Pages full of love, and hope, and cheer
Words full of hate, and pain, and tears
Covers with fancy letters that tell a tale that doesnt exist
Settings that have descriptions that grab you and drag you in
Characters we get attached too and love with all our heart
Plots that end the wrong way and tear us all apart
Climaxes that quickly take your breath away
A story that you beg to end a happy way
Hours of getting mixed up in all of the words
Taking you to different worlds with tales to be heard
Passion that was written in empty notebooks
Stories to be told in these thousands of books

My Heart And Soul For You
PoetryThese are my midnight musings, my afternoon antics, and my sunrise shenanigans #34 poetry ~April 12th 2022 #1 personification ~April 12th 2022 #1 in figurative language ~February 16th 2021