"You've gone crazy, right? Like you've actually lost your mind haven't you?" Eden asked her cousin after she had processed what the older woman had told her. "Kol Mikaelson just died, and you thought the best idea was for Niklaus to go and get married?" Jana shook her head.
"It wasn't just my idea. The Mikaelsons' and I have been having a few meetings with each other about the wedding. We just knew that it would be planned better without you." Eden sent the vampire an incredulous look.
"And no one thought that the bride should be apart of those meetings so that she could tell you guys that you're insane." She asked.
"If we had let you be apart of those meetings then you would still be using my little prima as an excuse to not do anything and right now I think that this is the best thing for the people living in this compound." Eden scoffed.
"Nik isn't going to be up for this Jana, he's mourning." Jana nodded her head.
"Except he already is." She countered smugly. Eden opened her mouth to object once more but Jana stopped her.
"Whatever you wanna say to Klaus needs to be said in like the next five minutes little cuz, your twenty-four hour separation is about to start." Eden gave her cousin an exasperated look, but let Jana lead her toward the door.
"Go. Go find him." She shooed at Eden. The brunette gave her one last look and headed to her fiance's study where she knew he'd most likely be. She walked up the stairs slowly, and listened as the sound of multiple voices seemed to be coming from her intended destination. Upon walking into the study, she saw just what she had feared. Her parents were meeting her daughter.
Klaus held their baby in his arms with a small smile while Selena stared at the two with wide eyes, still extremely surprised by the sight of both of them. Andrew regarded Klaus suspiciously, his hands balled into slight fists.
"Eden." Klaus spoke quietly when he saw her come into the room. Everyone's eyes snapped to her and Eden walked over quietly, coming to stand next to Klaus and Haven.
"I see you've met Haven." She commented quietly. Andrew was the first to speak.
"Nik here tells us that this is my granddaughter, you wanna let me know what that means?" He asked his daughter, heartbroken that she never told him that she was with child. Although instead of having to answer her father's question, they were interrupted by her cousin entering the room.
"Shit, this is gonna put us behind schedule." She mumbled, striding up to Eden's parents. She grabbed the two by the wrist and pulled them towards the exit. "I'll handle this, you guys talk. And make it quick." When the trio was gone from the room, Eden shut the doors behind them before turning to Klaus.
"Are you out of your mind?" She hissed at him. Klaus smirked.
"What exactly was I supposed to tell him, Kitten? That it was your cousin's baby?" He asked sarcastically and Eden rolled her eyes.
"If they know about Haven then that puts them in danger and I can't protect them when they live across the country from each other and Haven is here."
Klaus shook his head. "And you won't have to Eden. Jana and I have taken every precaution necessary to make sure that your family stays safe long after they have left the city." Eden's tense posture did not waver and Klaus gave his bride a small nudge.
"Would you truly be satisfied if your parents were not there to watch you walk down the aisle? This is a once in a lifetime event, Kitten. And regardless of what you say, I know that Andrew and Selena being here makes you happy." Eden scowled inwardly. Between Klaus and Jana, the two knew Eden more than the young hybrid seemed to know herself.
"Speaking of walking down the aisle.." She changed the subject suddenly, turning to stand opposite of her fiance and daughter who was absently tugging at a lock of her father's curly hair. "Who exactly thought it was a good idea to plan a wedding without telling the bride about it?" She quizzed, crossing her arms together as Klaus pulled Haven's small fist away from the back of his head.
"Well that, my darling, is an interesting answer. You're cousin and I seemed to come to the agreement that if we left anything up to you that by the time we'd marry, Haven would be learning to drive." Eden grimaced at the idea of her daughter growing older.
"Nik I am fifty percent of this marriage and I told you that I wanted to make sure that my daughter was safe before we were married." Klaus shook his head in disagreement.
"You told me that you wanted me to bring our daughter home. And as you can see, Haven Mikaelson is back in New Orleans, safe and sound." Eden rolled her eyes, realizing that she had, in fact, told him that. Although before she could rebuttal, her daughter began fussing. Reaching out for Haven, Klaus let Eden take the baby in her arms.
"You miss your mama?" Eden asked her baby quietly, earning a playful eyeroll from her fiance.
"There's no reason for you to say no except for one." Klaus told her, once their fussing baby had been quailed. Eden's eyes snapped up to meet Klaus' and she saw the look in them. The look that told her that Klaus thought she had gotten cold feet. The look that told her Klaus thought she did not want to marry him.
"Not having a dress?" She asked him, and slowly, she saw the doubt fading from his face.
"Once again luv, your cousin has that taken care of." Eden groaned. Eden's taste was not anything like Jana's. Her cousin was definitely more bold than she was and Eden knew that when it was time for the oldest Martinez cousin to marry, she would definitely have one of those Cinderella dresses that Eden despised.
"And does my cousin also have a reason as to why she is compelling our family?" Eden asked Klaus as she laid their sleeping child on the couch while reminding herself to keep an eye on the little one.
"Probably has to do with the vast amount of supernatural creatures that are roaming these halls, as well as the city. Jana wants to keep your family from site seeing in the wrong places. Marcel and Hayley are both speaking to their flock to make sure that they know that this particular group of people are off limits." Eden gave the older man a grateful smile before taking a step closer to Klaus.
"So you're telling me that we're actually about to get married?" Eden asked him. Klaus smiled at the young woman, pulling her to him by wrapping his arms around her waist.
"We're getting married." He confirmed and then pulled the brunette in for a kiss. Right as Eden was about to deepen the kiss, the door burst open and scared the two apart.
"Time's up!" Jana announced, striding into the room and scaring Haven awake. With the baby crying and a slightly aroused feeling in his pants, Klaus picked up his daughter with an irritated grunt. The night of the wedding he was going to make sure that no one was in the compound. He needed some alone time with his beloved, and he certainly hadn't been getting any of that these last few weeks.
"Time to go Klaus, the countdown has officially started and the longer you guys take, the more we have to push back the wedding." Jana said, her voice very business-like, much like the last time Eden had spoke to the vampire.
"Alright Jana, don't blow a fuse. Can I at least tell Eden goodbye?" The hybrid asked, but Jana shook her head, pushing him and his daughter out the door.
"Nope, go terrorize some other city for twenty-four hours." She pushed him out the door before pausing and calling after him.
"And don't be late for your fitting either Klaus Mikaelson! I will hunt you down!" Shutting the door behind her, she turned to Eden with her hands clasped together.
"Who's ready to get married?" And just as Jana had said it, Eden realized what she said.
She was about to get married.

Daydream • K.M.
Fanfiction"Baby, I'm a sociopath, Sweet serial killer. On the warpath Cause I love you just a little too much." In which a woman loses her baby, and a hybrid almost loses her. Book Three