I sit there next to him awkwardly messing with my fingers. I twist my fingers under each other and stop to look at the nail polish. Pastel pink nail polish. My favorite color. It's surprising really. They way I dress and act wouldn't show that it would be but it is.I look over at him slightly with my head still down. He was on his phone scrolling through Instagram. I reach for my bag on the bathroom floor and pull out a journal and flip to a random page. I take the pen out of my hoodie pocket.
I tap the pen against my wrist thinking of what to draw. I sketch out three circles and begin the sketch.
"What are you gonna draw?" Alex asked me. I look up over at him. "Uhm a rat. Rats are one of my favorite animals." I said looking back down at the sketch. "What are the others?" He asked me. I look back up at him again. "I can never pick a number one favorite but I love bats rats and hamsters" I say with a smile. I always wanted a pet hamster when I was younger but we couldn't have pets at the house." I said looking down. "Why not?" He asked with a slight frown. "Not sure" I lied.
"I'll remember that." He said with a playful wink. We both laughed at that. "What kind of animals do you like?" I asked him putting away the journal. He put his phone down on the counter and looked at me. It gave him a moment of thinking to answer me. "Giraffes" he answered flatly. "Giraffes?" I questioned.
"Why giraffes?" I asked curiously. " I dunno maybe the tongue." He answered and laughed. I hummed in response. "Interesting."
" Can I see your schedule?" He asked me. "Yeah sure" I answered reaching into my pocket to retrieve it. "Here" I held my hand out but he didn't take anything yet just stared at my hand. I looked at my hand wondering what he was looking at. He grabbed my hand putting the schedule aside and held my hand out Infront of him.
"Your nails" he said quietly more to himself I think. Blushing I tried to pull my hand away but he held them tighter. He gave me a sad look. " I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable" he told me. I nod in response.
"It's just your nails are so pretty" I look at him surprised. " You think there pretty?" I asked blushing. " Of course! Pink looks so good on you! Even if it is on just your nails. It's cute." He said giving me a big smile.
I smiled back at him. " Thank you. It's my favorite color." "Really?" I hum in response. He lets go of my hand but I didn't really bother to move mine out of his hand. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I blush and quickly snatch my hand out of his resting one.
He chuckles and I look the complete opposite way to embarrassed. "It's okay no need to feel embarrassed."
I slowly turn around and look back over at him. I smile and chuckle "Sorry" I say softly.
He chuckles "It's good"Suddenly a loud bell erupts the bathroom and I scramble off the counter startled.
He laughs at me and I glare at him. He just laughs more at that. "Come on get your stuff let's go" I swing my bag around onto my shoulder. I look up and he's by the door holding the handle. I walk up to him and he opens the door for me. "Ladies first" he says with a smirk. I glare at him and walk through the door."So where is your next class?" He asked me. I pull my schedule out from my pocket and unfolded it. "Gym" I say in a bitter tone. "Sweet me too" he says smiling. "Walk me?" I asked. "Of course I'll walk you" he said giving me a big smile. I smile in return.
It doesn't take long to get there sense he knew his way around. Half way through the walk I gripped onto his shirt because I was scared of losing him in the crowd. So crowded. So much shoving. So much touching and yelling. It gives me shivers. I hate it.
We walk into the gym side by side me still holding onto his shirt. This group of boys approach him and I subconsciously hide behind Alex. "What's up dude" one of the big guys says to him doing this weird hand shake thing.
He looks over behind Alex's shoulder and sees me. He raises a brow at Alex. "Who's tiny?" He asked moving his head in the direction of me.Alex looks back and makes eye contact with me. He turns back around and steps over so I'm in more view. Me still holding onto his shoulder. "Guys this is miles he's new here." Four of them give me a verbal greeting while one waves and the big guy just looks at me.
He looks up back up at Alex. "The coach isn't here today. Wanna play ball?" He asked Alex. "Sure whatever."Alex told him. Alex look over at me. "You wanna join?" I shook my head. "Alright well take our stuff and sit over there." He said while pointing to a corner. I nodded my head and grabbed his back. "When I'm done I'll head over there." I nod.
I walk over there and sit down our stuff next to me. I take out my journal and set it in my lap ready to draw again.
I can't think of anything to draw so I look up and watch Alex play. He took his shirt off midway through the game but I didn't mind. I honestly know nothing about basketball so I'm not sure whether he is winning or losing.
Eventually he returns over to our area and sits down. "Did you have fun?" I asked him. "It was alright." He shrugs. "I saw you watching me." He said with a smirk. "Oh really? What are you gonna do about it big guy?" I said smirking back. He just chuckled and looked away taking a drink of his water.