Chapter 39: Goodbye To You

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"Hey, hey. I uh, this is Abel Township calling, over? If there's anyone, if any of you got your parachute open, this is Sam Yao from Abel Township." His voice echoes in my head. "I'm just a-I'm just a radio operator, man. I'm not supposed to handle this stuff."

I finish tying my shoes.

"I called you my friend just before, didn't I? Is that cool with you? I mean, I'm definitely not your friend if you've gone gray, but I feel like we have a kind of... simpatico... something? I rather do... did like talking to you. Don't know if you felt the same way."

I adjust my axe to my back.

"You did it! You dropped the lifeboats! Roll that one over to block more from coming up the stairs. Well done, guys... And Five... you-you spoke. I know that was you. You said my name."

I put my pistol in its holster at my hip.

"We've lost, Five. We've lost. Abel can't stand up to this kind of assault. Save your own lives, Runners. New Canton will take you in when we're... Listen, I-I just wanted to say, it's been an honor being your operator. Always chipper Runner Three. Runner 'Back From The Dead' Eight... and Runner Five. Five, I know I've never said-"

"Runner Five, it's almost time."

"I don't know if you realize it, Five, but you're uh, you're kind of an inspiration here at Abel. Sometimes I hear them talking about you-some of the stuff you did with Sarah before she died, how you brought down Van Ark, and going after those bloody kittens. Don't think I didn't hear about that, because I did... Anyway, my point is... you might be getting too valuable to lose. When a person becomes a legend, you have to be careful not to lose them to the zombie horde. I don't know what Abel would do without you. I don't know what... what I'd do without you."


"And we're going to stop her. I know you're immune now, and you still sometimes think she might try to get you back, but we're going to stop her and her mind control. And if your nightmares won't stop until she's defeated, then-then I'll stay up with you every single night until we stop her. I may pass out during the day, but I'm not leaving you alone. Not now, not ever. I-why are you crying?"

"Are you ready, Five?" Jody asks, laying a hand on my shoulder, jolting me out of the past.

I choke down a sob, and shake my head. "No."

She sighs. "Me neither."

"You must have had to do this before, Jody," Amelia says, but there is no mockery in her voice-not today.

Still, Four sends her a glare. "Unlike you, I try to look after my friends, Amelia."

"This is looking after him."

Her face falls, eyes downcast. "Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, I know. I have done it before. When Runner Six-in the attack on Abel, when the old Runner Six was bitten, me and Evan went after her later. She wouldn't have wanted us to leave her that way. I think we got to her before she ate anyone. She would have wanted that."

"And that is what this is-the final kindness. I'm not even charging a fee for my services. I liked him." She turns to me. "And I also like you, a little. That's why I'm going to ask again if you are certain you want to come with us, Five."

"I'll be fine," I croak out, and she rolls her eyes.

"Stop lying. We all know you were head over heels for that man. He could've asked you to cut off your own hand and you would've done it with a smile. I don't show much concern for other people, Five, but even I know that you going out with us is not good for your health."

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