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"Guys, Changgu is gonna join us so he won't be too lonely." Jinho stated as they sat down at a round table.

"Okay... Hi, I'm Hongseok."

"And I'm Yuto."

"Nice to meet you guys. Is it cool if I ask how you all know each other?"

"Well Jinho and I are dating... and we both run the bilinguals club. That's how we met Yuto and technically Yanan even though he's not here."

"Oh cool. I didn't know there was a bilinguals club at this school."

"Yeah well we don't advertise that much. Especially since not a lot of students here speak more than one language anyway." Jinho explained shrugging.

"I guess that's fair. So what languages do you guys speak?"

"I speak Japanese and very limited Korean." Yuto replied emphasizing the word limited.

"Hongseok and I both speak Chinese, English, and Korean but his English is better than mine." Jinho replied.

"Wow I'm envious. I wish I could speak another language."

"You could always come to our meetings and learn. We meet on Wednesdays and our next meeting is next week."

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind. I need to head to my next class but I'll see you guys around?"

The three nodded and with that, Changgu left in the direction of his next class. They were really nice. Yuto was a little on the quieter side but he was a complete stranger so he couldn't blame him. He wondered how Yanan was doing. Surely by now he would have met his friends. But the question is whether they overwhelmed Yanan or not. Changgu assumed that Hui would take care of Yanan like the father figure he was but Hui could be quite childish too so Changgu really couldn't tell. He walked into his next class and groaned at what was written on the board. Test next time.

After Yanan's last class, he was prepared to go home and cook something small to eat before collapsing with the pile of homework he had. Changgu's parents had left that morning but not before leaving some spending money with the Chinese boy despite his adamant protests.


The said boy turned in confusion towards the voice. It turned out to be Kino and the blonde was running towards him with a bright smile.


"Hey! We're planning to go out for dinner and were wondering if you wanted to join us!"

Yanan thought for a second. He had a lot of fun when he was with the group of boys and he would just be sitting at home alone anyway. What harm was there in going?

"Okay that sounds fun. Where are you guys going?"

"Awesome! We were thinking about heading to the mall. Just so everyone can buy whatever they want. The others were thinking about doing a little shopping too."

"Sounds good. What mall?"

"We're heading to Cosmo Mall. It's the closest one to the school."

"Okay. I have my car so I'll drive there. Should I meet you guys in the food court?"

"Mhm! Also, if it's not too much, could Wooseok and Huitaek get a ride from you? Our cars are kinda squished..."

"Yeah as long as they're okay with it."

"Awesome! I'll tell them to meet you at the front gates?"

"Yeah. I'll drive up there and meet them."

When Yanan reached his car, he sat in the driver's seat and sighed. He collected his thoughts for a few minutes before starting his car and driving to where he promised he'd pick up Wooseok and Huitaek. He could spot them standing at the gate talking to another car which Yanan assumed was carrying everyone else. Rolling down the window, Yanan pulled up behind the car catching a weird piece of the conversation.

"I swear to all that is good Hyojong. If you crash the car you owe me a new one." Huitaek said pointing a finger at the driver's window.

"Relax Hui. I won't do anything to your car. And I promise that I'll buy you a new car if I do."

"How the heck did I end up not driving my own car?" Huitaek muttered under his breath making Yanan giggle.

"Oh Yanan! Thanks for giving us a ride! These nincompoops kicked me out of my own car so I'm so glad you agreed to come." Huitaek rolled his eyes at the boys in the other car before flashing a smile at Yanan.

"No problem. And I promise I won't crash or anything."

"Well then, let's go!" Wooseok exclaimed before getting into the car.

Huitaek walked around and got into the passenger's seat. Once everyone was buckled, Yanan drove off in the direction of the mall behind the car full of the other boys. It was a short drive to the mall and when everyone gathered in the food court, they all agreed to split and buy the food they wanted before meeting back up at one large table.

"So Yanan, who do you hang out with normally?" Hyojong asked.

"Well I haven't really been here long but yesterday, I met another student, Yuto, and we joined the bilinguals' club where we met Jinho and Hongseok."

"Yuto? Like Adachi Yuto?!" Wooseok exclaimed.

"Uh... that sounds right? I didn't really ask for his last name but he did say he spoke Japanese so...?"

"Don't mind him. He just has this major crush on Yuto even though he won't admit it." Kino stated rolling his eyes.

"I don't have a crush on him! I just want to get to know him. He seems interesting!" Wooseok protested.

"Whatever you say~" Shinwon singsonged.

"I could probably mention something about you to him when these two weeks are over Wooseok." Yanan teased. "Or maybe Changgu is talking to him about you right now."

"Imprettysurehesnotwhywouldhedoesheknow?" Wooseok rambled.

"Wooseok, everyone knows. It's more of a surprise that you were trying to hide it from us than the fact that you like him." Kino said rolling his eyes.

The stunned look on Wooseok's face made Yanan snort and almost choke on his food. He tried really hard to not laugh but Huitaek started laughing at the sound Yanan made and eventually, the entire table began laughing. They probably looked weird being a table of teenagers laughing loudly but at that moment, no one cared. 


A/N: Oh look I'm alive lmao

~Admin Jin

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