It all started at eleven o'clock at a local bar near Belgrave University. My mind was sick with alcohol in celebration for my joining. I finally made it into The Order. I should've been at the temple or in my dorm, anywhere but there, at that dumb bar. Anywhere but beside Hamish Duke. I knew he was some type of professor here at the school and I knew that flirting was bad but I couldn't help myself. I was drunk. He was drunk. It was perfect. well, It was perfect aside from the annoying dumbasses that intervened and tried to buy me drinks.
I should thank them. If not for them I probably wouldn't have found out Hamish was a werewolf, and my mortal enemy.
"What's a professor doing here drinking himself to death?"
"I am not drinking myself to death."
"That's like your seventh shot." I gestured with my own drink. He grinned and gave a thought inducing look. His hair seemed disheveled, his clothes were loose yet he was dressed in what I expect a proper church boy would wear, and his eyes...although I couldn't quite tell what color they were...they shone bright, reflecting the hanging lights at the bar.
"Why is it you're drinking at almost midnight? Don't you have some essay to write or something?" he suddenly turned away from me before downing another shot. He seemed annoyed all of a sudden. like I hit a nerve talkin about his drinking. His phone lit up. A message from 32 minutes ago.
"I'm (Y/N), and shouldn't you be grading essays or something." I continued, ignoring the possibility I was the reason he was mad. I could hear a release of air and a grunt laugh.
"Touché...I'm Hamish." he didn't face me when he spoke, he simply just continued to down his next few shots in silence. His phone went off another 3 times before it bothered him enough for him to check it. He simply typed a blunt K and turned off his screen.
The door opened a few minutes later revealing a girl and a guy. They immediately headed towards us. "Really Hamster?" the guy chuckled and wrapped an arm around Hamish. "Vodka? That's it? you must really have lost it."
"I told you not to call me that Randall," Hamish sighed slid the shot glass to the bartender for a refill. "yes, I had a rough day. No, I don't want to talk about it. Yes, you can stay, but only if you sit somewhere else. I was having a lovely conversation with (Y/N) here before you rud-" he stopped suddenly, cocking his head to the side. The three looked at each other and the girl stepped up.
"you sure about that?" the girl asked and Randall smiled at me, mumbling a soft "hi" before waving and heading out the door. The girl was close on his heals.
Hamish groaned before looking to me. "I...unfortunately have to call it a night. I'll see you around?" he smiled again but this time his eyes were more prominent. A lighter color. Almost completely white. He must have noticed my confusion but when I went to speak he stopped me. "Or I could come back? give me 20 minutes and we can continue" he winked before paying for his drinks and gliding out the door.
I sat shocked for a few minutes unaware of what just happened. He was so against leaving then almost immediately rushing out. Should I wait? I hadn't planned on staying this long anyway. I might as well try to get as drunk as he was before he got back.
An hour passed before I finally got up and decided it was time to leave. If only I had been quick enough. A tall long haired man stopped me from leaving with a frim hand and a grasp of my wrist. "Hey pretty lady, where do you think your going? let me buy you a drink. We could have fun together" the man chuckled and with every breath I smelt alcohol.
I had been nice enough. A simple "No" should have worked but he was persistent and I was too drunk to fight back. That is until Hamish showed up out of no where. He didn't ask questions. He came in with a quick punch to the man's jaw, which allowed me to wiggle from his grasp and into a nearby seat to steady myself.
"You okay?" Randall asked, I hadn't seen him come in, he already had blood on him though so I wondered how long he had been there. I gave a very curt nod before returning my attention to Hamish. Hamish was quick, even though he had at least 12 shots in him. He effortlessly dodged the man's futile attacks before landing his own hits. Eventually Hamish outlasted the man and although bloody and drunk he approached me without problem.
He sat in the seat beside me and reached for my wrist. I hesitated before allowing him to touch me. My wrist was red but otherwise I was unharmed, he gave me a good once over before he was satisfied and let my wrist go. "I'm sorry about that, he didn't hurt you did he?" Hamish asked with concern in his eyes.
"I'm okay, just a little shaken up." I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, one that I prayed didn't look as fake as it was. The man was normal. I deal with guys like that all the time, but never had someone started a fight over me. Even if he was drunk.
Suddenly my attention shot to Randall. "Oh my god, are you okay?" I questioned immediately when my eyes landed on him. The blood on his jawline seemed dark and almost dried. "That blood...that's not from him..." I glanced to the drunken man now passed out in the seat closest to the door. Randall's hand went to his face and when he felt the blood his eyes darkened.
Hamish pulled the conversation to a new topic by brushing my hair out of my face. "I believe I promised you that we'd continue our lovely conversation when I got back. Now, I'm back. So, where were we?" a smirk played on his lips as he stared into my eyes. I got so damn flustered I completely forgot about Randall. "oh, I remember! You were just about to give me your number."
I fumbled looking for the pen and handheld notebook I keep in my bag, but eventually I found it. I wrote down my number and he sent me a quick message to make sure the number would work.
Hi ; )
When I received the message I couldn't help but smile down at my phone. Randall walked back in with a newly cleaned face. He stopped to tap Hamish on the shoulder and show me a short wave before continuing out the door. "I apologize about my friends. Randall at least is usually a people person...he's just having a rough day."
I decided now was my shot to flirt with Hamish. I searched in my brain for anything a normal person would say to a guy this attractive. "you said you were having a bad day earlier. Did I help?" I asked. now that we were alone again I scooted closer to him. He watched me with curious eyes. "perhaps" he placed his arm behind me. "Real smooth for a professor" I laughed and looked up at him. "Smooth enough" he nodded and raised his hand for another round of shots. "lets get drunk together." he looked down. "I could probably make you some better drinks. Unfortunately my current housemates don't like company."
"That's a shame...So, what does the end of the night look like to you?" I hesitantly leaned into his chest. My rational brain clouded by the alcohol. "Are the drinks just for fun?" he asked matching my gaze. "or did you already decide on an end goal?" He removed his arm from my side and sat straight, causing me to shift back to my original spot. "I just thought...You know, with the flirting a-"
"It doesn't work that way," he downed his drink and stood. "I should get back to my friends. It was nice while it lasted." I backed out of the booth and let him leave.
And leave he did. I did a quick spell with the notepad and pen, then handed it to the bartender. It was an easy enough spell, the bartender seen the paper as money, handed me the change I needed before accidently cutting him self with a broken glass bottle. "Are you okay?" I asked putting the money into my bag. "I'm fine, just a small cut." he nodded wrapping his bloody hand up.
I made my way out of the bar. Hamish should have been long gone by then but he was waiting for me outside the door. Him and his friends. "What's going on?" I took a step back. None of their faces looked welcoming.
"We need to talk"

|| Wolf's Bane || The Order || Hamish X Reader ||
FanfictionYou (the reader) got accepted into The Hermetic Order Of The Blue Rose. To celebrate you went straight to the local bar, where you meet Hamish Duke. Hamish is a Professor at the university and is currently drunk off his ass. The two of you flirt up...