When the businessman moved to say his final goodbyes, I took the last of my mixed whiskey and chugged it like a shot. I rose to my steady legs, despite annoying heels on my feet, and swept across the room. My fingers flipped my golden brunette hair to fan out around my shoulders, a piece twirling between two of them. I plastered an even smile to the man as I arrived in front of him and his entourage of clumsy bodyguards.
    Really, I thought it would be smarter to have better men hired. They lacked height and strength, never mind the brains to confidently protect the important man in the middle, and often were distracted over simple things. It would be easy to manipulate or kill them if things came to it.
    "Hello sir," my voice was higher than usual, a part of the image I was attempting to portray. "Are you retiring for the evening?"
    "Indeed," his voice was accented Russian, the typical nasally tone. "Is there something to help you with?"
    "Oh I can think of many things you could help me with," I casually, purposely twirled a lock of hair in my fingers again. "I'm sure I could help you." I moved closer to him, trailing my hand along his shoulder. "After all, this night had to be so stressful for you, hm?"
    It was pathetically easy to see the target bend to my words, his face growing warm and ears pink. I slipped him a seductive smile, letting my hand remove itself from his shoulder. The man faced his bodyguards with a weak confidence, straightening his tie, and spoke in Russian.
    "I have no need for you the rest of the night. This woman will be with me instead."
    Stupid. So incredibly stupid.
    I clutched onto his arm as he led the two of us away, towards a less public area of the huge, elegant building. He was growing nervous, but this time it wasn't for fear of being assassinated. Instead, it was of sharing a bed with a woman much higher on the ranking of attraction.
    As he opened the door to his reserved suite, I bounced inside. My fingers itched to reach between my thighs and grab the knife strapped there—I wanted to get this mission over with already—but I kept my patience.
    The man faced me, a cheesy grin making a double chin appear on the lower part of his jaw. I let him approach me, let him smash his slightly drunken mouth to mine. I could taste the disgusting flavor of the beers he'd had and it rather disappointed my tongue which had been coated in warm whiskey minutes beforehand.
    "Tonight, I will make sure you scream my name," he tried to act manly, seductive even.
    I suddenly had my knife to his jugular, my left hand to his mouth. My stronger form easily had him shoved up against the nearest wall in seconds, slamming his fluffy body into it. I glared into his wide eyes, almost enjoying the pulse of his heart against the blade.
    "I was going to give you a chance," I whispered, pressing closer to him, "but you've given me all I've needed."
    With those words, I cut the throat of the target. He gurgled in his own blood as he collapsed to the floor. As his hands attempted to catch the pouring blood, I reached down and pickpocketed the mini hard drive from his chest pocket. My knife swept back forth on his expensive suit, cleaning it swiftly, and then I stood straight.
    I exited the room completely poised. I tucked the drive into my bra and hid the knife once more, fixing the hem of my short emerald dress that revealed too much to my liking. At least a dozen guards barely spared me a glance as they moved about the same hallway, their minds focused on potentially speaking to their puny commander. I had but five minutes before they found out.
    My legs gracefully stepped down the staircase leading out to the main floor and the grand entry. I glanced to where a particular man in a suit stood eyeing a figurine. To any normal guest, the man was meant to be present, but I knew his true motives.
    I paused at the end of the stairs, giving him just long enough to notice me and meander over. His arm popped out, green eyes focused straight ahead. I gave a polite nod to the doorman, the bald elder bowing deeply to our exit.
    "Did you do it?"
    "I wouldn't be here if I hadn't," I responded swiftly as we got into an awaiting vehicle. "Nice of you to show up."
    "I take my time," the driver smirked, her face hidden in the dark light of outside. "Are you leaving?"
    "Yes, take us to our exfil,"
    "Did you get the hard drive?"
    "I'm happy we've made this deal," the escort next to me smiled. "It will come in handy for both of us."
    "Indeed," I managed a smile.
    We reached the point of extraction in minutes. The driver pulled to a steady stop, removing herself to open the door for us two in the back. I stepped out, fixing my malfunctioning dress, and then waited for the other company. The two looked expectant, as if everything I'd promised was happening now.
    With the helicopter stationed no more than twenty yards away and the welcoming door open, I could see their excitement. I smiled to them, reaching around to extract my other weapon from between my legs. The driver's smile wavered, her eyes darting to the dark object, while the man simply blinked.
    "Understand that I really didn't want to do this," I spoke softly, aiming the pistol at them, "but this hard drive is not to be shared. It's for one person only and that's my father. I'm sorry."
    I shot the two of them down in seconds, their throats not even letting out a single cry. Filled with unexpected and unwelcome remorse, I headed for the chopper. My heels clicked against the surface of the road as I reached the ride home.
    Immediately sitting down after slamming the door, I looked towards the cockpit. The pilot glanced my way and then nodded. He knew that we needed to move before shit went down...before more people had to die.
    I pulled out the drive, peering at it through narrowed hazel eyes. If the little thing was full of the information intel showed, then the trip was worth it, along with every death. However, if the drive had nonsense, as others had before, the mission had been pointless; those people had died for nothing.
    He better be right.

