Saving The Babies

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Jesse was walking to the ball alone but felt like he was being watched and walked faster without trying to trip on his dress, a hooded figure frowned, following him quietly. "Jaden, Haou, bro" Jesse whines feeling scared, the hooded figure continued to follow him. Jaden frowns seeing Jesse scared from far away, and walks to him, Jesse runs to him and hugs him "somethings following me, can I walk with you to the party" he whimpers hugging him tightly. Jessica hissed at the hooded figure, Jaden hugs him back, peeking over Jesse's shoulder for anyone "Of course, Kitten". The hooded figure growls back at her, not stepping back, Jesse grabs his hand and walks again feeling safe. 

Jessica growls not backing down, Jaden smiles and squeezes his hand "You look really great". The hooded figure growls, taking out a knife and walking towards her, Jesse blushes "t-thank you and you look handsome". Jessica pins her ears with her tail between her legs whimpering in fear "Joan", Jaden smiles and kisses his hand "Why thank you, My Dear Queen". The hooded figure growls, directing the knife towards her "Get away from here", Johan frowns looking out of the window, all ready for the ball. Jesse blushes more and walks into the ball room, Jessica was too scared to move and starts crying "Joan!". Jaden smiles and follows him in the ball room, Joan comes running to her, "Jessica! What's wrong!?". 

The hooded figure had fled away, and was nowhere to be seen, "what would you like to do" Jesse smiles back. "that person was following mommy and I hissed at it and it pulled some pointy thing at me and walked to me, I'm scared" Jessica hiccups and whimpers, Jaden smirks and bows, Jesse's hand in his "Have a dance with you if you wish, my Lady?". Joan walks to Jessica and hugs her small frame to his chest "Shhhh baby calm down" he rubs her back "Let's go tell daddy ok?", Jesse blushes bright red and nods "o-of coarse". Jessica nods and purrs hiccuping clinging to him, Jaden smiles and walks beside him to the center of the ballroom, and bows to him again. 

Joan smiles rubbing her back, purring soothingly "My little flower", Jesse blushes and curtsy. "my Knight in shining armor" Jessica purrs "can we dance to at the ball", Jaden smiles, taking Jesse's hand in his, and placing his free one on Jesse's hips. Joan chuckles and nods "Of course, I wouldn't miss the chance of dancing with you", Johan sighs and starts walking down the castle's hallways to the ballroom. Alexis takes a sip from her drink "Looks like our first plan has failed" she says looking at Jesse and Jaden, her face covered by an elegant mask, Jesse smiles back at him. "yay, do I need to change" Jessica looks at her dress, "hello my lovely Queen" Haou walks up to him. 

Jaden smiles at him and starts the dance, Joan looks her over "Maybe, baby girl". Johan smiles turning around, and bowing to him "Likewise, I must say my King", Jesse smiles and follows his lead. Jessica runs to the room and looks around, "the ball is starting wanna dance when we get there" Haou smiles. Jaden smiles and swirls him around, Joan chuckles and follows waiting outside the door. Johan smiles and nods "sure", Jesse smiles giggling. Jessica comes back with a turquoise blue dress, Haou grabs his hand walking to the ball room. 


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*Jessica's outfit*

Jaden smiles, swirling them around together, Joan look up from his watch, then back down to it, then again back up, gaping. Johan smiles following him, "I love you my King" Jesse smiles. "is it to much" Jessica pins her ears, Haou walks into the ball room and into the middle and bows to him "may I have this dance". Jaden smiles bringing them together while still dancing "I love you too my Queen", Joan smiles softly, walking to her "You look perfect". Johan chuckles, bowing too "Of course, my king", Alexis breaks the glass in her hand. Jesse kisses him, Jessica smiles "lets go". Haou takes his hand and placed the other on his hip and starts dancing with him, Jaden kisses back happily. 

The other guests gasp, Joan nods taking her hand in his and walking to the ballroom. Johan grins following him, Alexis smirks "juts a few more mins". Jesse kisses him deeper, Jessica follows. Haou twirls him "our bros are being show-offs" he chuckles, Jaden smiles, letting him go on and opening his mouth, to tell everyone that he was claimed by the person in front of him. Joan opens the door, leading her to the dance floor, Johan looks and laughs "how about we join them?". Jesse blushes waving shyly, Jessica follows. Haou smirks nodding and walks to Jaden and Jesse and kissed Jesse then pulls Jaden close and deeply kisses him, Jaden moans, his hands around Haou's face eagerly submitting. 

Joan chuckles at their parents, and bows to her, Johan grabs Jesse's face kissing him. "J-Jaden? What are you doing?!" Aexis asks shocked, Haou pulled away "its a four-way relationship guys". Jessica giggles and curtsy, Jesse kissed back. Jaden smiles, still dazzled by the kiss "Yup~~", Joan smile and takes her hand, placing the other on her hip and starts dancing. Johan kisses him deeply, "if you're not gonna listen then maybe you don't want them anymore" Alexis says showing a photo of Jesse and Johan's kits. Haou looked "what are you talking about", Jessica smiles following him. Jesse pulls away and growls his wings slowly coming out and starts walking to her, "it's nothing for you to worry my dear" Alexis winks at him "it's just that, these poor little ones won't see mommy or daddy again...ever.". 

Joan twirls her around, Johan growls dangerously "What.Have.You.Done". Jesse pins her to the wall his claws digging into her neck "I count 8, Jessica and Joan are over there, where are they", Jessica giggles. Haou growls "guards search the area for the kittens and take her with you", "let me see into her mind" Jadey walks up eyes glowing gold. Alexis chuckles "try all you want, but you won't find them, neither can you hurt me", Joan stops and looks over at their parents. Johan growls "Oh we can and we will", Jadey rolls her eyes "I was once King here, I know spells and magic, so your picking the painful way" she puts her hand on her forehead. "lets check the black market" Sapphire suggested, Jesse flew to his room and changed to his fighting outfit and pulls the mask and hood up and flies the the black market. 

"mommy, daddy what's going on" Jessica whines, Alexis smirks "There's no spell in me your Majesty" She says as she starts, as she starts to melt down in a puddle of black substance. Joan hugs her, turning her away from the sight, "Take care of them Jaden" Johan says, as he runs out of the ballroom. Jaden nods hugging the kids close to his body, "not this again" Jadey groans in annoyance. Sapphire growls, Jessica whimpers hugging him. Jesse lands and looks around sniffing for the kittens scent. Jaden looks at Jadey, still holding the trembling kids close "What do you mean by again?", Johan changes his clothes, and takes Eclipse, flying to the black market.

The kittens' scent came from far away, "I had the same experience back then, someone is ruling them" Jadey says. Jesse runs to the direction of the scent then stops looking around, "Huh?" Jaden says shocked, "who may it be?". Johan follows Jesse in the shadows, the kittens scent was coming from the tallest building, and a scream was heard. "Alexis" Jadey says, Jesse runs to them and crashes in and growls. Jaden shook his head, still hugging the little ones close "Alexis may be good, but she's not any good in leading" He looks at Haou "I ..I think I have an idea of who it may be..but I'm not sure", the guards get out their guns, shooting at him. Johan gets out his two guns, and shoots, changing the direction of every bullet, Jadey shrugged. 

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