The happiness on Noah’s face was contagious as Alice felt a strange warmth in her stomach. It has been years since she last felt this weird sensation.
It was really comforting to see her dad in a new way.
Noah was very joyful inside their house but very stoical as soon as he would put one foot outside the penthouse. The girls had adapted to his way of being and didn’t find anything to say on his behavior.
Everybody thought that Noah’s faceless impression was due to the death of his first wife. The gossip was aggressive when he got married to Amelia. To the point that some of the rumors said that she had killed her predecessors to put her grip on the richest man in the country.
Even though this tragedy wasn’t the cause of Noah’s expressionless face, he used it to ascertain his domination.
The real reason that Noah kept that unpleasant expression was because of his enemies. They were never too far away and had tried on numerous occasion to break into Noah’s property to steal some secret intel without success.
The only place that Mr. the chief executive director could be himself was inside the fortress that he had built himself in the valley of Wintershine.
_“Indeed muffin, I am very happy.”
Noah’s sighed and take a little rest before continuing.
“Your grandfather was a miner. He has always worked hard to give me everything that I have ever wanted in life. But I was ungrateful.”
“The day of my 18th birthday, I asked for a car but he couldn’t afford it. We were not very rich and we lived a modest life. I was too young, too ungrateful and well too demanding.”
“I persisted like a spoiled brat.”
“When he told me that he couldn’t buy me one and would do so in some years, I broke out of the house and went away.”
Violet saw his dad’s face saddened…
“When I returned back home, he was nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find your grandfather. I started to panic, it was the first time that he left without telling me where he was going.”
“How could he? I wasn’t even present.”
“I went to all of his friends but nobody knew his whereabouts.”
Noah turned to Violet, “Do you know what occurred?”
Violet put her fine fingers on his dad’s fist and asked with apprehension, “What happened?”
"There was a legend which said that the mine possessed a giant amethyst that cost millions of dollar."
“Your grandfather took his work clothes and equipment. He went to the mine and worked for 5 consecutive days without any break to try to find the amethyst. All this for the sole purpose of paying my car. My stupid car.”
“The rescuers had to pull him out on stretcher, firmly attached because he was too dehydrated and incapable of moving on his own.”
“It was on that day that I made the promise to never be ungrateful again.”
“While the doctors took care of your grandfather in the ICU, I set up my company.”
“I set up my business plan and fixed many appointments with investors and business Angels.”
“After three months in the ICU, I picked your father in my Lamborghini with $7.5m in my pocket. I pick him up in my brand new car that God had allowed me to buy.”
Violet became curious as to how his dad made that amount of money in such a short span of time.
She asked, “How did you made 7.5m+ dollars in only 3 months?”
Noah replied, “I was a geek back in school. I had manufactured an algorithm since the age of 15. The algo could make millions of micro-investment in seconds.”
“The algo ran non-stop for 3 months with the money of the angels and investors. I made them richer than they could ever imagine and took my share of it.”
Violet came to the conclusion, “That’s why we have to live secluded from the rest of the world? Now I understand all the flights that we had to take without notice or the last minute re-routing of airplane and even the constant update of our logistical system.”
Noah nodded in approval, “Wintershine is a good compromise. Even though we live amongst the country’s richest person, it also come with a bunch of security package to protect us against the thieves and enemies.
“That’s why, it mean so much to me to be able to gift you this little present today.”
“But dad, we can't run all our lives.” Violet expressed.“We won't need to, muffin. Amelia had set up a file against them and she will get them behind bars soon.”
Violet said, “Now I understand all the scars on grump’s hands.”
Noah pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “What are you waiting for?”
“Umm.” Violet wondered inquisitively.
Noah replied, “Let out the tiger, muffin!!!”
She closed her door, attached her seatbelt and adjust the rear view mirror. As soon as she touched the red start button, she felt the resonation of that v10 through her soul. She couldn’t believe her senses, they were buzzing like wild horses being leashed for the first time.
She peeked to her left and saw excitement.
She met the concerned eyes of Amelia to her right…
“Is there anything good that can came out of that roaring beast? I doubt there is.”
Violet revved the engine and Amelia saw some whirlwind forming near the exhaust.
“Oh GOD, what has Noah bought?”
The sleeping beast was awaiting to be unleashed and it promised to have no mercy.
“Dad, it is probably a good idea if you fasten your seatbelt.” Violet highlighted.
Noah looked at her with disbelief. He was being scolded by her own daughter. Nevertheless, he felt a sense of pride though, knowing that he had raised her well.
Violet had her own reasons to ask this because as soon as the familiar sound of the seatbelt locking in place was heard, she buried her feet on the throttle. Years of being her dad’s co-pilot had paved her attitude behind the wheels and it was going to be the moment of her life.
》“This will teach you to give me stupidly expensive gifts daddy.” She told herself with a fiery eyes.
Amelia didn’t have time to utter a single word that the duo was long gone in the dark forest. The luscious forest devoured them as Violet flew through the green beauty.
The decennium wasn’t the casual car that you can buy at your local dealership. Rather it was a car developed with beauty and precision as its motto. It sat low to the ground with a giant wheelbase, angrily eating the tar.
It was engineered to be raw, powerful and excessive. The shape was smooth and the curves looked sexual. Powerful but sleek.
As soon as violet pushed the paddle to its limit, the engine purred like a wild tiger. She felts all the flesh on her face being tugged backwards and her ribcage being tackled back to the supportive backseat.