Upon reaching base, I silently exited the loud chopper. Though it was almost two in the morning, the place was still bustling with activity...lights very dim to avoid contact. I moved through the few men working on aircraft to reach the first inner door, a way to get inside the main base. Before entering, I stripped my thighs of the pistol and knife, along with the scratchy straps holding them, and tossed them on an extra weapon table.
    Satisfied, I pushed through the locked doors with my wrist watch, the small chip inside a key to all areas, until I reached the briefing room. There, my father stood.
    "Hello dad," I stepped forwards, immediately handing him the drive. "There it is, in its best shape."
    He eyed the object with intent, a smile forming at the corners of his lips. "Your first mission...I'm not surprised you were successful."
    I only blinked, dipping my head. I'd just arrived earlier in the day and we hadn't exactly had the father-daughter reunion expected to be seen. I knew he wasn't clingy or affectionate like my mother had been, but I did know he would come around. Family was family.
    "Go find your quarters and rest," the general of the force told me rather gently. "Tomorrow I will introduce you to your other comrades."
    "Yes sir," I nodded and then moved off to follow his orders.
    "I'm glad you're here, Sam. I missed you."
    I swallowed, not facing him. "Missed you too dad."
    I left the quiet room in seconds, heading down a smaller hallway to the dorm-like rooms assigned to the few men of the Task Force One-Four-One. I, of course, had my own—being a female and all—but I knew some of the others currently shared. The hallway was silent to my surprise.
    That was until a figure emerged from the shared bathrooms, their eyes darting down the hallway to my general direction. I raised my head, continuing to walk towards the man. He was rather handsome as I drew closer, only growing more attractive as he smiled.
    "Lost lass?"
    "Something like that," I lied, eyeing his toned form in interest.
    There was no way he was part of the special force. The men in it were supposed to be brutes the size of linebackers with faces beat to shit. There was also no way the man thought I was a part of it. So...I went with a lustful instinct that I'd been craving to fulfill for months.
    "It's been such a long day for me," I sighed, gazing up at the blue-eyed man with the softest face I could muster. "Tell me, do you have a separate room or do you share like the other men of these facilities?"
    "Oh I'm alone," the man smirked, his eyes also running up and down my form. "You should join me."
    "I've always been up to meeting new people."
    "I've always been good at making them open up."
    My genuine grin widened to the man's quick replies. The man held out a hand, offering an invitation to a night I know I needed. My father would never know the difference if this was just this normal soldier. I would have no side effects the next morning either, able to move on without struggle.
    What the hell? 
    I took the stranger's hand and let him lead me down the hallway. I didn't pay attention to where I was in comparison to my own quarters, focusing instead on the way his muscles contracted in his arms. I was tingling to feel every part of him and him every part of me.
    "Home sweet home," the man smiled as he faced me, locking the door behind him.
    I glanced around, not caring what I saw, and then went in for the attack. The man was ready for it, kissing me back harder than I'd ever felt anyone try before. His unexpected strength caught me off guard and I found myself falling onto the mattress of his bed without much of his effort.
    As his needy kisses traveled to my throat and then to my extremely exposed collarbone, I let out a sigh of content. I knew this was going to be interesting and something new, something of enjoyment.
    And I needed every damn bit of it.


Welcome to the next fanfiction on my profile: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2!!! I am SO excited for this book and hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Unlike most of my books, I won't have an author's note at the end of every chapter. I feel like the notes are too distracting sometimes or even redundant.
I truly hope you come to enjoy this book and all our favorite characters in it!
This book will be updated every Monday!!
Here's to another adventure in the CoD franchise 😘

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