"Nothing can bring her back" I spoke, agony lacing my voice. She leaned forward in her throne, a challenge in her eyes.
"I can. A life, for a life" At even the slightest chance of seeing my love again, I need to go. Sara was my everything. I need to go. For her. But god help those two girls.
I was escorted into the woods by Finn and a couple of his men, hunting gear on and ax in hand. "They can't have gone far" I said, looking at the footprints in the mud before me. "Do exactly as I do" thinking about it, I realized how dumb I can be. "Bad idea. Stay here" and off I went in search for the girls.
I had set Snow down for a moment, regaining my breath as I leaned against a tree. Hearing a twig snap, I looked over. Guards, at least 6, and Finn along with another man with long hair covering his face. He was looking down. Tracks! Crap!
I picked Snow up and ran as fast as I could, hearing the man behind me. He must be a hunter. I ran through several trees with him hot on my trail before finding an oak with a hollow base. I put Snow delicately inside, gripping the tree and climbing it and into the array of dead leaves.
Snow had stirred from the den and caught the man's attention. He pulled her out by her ankles as she screamed and hit him. I jumped from the tree and landed on his shoulders, placing the dagger to his throat. He stopped moving instantly, surprised by my attack.
"Let her go" I growled, my voice sounding croaky, but still frightening as I spoke into his ear. He let Snow go reluctantly. Using my body weight for momentum, I swung myself around and pushed off of him, landing in front of Snow with my hair in my face and my dagger an inch from his throat.
He looked me up and down, his gaze burning into my soul. He was attractive, with a strong grip and a pair of deadly blue eyes. He stopped for a blind moment, in a trance of some sort as he stared at my face. I stared straight back, my gaze as hard as stone. I was without a doubt entranced by his own beauty as he was with mine. His face was pulled into a frown and he looked at the blade in front of him. Snow, hoping to appeal to the good in him, spoke up.
"Will you help us? Please, the queen is going to kill us" He scoffed and turned away from us.
"I'm sure she is" He said, a strong Scottish accent breaking through my staring. Using the handle of his ax to disarm me, it hit the ground with a soft thud, the poison so strong it made a sizzling noise on the floor where the leaves burned. The huntsman and I looked at each other for a blind moment and lunged for the blade. He got there before I did, holding it to my throat with a slight smirk as I scowled.
"The sheath, if you will" I rolled my eyes and pulled it from the makeshift pocket I had made. I thrust it to his chest, hitting him back a little with my force. He sheathed my fathers blade and put it in his belt, now concealed by all the leather he wore. He grabbed Snow's arm with one hand and mine in the other. We tried to fight our way through, but it was useless.
"She's going to rip out our hearts" I grabbed onto his arm. He looked back at me, disbelief written on his face as he stared at the truth in my eyes. "Let Snow go. I beg of you. Kill me, torture me, rip me apart. Just don't touch her" I pleaded. His eyes softened as he looked at my sister. Before he could release her, or us both, or laugh in our faces, the guards and Finn had caught up with us.
"Quick work" Finn praised the huntsman and Snow attempted one last time to free herself from the huntsman's grip. He grunted at her and dragged her straight back to Finn. I stared emotionlessly at Finn as he stared full of love and pain at me. "Well done, huntsman. Give me her first" he motioned to me.
"Finn, darling, I rejected you. My sister scratched your face up. I really think you should try with someone else for a change. Maybe a queen or a different princess?" I quipped sarcastically, smirking at the anger radiating from his face.
"You will think of me before you die and wished you had gained my support" Finn growled. I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, but as you watch me die with those eyes full of love and stupidity, you'll regret not giving me that support you so highly speak of, Finn. You love me, as much as you hate to admit it. And there was a time where I could've loved you in return" He looked slightly hopeful for a moment. "And then you tried to kill my sister" I finished. "No one fucks with my sister" he growled at the look of utter seriousness on my face.
He motioned again for the huntsman to give me to him. The huntsman looked at me, as calm as I could be facing my own grave, and back to Finn, suddenly unsure of himself. "What do you intend to do with them?" Finns smirk dropped slightly at his hesitance.
"Why do you care?" Snow watched him with fear glazing her eyes, while I watched the huntsman, his features becoming slightly more readable when I was this close. He was unsure, hesitant, and a little guilty. But he was thinking long and hard about his next move, and for that I couldn't be more relieved. A man who dwells on his thoughts shall change his mind just as quickly as he made it up.
"You want them? Then give me what was promised" He lifted his ax to stop the guards from coming near us and himself. Finn was starting to get worried. Promised? What was he promised? Gold? Fame? Fortune?
"You did your job well. Now keep, your, word" Finn accented each word as he stepped forward, but out of the axes reach. I shook my head as Snow cowered between the huntsman and myself. I looked up at him and leaned on my tiptoes, whispering into his ear.
"Whatever she promised you, she won't give it to you. 7 years ago, I was promised a family. Look at Snow and I now. We're the only ones left of our blood" He stared down at me as I returned to standing normal, his gaze becoming more calculating as the cogs in his head turned.
"He will kill the three of us" Snow called out behind the huntsman.
"Shut up"
"He will-"
"I said shut up!" he pulled Snow and I towards him, holding us by our necks with the ax next to our chins. Snow was weeping by now, so I held her hand delicately and squeezed in reassurance. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear, I lifted my other and and stroked her hair behind her ear delicately. She sent me a fearful glance, and I sent her a soft one back that said it all. Whatever he was promised was impossible to give. He's an angry person, he'll lash out and take us with him. Snow visibly relaxed, but was still rather tense.
"I'll keep my word when the queen keeps hers. Where is my wife?" he cried out, pain evident in his face. I closed my eyes and breathed out. Oh god. The queen has his wife. If she's Greta, I don't know what I will do.
"He's going to betray you" Snow said. She was right, and he knew it.
"My sister has many powers. She can take life away, or sustain it. But she can't bring your wife back from the dead you fool!" Finn spat. Oh. She's dead.

I Am Cersei Rose
FanfictionI breathed out a sigh of relief. Thank god I can move now. That dress was making it remarkably difficult, and I was glad to see it shortened. Snow looked at the huntsman as if he just made a move to violate her. It was a serious insinuation, but the...