nine teenage rockstars spend a summer on tour together, and the girl from the opening act's small crush on finn wolfhard turns into the most unforgettable summer love story of a lifetime.
"Stevie!" My brother, and best friend, yells my name up the stairs as he flings the front door open.
"Dylan?," I yell back down the stairs. why the fuck is he yelling at me?
I hear his footsteps approach my room. I look up from my laptop to see a very happy Dylan, practically bouncing up and down, in my doorframe. "Why are you so excited?" I laugh, pulling my airpods out of my ears.
"You haven't checked your phone all day," he tells me.
"Yeah, sorry I'm doing summer job applications," I say back.
"You're spending the first week of your summer break applying for jobs? Don't we already get paid for YouTube videos?"
"Well, I kind of want to save up for a car."
"Well, the thing I'm about to tell will pay for a whole car and insurance."
"What is it, D?" Could he just cut to the fucking point?
"We're going on an international tour. 26 sold-out shows, all summer long."
is he on crack right now... "You're funny-"
He cuts me off, "- as the opening act. For Calpurnia."
"Wait, for real?"
"Yeah. Their opening band Lunar Vacation pulled out yesterday, two of their band members got in a pretty bad car accident, so they all canceled and we're under the same label as lunar, so they asked us last minute if we wanted to come."
It took me a few seconds to speak after acknowledging what he had just said. "Promise me you're not kidding," I said, pulling out my phone.
Dylan's right, my phone has blown up with texts from the band group chat and our shared group chat with Calpurnia. Our band is called Gattaca, named after the movie, so the name of the group chat is calpattaca. Scott (our rhythm guitarist) and Dylan (the lead singer and brains of the band) are both friends with Finn (the lead singer and guitarist of Calpurnia, if you didn't already know) through mutual friends.
I've hung out with Calpurnia a couple of times since they're in LA often, and we also played a few of the same festivals, but I wasn't that close with them. I got along with them all pretty well, especially Ayla since we were both the only girls and also the rest of the boys since they have a similar sense of humor as me.
"Holy shit," I say to myself, a million thoughts coursing through my brain. "I wonder how mom will react."
"Tell her right when she gets home from work."
"Okay, but I have a feeling she isn't going to like the idea of both of us going away for three months without her."
"We'll be together the whole time, and we get a tour manager. Plus, mom trusts ford (our lead guitarist) and Owen (our drummer) more than me. She'll be fine as long as we promise to keep in touch."
"And when does this start?," I ask for clarification.
"Umm, first show is in New York, in five days."
"You're kidding."
"Can I see the list of dates?"
He opens his phone and shows me the tour poster.
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"Holy shit," I say while reading the list. New York, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid.
"My passport is gonna be fucking stacked."
"Oh yeah, about that, we need to do some forms for the visas or whatever and release forms tonight. We have to go to a meeting with representatives from the labels and stuff tomorrow morning."
"Okay," I say. I blankly stare at my wall for a few seconds, until Dylan snaps his fingers in front of my face.
"Aren't you excited?"
"Yeah! I am, I'm just, still processing it."
"Okay, well you better start canceling those applications and packing your bags," Dylan says, leaving my room and shutting the door behind him.