Chapter Six

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"See y'all tomorrow," Simone said, exiting her place of work. It had been a fairly good day - she woke up in the arms of a very handsome man, had Chick-fil-a for lunch, and had an easy, slow day at work. Nothing could ruin my mood, she thought, closing her car door behind her.
I bet your lil' sister wanna look like me
I bet your lil' brother wanna fuck on me
Hood bitch, good pussy, I ain't average
Um, he can't come around without that cabbage
Um, pop a pussy bitch quick, like a bubblegum
Simone replayed "Act Up" by City Girls the entire drive home, not knowing what she would soon encounter.
After she made it up the stairs, she heard a loud commotion coming from inside her apartment.
When she opened the door, all she saw was Zee throwing Derion to the ground. It looked as if the two were tired, fighting for a long time.
"Stop!" Simone shouted, running toward the two guys, and pulling Zee off of Derion. "You guys, stop, right now!"
"Chill out, Si," Zee said, standing up, and helping Derion up with one hand. "We were just wrestling. We've been here all day."
"Huh?" Simone said, clearly confused. They were playing? She looked around the room only to see empty soda cans and chip bags sprawled across her coffee table. She also noticed the 2K game case on the floor, accompanied by two PS4 controllers. "Okay, somebody explain what the hell is going on before I get mad."
"It's a funny story, actually," Derion said, walking over to Si and placing a kiss on her lips. Zee made a face that went unnoticed to both his bestfriend, and his seemingly new friend, D. "Vee and I-"
"It's Zee," Zee instantly corrected, trying to hide the annoyance in his voice. He hated when people messed up his name.
"My bad, bro." He said to Zee, and turned back to Simone. "I brought my PS4 over here and we've been playing 2K since. He told me he used to wrestle in high school, and bet that I couldn't beat him."
"You didn't," Zee commented, laughing.
"I was sparing you," Derion laughed back.
Simone shook her head, trying to put all the pieces together. "I- I don't know what to say right now."
"Why?" Zee questioned, with a piercing glare. "You should be happy your bestfriend and boyfriend were getting along."
"Boyfriend?" Derion inserted, looking at Simone hopefully.
"He's not my boyfriend," Simone said, frustratedly. She knew Zee was only trying to be petty, and it pissed her off.
"I mean, I wouldn't mind being," Derion threw in.
"We can discuss that later." Simone said, dismissing the thought. "Right now, I just- I need a shower."
Zee kept staring at her, in a way that made her know he meant no good.
"I have to go pick Lay up from her mom's, but text me after your shower, okay?" Si nodded. "I'll be by later to pick up my game and system." He kissed her again and dapped Zee up before leaving the apartment.
A brief silence hung over the two best friends, both trying to gather up what they wanted to say.
"Is this your way of getting revenge, huh? Being friends with D, and the whole time he doesn't know our history?"
"Revenge?" Zee asked, innocently. "Of course not. He's a cool dude."
"Don't fuck with me, Zee," Simone said, inching closer to him.
"Or what?" He challenged, closing the remaining space between their bodies.
She looked into his eyes, and every kiss, hug, and touch they ever shared came back to her instantly, like it never left.
"You hurt me," Zee said, and she knew she had. She could see it in his eyes, in his body language, in everything.
"How the fuck do you think I felt when you told me you had a girlfriend?" She challenged. "That hurt me, but you didn't care."
"At least I told you," he retorted, but knew they would get nowhere with the pettiness. "I love your ass, Si, and you could never even see it."
"I love you t-"
"No-" He didn't let her finish. "I love you. That's why this shirt hurts."
She didn't know what to say. Of course they told each other they loved each other, but always as bestfriends. To avoid having to respond with words she may or may not have meant, the only thing she could do was press her lips to his, something they hadn't done in nearly three months.
Her brain was telling her to stop, because she knew it would end badly, but her body was telling her to keep going.
And at first, she listened to her body, wrapping her arms around his neck and allowing her tongue to dance with his.
It wasn't until his hands slid to her zipper that she snapped back to reality. She jumped back a little, wiping the guilt she felt away from her lips.
"I have to shower," she said, and looked around her living room once more. "Please clean whatever this is up."
"Bitch, you didn't," Nylah gasped over the phone.
"Bitch, I did," Simone countered back. "Is it bad to say I kind of missed it?"
"Um, yes!" Jasmine interjected. "You know this is gonna end badly, right?"
Si chose not to answer. She refused to speak that into existence.
"I wish I had two guys, who are now new best friends, fighting over me." Nylah said, jokingly.
"Ugh, don't even say that," Si cringed. "They aren't best friends, and I hope they never will be." The thought of them being best friends, or even just friends freaked her out. She was hoping they never had to meet after the first incident, but of course, nothing ever works in her favor. "But enough about me, what's up with you guys?"
"I'm debating if I wanna go to the party at Club Blk on Saturday. I need a day out." Jas noted.
"Shit, I'm in." Nylah agreed. "Anywhere I get to shake this ass, I'm down."
All three girls shared a laugh, and Si decided that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. "I guess I'll go too. But I'm not being you guys' DD anymore."
"We can get a ride or something," Jasmine compromised. "Cause I wanna get fucked up."
"Bring your pepper spray, Si," Nylah said. "I don't have time for any of these crazy ass Uber drivers."
Saturday same with the quickness, and frankly, Simone was ready. She loved Club Blk because there was only one rule: you must wear black. This wasn't a problem for her, seeing as she had a wardrobe full of black clothing, mostly for this event.
The trio met at Jasmine's apartment to get ready with one another.
"We look good as fuck." Nylah admired them in the mirror. "Let's take pics."
Club Blk was a grown, sexy event. Everyone came dressed up, so of course, Si and her bestfriends had no choice but to go all out.


Simone: @queenpokoo

Nylah: @glowprincesss

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Nylah: @glowprincesss

Jasmine: @therealprettygrl

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Jasmine: @therealprettygrl

The line extended well past the designated entrance, and the trio knew it would be a while before they got into the actual club

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The line extended well past the designated entrance, and the trio knew it would be a while before they got into the actual club.
"We might as well pregame, right here, right now," Nylah suggested. "Because by the time we get in the club, it's gonna be time to go."
"Stop being dramatic," Jas rolled her eyes. "Patience is key."
"Bleh," Nylah crossed her arms. "Bite me."
During their mini argument, Simone was scoping the crowd, being cautious of her surroundings like usual, when someone caught her eye.
"Y'all, I just know.. that's not-"

Zee: @david_jlondon

Zee: @david_jlondon

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