twenty four

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The team were now on the Wakandan battlefield. The carriers hovering over the ground with Wakandan soldiers and Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Ellie on board; War Machine and Falcon keeping pace overhead, and Bruce in the Hulkbuster armor as he was still having his so called 'problems' with the hulk.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked, Ellie glancing back at Bruce, her grip tight on Bucky's hand.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-" He began as he stumbled on a rock, and a carrier goes by, from which Okoye gave him a dubious look as he stood back up. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodes informed them from up above.

The heat signatures were soon identified to be Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian.

The carrier pilots swerve into U-turns, causing their craft to tilt and allowing the practiced soldiers to slide over one side into a run, never coming to a complete halt. Bucky helped his wife down as a Dora Milaje shouted a command nearby as the last Wakandans joined ranks alongside the other warriors.

M'Baku, Lord of the Jabari, rallied his soldiers with a war chant. He stops as T'Challa nears him

"Thank you for standing with us." T'Challa thanked him, as they shook hands.

"Of course, brother." M'Baku replied.

"You alright?" Ellie asked Bucky as they waited with the Wakandan warriors whilst Steve, Natasha and T'Challa went to speak with their intruders.

"I'll be fine when this is over and everyone's safe." Bucky told her as he loaded his gun, tucking a handgun into the holster he had just attached to his wife's leg.

"I don't need a gun." Ellie laughed as he tightened the holster on her leg.

"Everyone needs a gun." He smirked as the three heroes returned to them, Bucky kissed her muttering that he loved her, Ellie replying the same thing.

"If you die, I'll hurt you." She added seriously, making him chuckle.

"Better not die then." He smirked placing a kiss on her forehead.


"I promise."

"Did they surrender?" Ellie asked Natasha sarcastically as she turned away from

"Not exactly." Steve replied, falling back into formation, Bucky's gun clicking as he loaded it.

T'Challa lead the Wakandans in the war cry, "Yibambe!" as the Outriders bound toward the barrier; Proxima dropped her sword arm down in the signal to attack on Wakanda.

"What the hell?" Bucky muttered as the influx of creatures ran towards them.

"More like what the fuck." Ellie corrected, an orange flame forming in the palm of her hand.

"Looks like we pissed her off." Natasha commented to the two of them, Ellie laughing slightly.

"Ya think?" Ellie asked as the outriders bombarded the force field, only small parts of their bodies getting through the barrier.

"They're killing themselves." Okoye commented, horrified.

As a few Outriders managed to squeeze through intact, the Border Tribe bent down onto one knee, raising their shields. The Kingsguard behind them levelled their sonic spears over their comrades' shoulders, and on T'Challa's command, fired at the approaching monsters. Bucky fired up his M249 machine gun, Ellie readied herself, her face full of fear as she glanced back at the lab where her son was.

"You seen the teeth on those things?" Sam asked as he sent redwing into the fight.

"Alright, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed." Rhodes said as he flew over the heaviest concentration of Outriders and dropping a barrage of mines, all exploding fantastically.

Everyone noticed a pack of Outriders starting to run around the forcefield to the right of the defenders' position.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us...There's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce informed them, Ellie and Bucky visibly tensing at the statement.

"And Harry." Ellie added nervously, sharing a look with her equally anxious husband.

"Them we better keep 'em in front of us." Steve muttered grimly, glancing back at his best friends.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asked T'Challa.

"We open the barrier." T'Challa muttered grimly, putting his hand on his ear speaking into the comm. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

"Requesting confirmation, my King. You said open the barrier?" Dome control confirmed confusedly.

"On my signal" T'Challa repeated.

"This will be the end of Wakanda." M'Baku sighed to Okoye.

"Then it will be the noblest ending in history." She growled preparing herself for battle, turning her spear in her hand and pointing it at the beasts.

Steve readied one of his vibranium hand guards as T'Challa shouted a command in Xhosa; the Border Tribesmen disengaging their shields and standing, as T'Challa walked out in front of them, never taking his eyes off the enemy.

"WAKANDA FOREVER!" He shouted as he crossed his arms in the Wakandan salute and closed his Black Panther helmet, charging for the barrier, the avengers and his people in tow. Halfway to the barrier, the Black Panther shouts into his comm. "Now!"

The Outriders pour through the newly opened barrier, distracted from trying to find any other access. T'Challa, Steve and Bucky pull ahead rapidly due to their enhancements, and literally leap into battle.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked his sister through the comms.

"We've barely begun, brother." She sighed.

"You might want to pick up the pace." Ellie muttered as she began fighting once again. The outriders sped towards her, however she was easily defended herself, throwing them away out of her path, as well as occasionally killing a few that went to attack her friends. "Stupid fucking aliens."

- - -

quite a short chapter, soz lads but y'know, it's gonna get sad and good real soon as I already have loads of chapters pre-written. K thanks,
Kels xx

975 words xx

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