Sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

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Next stop. The secret conference bunker of Adolf Hitler himself.

After all it had been a bad idea to convince him that it was necessary. But who could have predicted this outcome? At least Crowley knew its location, otherwise he probably would have lost even more time. His heartbeat speeded up, whenever his thoughts only went close to the dark corner, in which all those terrible scenarios were in full swing.

His beloved Bentley tried to cheer him up by playing Bohemian Rhapsody. However, he was so caught up in his thoughts; he didn't even realize the song had changed. His mind still attacked him, because his own conscience wanted to figure out why he was so worried over his... actual nemesis.

Bullshit! They weren't enemies anymore. They were friends. Best friends. A shiver ran through him, as if his scales were moving under his skin. His demonic side rebelled against this realization. This couldn't have been less important to his mind.

In between his heart was torn between the battlefronts. On the one hand he should have been happy about the disappearance of the angel. At least his satanic side was. Other the other hand he felt like someone had ripped out one of his wings.

He felt incomplete. As if he had lost his counterpart. Literally he had.

Good couldn't exist without the evil and the other way around... And he couldn't exist without that naïve, moralizing nuisance by his side either.

His nails dug into the steering wheel deeper. Slowly he removed one of them, fixing his sunglasses, secretly checking if he hadn't allowed himself the nakedness of letting a tear slip. What a wicked world they lived in.

Of course, his devilish mind could imagine what they possibly had done to him... However, he needed preventing himself from letting his thoughts slip to those dark places or maybe he would have another tantrum.

In the given situation, not the best option, since he didn't trust himself at this point anymore. Maybe he would miracle all of the German weapons into confetti canons. Or even worse give the Americans the missing hint to atomic warfare. Who knew, what his twisted mind would think off. 

The worst case would be, if he didn't find him or even worse was too late. Those two options, only the thought of them made his guts twist and knot.

A soft hiss left his lips. Afterwards, he bit his lip for distracting himself, a habit he had started centuries ago... Something only Aziraphale had ever noticed. He did that when he was distressed or nervous. 

Mostly earning an invitation for a cup of cocoa, which quickly transformed into several glasses of wine. Those memories strengthened his belief... he couldn't be dead. Not now. They were meant to stick together until the Ashes of Eden fell. 

Whether as enemies or friends, he didn't even care at this point.

He hadn't watched out where he was driving or if he had hit something or better said someone. All unimportant. Fortunately, he hadn't taken a wrong turn at least not with his Bentley, in life probably several times.

The degree of destruction around him increased linearly with the range that separated him from the city center. The same went for the misery around him, but who cared? People were to blame for their own misery.

Nevertheless, he was relieved when he finally left the city limits behind, especially because he could now step on the gas pedal a little harder. The secret bunker was out in the woods, several miles away from Berlin. It wouldn't have been a problem to simply rush in and pull that general out by his nose if necessary, but it surely wasn't the greatest idea.

Quickly he checked the time on his watch, followed by frustrated sigh. It was only 1 pm. So, the conference anyhow had already started and wouldn't finish until deep in the night. Those Germans always wasted a lot of time by losing their temper and kissing the ass of their Führer. Terrible. Just like in hell.

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