We are going to be hyper

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miraculer_101: GUYS I JUST FINISHED MY STORY!!!!!!

Bright-Shine: Yaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!! Congrats!

reallybroooo: WHOOOOOO!!!!

miraculer_101: It makes me happy but sad...there isn't an emoji to describe how I feel

Pony: What about this 🙃

miraculer_101: Uhhhhh......

Bright-Shine: I love how Pony responded to that because...ya know...Pony is the main one in the story

miraculer_101: Yeah and I love him

Ponyboy: Ummmm.........

OnlyInDreams15: Excuse me!

miraculer_101: Ohhhh heyyyy OnlyInDreams15

OnlyInDreams15: Hi

OnlyInDreams15: He's my man so you better watch it

miraculer_101: Whatever. Peeta can I have cookies? You make delicious cookies! 😋🍪

Queen1sa: I think they are still asleep

miraculer_101: They?

Queen1sa: Katniss and Peeta. They sleep together

reallybroooo: Are they married?

Queen1sa: No. They sleep together because of nightmares

Two-Bit: Like Pony and Soda!

Ponyboy: Yeah. Ok.

miraculer_101: Since Peeta isn't up can I have some cake or cupcakes?

Queen1sa: I ate all the cupcakes

Kayleyanna_Randle16: You are all of them?! How many were there?

Queen1sa: 12


Queen1sa: Pfft no. I gave once to Soda and then one to Bright-Shine, Bixby_emman, and Joeykangaroo201805

Queen1sa: Then rest I ate

Bright-Shine: You ate 8 cupcakes in one day!!!

Queen1sa *smiles*: Maybe

Kayleyanna_Randle16: You'll get sick

Queen1sa: Nah! I'm fine *bounces up and down* I'm bored

Bright-Shine: Great. She's hyper.

Pony: Has she done that before

Bright-Shine: No. She must really like Peeta's cupcakes. I mean they were really good. After I ate one I had to have more cake

miraculer_101: Can I have some of your cake!?

Bright-Shine: Yeah sure.

Two-Bit: How many pieces did you eat Shiney?

Bright-Shine: Just one I swear

Two-Bit: Good. You ate 2 the other night on our date

OnlyInDreams15: Awwww!!!! How was that date?

Bright-Shine: Good. I'll tell you all more later

Pony: Did you kiss!!!

Two-Bit: Go away Pony

Pony: I take that as a yes

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