Part 10

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Published: June 9, 2019-----Sept. 30, 2020

Katelyn immediately saw some of her colleagues huddled together in the lobby as if discussing something upon going out of the elevator. Upon seeing her, they all looked at her, some with envy in their eyes and some dislike, as for her reaction, she just past them with closed-lip.

Every person that she passed by looked at her, even though she was used to some people, especially men's attention, but not this strange look. Some were also giving her this, "I know what you did face."

"Hi, Katelyn," a slender brunette woman, taller than her by 2 inches and whom she is not familiar with, greeted her as they met in the hallway going to her office.

Katelyn just smiled sweetly in response.

She continued her stride though "CONFUSION" written in bold letters all over her face. Suddenly she halted her steps when it hit in her the reason for her colleague's strange behavior.

It was because of what had happened last Friday, with the party and the happenings during the weekend she had forgotten the topic in their company's chat room.

She stopped walking, and with shoulder drooping and grimacing, she murmured to herself. "So they are talking about her," she then hurriedly went to the restroom to calm her nerves.

Its right timing that it's empty, directly she walked inside the cubicle and just sat down on the top of the bowl.

She has never been a person who wanted the attention of many people, especially if it is a subject of gossip; hence, she does not know how to react to this kind of situation.

She remembered during their lunchtime on that day, a lot of eyes followed her in the cafeteria. But Nicole advised her; just ignore the attention as well as the rumors that will spread because most of her colleagues will not put malice on what had happened.

The reason was simple; their comments in the chat room pointed out that it was only a casual encounter and was too shallow to be a ground of any future entanglement between them.

Tess and Nicole praised her on it. She had accomplished what everyone had not done in a short time, to be known by everyone in the company for not even one month.

At that time, she did not feel any uneasiness as she was with her friends, but now she felt so paranoid about the way they looked at her. She can only borrow the phrase "easier said than done."

Katelyn shuttered just to imagine the horror if they will find out that she is married to him.

She can already imagine those judgmental eyes, following her every move, dissecting every part of her just to know why she was able to catch a big fish. But then she consoles herself; her marriage is in secret. The possibility of anyone knowing is thin, and if ever she had thought of the probability that it will be more than that, it was only wishful thinking.

Staring at the floor, Katelyn remembered what had happened after her moments of being honest to herself and exposing her hankering after him through actions.

He brought the food he had made and served her in a face full of remorse, which made her speechless.

The silence between them that followed had almost made her cry. At that moment, she realized that what had happened was just a mistake for Jared. While for her, it was taking off her shield and exposing herself.

If not for the thought that she must salvage her pride, she had wailed her grievance like a shrew.

Suddenly she heard the opening of the door and footsteps walking past her. It went inside the cubicle next to her, and it was when she realized that she still has worked.

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