Feasts and First Impressions

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The journey from King's Landing had been relatively smooth. It had rained moderately only once, to which the princess protested profusely. She completely despised the rain. Much to Kelnaerys' gratitude, this day was dry. Slightly overcast, but anything is better than rain. The sun was even attempting to poke through the clouds.

From far away, Winterfell looked much like a prison, but as she got closer, Kelnaerys realized it was actually quite beautiful. In a snow-covered, ice wrought, freeze-your-nose-off-your-face kind of way. Her mother landed Drogon just before the gates of the frozen fortress and Kel was quick to follow, guiding her own dragon down into the fresh snow. Yraexes had never been this far north that she knew of, but the cold seemed yet to bother him.  Like Daenerys had hoped, her caravan arrived just in time.

"My love." The Queen called in a gentle tone. Kel slid off the back of her dragon and went to her mother's side.

"Yes?" She responded half heartedly, thinking of how Yraexes's scales blended in with the snow. The scarlet of his fins stuck out in the white terrain, like blood on a wintery battlefield. Drogon stood protectively behind his Queen, the ebony of his color compared to Yraexes' making them look like yin and yang.

"Kelnaerys." Her mother said in much harder tone.

"I'm sorry, you've my full attention." The princess was quick to say. Now was certainly not the time for day dreaming.

"We are royalty. We must act like royalty." The Queen started. "Which means no impulsive escapades on dragonback. No gallivanting around in the snow. We are royalty and we are also guests. Be respectful. Be kind. And more importantly, just be yourself." Daenerys finished in a gentle tone, hand placed on her daughter's shoulder.

Kelnaerys found herself suddenly a bit self conscious, hands flying to her mid section to smooth out her coat. The outfit she'd chosen was a black, leather tunic with white fur that lined the collar and sleeves. She picked black cotton pants for her legs and dark leather boots for her feet. The princess wore her silver, three-headed dragon pin that held in place the Targaryen red, scale-patterned cape that draped behind her right shoulder. Connected to the pin was a heavy silver chain that resembled a dragon's tail as it disappeared diagonally across the princess's chest and behind her back. Her mother had done her hair in two braids that met in the middle at the back of her head. The rest of Kelnaerys' chest-length, platinum hair was left in free curls.

"You look stunning, my love." Daenerys mentioned, observing the fretting from her child. "Now stop your fussing." She added.

"Alright, alright!" The princess put her hands at her sides. The caravan approached from behind them, the clatter of hooves on the frozen ground was unmistakable. Kelnaerys turned to Yraexes and bid him a temporary goodbye by stroking the horns of his chin. The dragon emitted a reptilian whistle that ended with a low grumble in response. Both he and Drogon took flight before the wagons got too close.

"Rytsas, issa dāria. Hello my Queen." Grey Worm greeted in Valyrian from the front of the party. A group of Unsullied marched rhythmically behind him.

"Sȳz naejot ūndegon ao vēttan ziry isse jēda. Glad to see you made it in time." Daenerys replied as her commander rode up to her.

"Rytsas thorgha nudha. Hello Grey Worm." Kelnaerys responded to her mother's Master of War. He had absolutely refused to let the pair ride north without him.

"I have brought the horses you asked for." Grey Worm confirmed as two white steeds were escorted up for the Queen and the princess. Kelnaerys mounted her horse, admiring the way the black leather of the saddle and reins matched her outfit. She was just as adept on horseback as she was dragonback, a skill her mother made sure of. Daenerys was the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea after all.

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