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Hello my names Melanie Martinez, I'm 16 , and everyday I get bullied , I don't know why but Ashley hates me , I don't what I did? She makes my life miserable, clichè right? Of course, my life is like a crappy soap opera except we don't sing in the cafeteria (to my knowledge) , my parents yeah they don't really care , they don't care about my grades as well , I don't either I guess that makes three of us , they don't really care about me either, I can come home at 1 am they don't care , it's hard when you want them too care slightly.


I was lying in bed , it's a Friday, great  another day of school, maybe Ashley won't be there , I hope she won't , I threw together an outfit, put in earrings and slipped on my lip and nose piercings , I looked in my mirror and decided I didn't need makeup. I grabbed my bag and set off too school.

(Time skip too school)

My first period was math , I hate math! I grabbed my phone and went to bathroom, I sat in the very furthest stall , the door creaked open and in came my worst nightmare, Ashley!

"Money now crybaby!"
"I don't have any today!"
"Don't lie I saw you buy ice cream on your way to school!"
"That's the last of the cash I have!"
She looked at me , I thought she might walk away but no ,
"Well then crybaby!" She kicked me in the stomach, I slid further down the floor , I was winded and stars formed in my eyes and my head pounded , Ashley walked out the door. I regained my air and decided to check insta, a new message was in my inbox , I checked it , it was from an account called "Halsey" the message read:

Watch your back

Who are you?

Your worst nightmare

I was beyond confused, who was Halsey and what did she want with me?

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