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"Chandler get up!! You're going to be late I won't tell you again!"
I hear my mother yell and roll my eyes. Ugh I just want to sleep. Fuck school it's stupid in my opinion. I get dressed in our lame school uniforms. I look in the mirror and smile. At least I still look good. I grab my school bad and head downstairs.
"Here's your homework asshole. Give me my 20 dollars." My sister rolls her eyes at me as I take my homework and hand her money. I pay my littler sister to do my homework so what?
I grab my car keys and head out the door "Jay we're leaving come on!"

At school I meet Tyler (my boyfriend) at my locker. He smiles and kisses me softly. I smile and push him away. "Not now..please" He pulls away and smacks my hand hard.
"I'll get what I want later." He kisses my cheek and walks away.
I open my locker and get my books out and as I close it I notice two girls walk in. One is tall with light hair and the other is a bit shorter with darker hair. I've seen the tall one around but not the other girl. Hm. I close my locker and head to class.
In class I take out a piece of paper a write who's that girl sitting behind you and pass it to Tyler. He reads it and I see him write back he passes it back to me that's Tiffany I heard she came from the poor side of town I read it and frown. Alright then... class passes by and I feel her staring at me I roll my eyes.
The bell rings for class to end and I grab my bag and start to walk out when I hear "Hey Chandler" I turn around and see the tall girl from earlier.
"What I don't have time to talk to-" I star to say .
"Just shut up and listen for once. I want to know what you and your asshole boyfriend was talking about!"
"Uh.. why's it matter to you?"
She grabs my wrist "I can make you cry pretty boy watch yourself I will fuck you up if I have to. Keep my best friends name out of your mouth!" She let's go of my wrist..ouch.. and walks away, with the other girl following behind her she looks as me and says nothing.

Later into the day I see Tyler talking to that girl. I walk closer to hear.. "stay away from him he's too good for you. If I find out that you talk to him or even look at him I will make your life more miserable than it already is." The girl starts crying and runs off. Tyler notices me and walks over to me. "Hey babe" he kisses my cheek.
"What was that about" I ask raising my eyebrows..
"Oh I was just telling that girl to leave you alone." He grabs my hand "come one let's go we have dinner with my parents I bet you forgot though" I walk with him to his car.

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