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"So, a boy?" Dom passed me a beer and sat across from me.

I nodded slowly. I cracked open the beer. "I'm having a son, Dom."

Dom smiled wide. "I'm happy for you. You got everything you need. A wife, a home, and babies."

"Katherine is changing, Dom." I sighed.

Dom waited for me to continue as I sipped the beer.

"She doesn't want to fight anymore. She doesn't want to hurt people. It's a bit scary. We all know Katherine was born to do what she does. I feel that once she lets it go, she's not going to be her anymore. The memory loss all over again."

"I think it's going to be a very good change for her. I think she needs change. And I think that her pregnancy is healing her. She lost an important soul and she's gaining a new one."

"You don't want kids?"

"In all honesty, Letty and I have come to terms with the fact that she might not be able to hold kids."

"What?" I frowned.

"Letty has been through hell and back. We've been trying for years. No protection, no birth control...just being naturally intimate. I don't think it was meant to be."

"And how does that make you feel? I mean, now that I've experienced the sad life, I can't imagine a world where my children don't exist."

"I'm okay with it. Letty feels bad but I have her. That's all that matters." Dom shrugged.

"I find it mind blowing." I confessed. "I caused chaos in your life, I split up your family, betrayed you.... and yet here we are. My best man, my brother, my children's god father."

"We've come a long way, Brian. One thing I've learned in our lifestyle is that letting go is the key to survival."

It was quiet between us.

"I used to jack trucks." He bursted out laughing. "On a highway."

I began to laugh, too.

"At the time, we believed that gas was liquid gold. And now we work for Nobody Inc."

I nodded. We really have changed, haven't we?

I got a call from Alina. I answered.


Dom was still chuckling silently.

"Hey, Brian. I'm at a bar and just bailed on my fucking date. Can you come pick me up?"

"Yeah. Send your location."

I hung up and finished my beer.

"Lady calls?"

"Nah. That was Alina. Possibly drunk but you never know. I'll see you later man."

"All right, brother."

I walked out of his house and got in my car, racing to the bar. It was pretty late. I parked in the lot and texted her I was here. A few minutes later, she got in. I didn't start the car yet.

"Why'd you bail?" I asked her.

She didn't answer.

"Want to just go home?" I asked.

She began crying. Like really badly. It's very, and I emphasized the word very, rare that you ever see Alina breakdown. Her and Katherine hardly show emotions and when they do, it's bad. I got nervous. I patted her back, making small circular motions, letting her know I'm here.

"He's not Kaleb." She finally managed out. "He's not my fucking obnoxious, spoiled, alcoholic, fucking stupid Kaleb. I made several messed up jokes tonight and he looked at me as if I was crazy. Kaleb would've added on. Who the fuck doesn't add on to a bad joke?!"

"Alina. Don't date. Don't rush into another relationship when you're clearly not ready. Your heart is still broken. When Katherine left and I hurried into a relationship with Cheryl, it was all about how she wasn't Katherine. And it broke Cheryl's heart when my heart chose Katherine. Led her to kidnap my children. You can't force love and you can't stop love. Take time to heal."

"SHUT UP!" She screamed as more tears came.

Katherine texted me asking if I was okay. I told her I was and I'll be home soon.

"We're going to get a beer. And then you're going home, taking a shower and going to bed and when you wake up, you're going to start healing."

I already got an emotional maniac at home plus three more girls who's mood changes in the drop of a dime. And now I have Alina who's freaking losing it. No. She's supposed to be my warrior!

The beer seemed to settle Alina and when we made it home, she crashed immediately on the couch. I stalked upstairs and found Katherine passed out on her back, a book about raising boys on her chest and Quinn cuddled beside her. I felt at peace knowing my family is happy. We're happy.

A Furious ChickOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora