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"Closer than you think?" Anthony furrowed his brows laying in the hospital bed he was still stuck in, because he ended up opening his stitches messing around," Come on M, you are the brains out of us, not me"

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"Closer than you think?" Anthony furrowed his brows laying in the hospital bed he was still stuck in, because he ended up opening his stitches messing around," Come on M, you are the brains out of us, not me"

Marnie groaned as she paced," yeah, but sometimes brains are not needed, and just pure idiocy" She started turning to her brother who gave raised his hand to his chest," What did I say about calling someone injured names?"

"Yeah, that worked the first time, but this time, you deserve it, because you ripped your stitches! Damnit Anthony, what the heck were you doing anyway?!" She walked forward whisper yelling knowing not to yell out loud in a hospital. "Look" Anthony raised his hands in defence," I already apologized and-wait, M, I think I know what the clue is" He cut himself off and Marnie looked down to him," What? What is it?!"

He frowned having the most morbid look on his face," Mom and Dad-M, on their graves, what is the quote on it" She turned pale and shook her head feeling tears form on her face," They-went as far to-Fuck!!" Anthony pulled his sister in a hug as she cried.

"We are closer than you think" Anthony grit his teeth," Sickening bastards went as far-If they tampered their graves, I am not going to hold back-I don't care if I get arrested" Anthony held on Marnie declaring.

"I'm going" She whispered and Anthony growled pushing her back lightly from his arms," Are you insane?! They-Marnie what is they are waiting there, and-" She looked at him," But if we don't then-"

"Screw the game, Marnie! You might be walking into a trap!" He yelled and Marnie stood up," If I don't go, who knows what they'll do! It's not just me anymore, it's the gang as well-Anthony, I am going to stop anything from us being separated again. I am not going to lose you again! I gave up before, and I ruined your chance of happiness"

"M..." He said in a low voice," You know I never thought that-" Marnie shook her head," Let's face it, Anthony, you loved it there, and I just had to screw it up, like I always screw everything up"

"Marnie Jean, you don't screw everything up, how can you even say that!" He argued and she looked at him with tears falling down her face," Anthony! I lied OKAY! to mom and dad, that I ran away from home! So, they left the house searching for me, and then they got in that accident! I was the reason they died"

"Get out" Anthony refused to look at her, after hearing what she said, and Marnie raised her hand to reach for him but retracted it back and ran out of his room. She ran past the gang not bothering to say anything, she didn't know what she was feeling anymore.

She told her brother the truth one that she tried to bury deep inside, and now he despised her. She was a hypocrite, on her being hurt with him not telling her everything, and yet, she kept the biggest secret that she knew would tear them apart.

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