Alex was pressed against a wall by a door waiting for the swat team to break down it down. The rough brick pressed and scratched against his bare arms but Alex paid it no mind. He could feel his heart thundering in his chest and adrenaline fill his limbs. A mix of excitement and fear filled his core as Alex spoke into the walkie talkie attached to his shoulder.
"On my signal break down the door and fan out." He said his voice crisp with authority. 10-4 someone on the other side replied and he readied his weapon. The cool metal of the desert eagle felt good in his heated hands and helped to keep the officer grounded. A slight nod of the head to the swat team had them moving. It took very little force to bust open the barely together, rotting door. The whole apartment seemed like it was one kick away from collapsing and he made a mental wish for his men to be careful. Once the first round of swat swarmed in Alex followed in from behind. Alex could hear his pulse in his ears as realization finally took over. Three years of searching for this man was about to pay off. Countless victims and their families will finally have closure. Alex knew his breathing could be heard but with all the noise being made by the swat he paid that no mind as well. The stairs looked old and rickety and like the rest of the building looked as if it was about to fall apart. Alex waved a couple of the swat agents in front of him and up the stairs. The excitement from a minute ago began to leak away and was slowly replaced by dread as a bad feeling pooled in the pit of the commanders stomach. Something bad was gonna happen but the twenty three year old could not figure out what. The further up the stairs him and his team went the worse the feeling was. A resounding crack was heard in front of him. The sound of splitting wood and strained iron filled the air. Alex called into his walkie talkie once more.
"What's going on?" He asked "what was that sound, over." Alex said keeping his voice down. The response came a couple seconds later.
"Top of the stairs split and crack, Malcom's foot got stuck for a moment. We're moving on, over." Alex nodded even though he couldn't be seen. Each step was slow and deliberate as they moved further into the building and further trapping the murderer. Once Alex had reached the top of the stairs and began to move down the hall way. Door after door was just open and cleared. It wasn't until the sixth door that they heard a voice coming from a little further down the hall. Alex motioned for them to keep clearing the room and signaled for three men to follow. The commander made his way slowly down the hall listening to the creaks and groans of the old floor boards. Once the four of them stopped outside the room where a giggling could be heard Alex took a deep breath before busting the final door in himself.
"Jacksonville PD! Freeze and put your hands up!" Alex shouted stepping into the room fully his gun aimed at the persons head. From the corner of his eyes Alex could see the other men checking the room and clearing it. Alex kept the surprise off his face as he eyed the naked woman in front of him that's sitting on the floor looking up at him with a face of innocence. What was not so innocent was the male body laid in front of her naked and spread eagle with his chest and abdomen cut open and his entrails pulled out. Alex distantly heard one of the men behind him lose his lunch and the acidic smell spread through the room quickly and mix with the metallic sting of the blood coating the floor and the young woman's hands.
The sound of footsteps caught Alex's attention and he turned his head slightly to see Officer Ramirez and Officer Goodman. They both had their guns out and aimed towards the obviously insane woman. They had been searching for this person for three years and fifty three murders later Alex and his team were finally seeing them face to face. The woman in front of them didn't match the profile like they expected. They had expected a white male in his thirties. Not the rough wild eyed woman sitting in front of them who could have been no older than 25.
"Your gonna slowly stand up. Hands behind your head and turn around." Alex ordered her, his tone of voice rough and leaving no room for argument. The woman's eyes dropped to the floor before looking at a clock that hung precariously on the wall and looked as though it was ready to fall off.
"Yes officer." She said and stood up "but it's to late. The spells been cast and the hour is almost upon us." She said more to herself then anything. Alex chanced a glance at the clock and saw it was 7:32 in the evening. Turning his attention back to her Alex's eyes narrowed dangerously confusion coloring his features.
"What spell? What are you going on about?" He asked and took a moment to finally get a better look at the blood soaked floor. The blood wasn't pooled and spreading randomly. No. It had been purposely smeared. Alex's eyes danced over the circle as he tried to make sense of it. It was only to late to figure out just what it was when the blood and the body began to give a soft glow pulling Alex from his thoughts.
"It's working! It's working!" The crazy woman cheered. The sound of tearing filled the room and a bright flash of white cane and went momentarily blinding Alex. He could see his vision beginning to go dark and as though sensing this the woman begin to move towards him an insane smile on her face. Alex managed to fire a single wild shot before everything went black.

A BANG Of A Good Time
FanfictionAlex has no clue what's going on. Has no clue where he is. And to make it worse he's down a bullet. Alex and his men had stormed the old abandoned apartment when the murderer he had been after had done something freaky. Next thing he knew he was wak...