So I have been thinking about what happens in
this chapter... Enjoy:) comment any thoughts for the story or of how you think the story is so far :)
*Erik's P.O.V*
I've known Emmanuel ever since we were little kids... We stopped being friends after our eighth grade year... What did he want now? I thought he had forgotten about me by now...
"Hey Mr and Mrs....??" said Emmanuel. Yups he did forget about me...
"Castro" said my mom.
"Castro... " thought Emmanuel out loud.... It couldn't be...
"Are you Erik's parents? " he asked finally.
"yes, why do you know him? " said my stepdad suddenly intrigued...
"Yeah he's in my math class for third period... I feel bad for him because today the teacher sent him to the office because some kids framed him for something he didn't do and he didn't bother defending himself... Is he home right now?"
Before I gave them a chance to answer, I burst out of my room.
"H-hey Em-Emmanuel, " I stuttered.
Stupid anxiety , I thought to myself...
"Hey Erik, what's up... " he smiled and looked down... Did he just blush...!?
"Hey, I saw you outside from my window" Did I really just say that! He didn't have to know that.!
"Really? " he smirked. It was cute. Wait what? No, okay, I shouldn't be thinking this.
"Can we hang out, Erik?"
I looked at my parents, the look they gave me was of warning... I knew they didn't want me to leave... "Be right back," I said.
I ran into my room and closed my door, put away everything I had taken out, I had to do one more thing and I was done... I ran out of my room, breathing somewhat heavily. He looked at me kinda funny. "Ready," I said.
"Then let's go," he smiled and I swear I saw him blush. Can't blame myself for returning the favor only he wasn't looking. I looked at my parents one last time before leaving, the look they gave me told me I would get in trouble when I got home. I ignored them and walked out the front door, making sure the door slammed hard. Emmanuel jumped and I laughed, "sorry" I giggled. He laughed as well and I walked up to him. He did something I did not expect, h-he put his arm around my shoulder, he knew I was gay and he still did that... I think I must've been in so much thought that I was staring at him, when I woke up from my daydreaming I saw him waving his hand in my face, "Hellooooooooooooo" he said still waving. Shit.
"S-sorry I'm not used to people being so... "
"Comfortable, safe? " he ended.
"Safe?!" I asked really surprised... "Why would you feel safe with me... You barely even know me.?" He laughed.
"C'mon," he said. "I needed to talk to you. I just thought I would have to wait until tomorrow."
"Wait then why did you go to my house then. How did you know I lived there?" I stared at him until he answered.
"I'll tell you when we're at the park." I reluctantly nodded and said "fine".
On our way to the park it was silent, but not an awkward silence, just silent and nice. He still had his arm around me, i didn't mind, it's just I'm not a known person someone actually talked to, let alone touch. Especially for so long and in public. A lot of people think of me as if I was some deformed animal. I kept my head down most of the time while we were walking. I would only sneak a few glances at him or look up. One time when I looked up at him I saw him looking at me, he quickly looked away. He was a bit taller but I didn't mind.
When we got to the park he had let go of me. I felt lighter without his arm but I felt more aware without him around me, i felt... safe with him too. That reminded me.
"So you still have to answer those questions I asked. " I told him.
He looked at me. This time he didn't look away when he blushed. I felt heat rise to my face. Crap. I looked away and looked down after a while of silence.
"Erik," his voice was nice and soothing. I melted a bit.
"Erik?" I melted a bit more but looked up. His face was a light shade of red. "Yeah?" What did he want to talk about, how did he know where I live, why does he feel safe with me? I had so many questions in mind.
"Are you okay, dude you look worried or... What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just confused."
The next few parts were more of a blur then anything but I'm able to realize what just happened... Emmanuel Reed, the cutest guy at school, the most popular kid of our grade, the "player", has just kissed me...
He pulled back and had a face I couldn't quite relate with besides disappointment. He stared at me for some time and then he said "what?"
"You just fucking KISSED... me!!!" I said more confused then mad. "And you're asking 'what?'"
"What you didn't like it?"
"NO!" I lied... It might've taken me off guard but it was nice...
"Oh" he said looking hurt... "Sorry" he started getting up to leave. I got up to hold him and pull him backed down with me. "Sorry, you just don't kiss someone without asking permission..."
Is he gay... He must be he just kissed me, I thought to myself...
"Erik... What I needed to talk to you about was..." he blushed and looked down.
"Was....?" I asked waiting for him to finish.
"Ikindasortofmightlikeyouijustdontknowhowtotellyou" he breathed "that I'm gay..."
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! This time, it was my turn to kiss him.
Thanks for those that are actually reading c':

Dangerous Decisions
Randomso I'm a new person and I decided to write a story... so yeah please tell me what you think cx bye