Chapter 1

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"I have a boyfriend!" Lie. "We've been dating for about 6 months!" Another lie. "And he's super hot!" Okay, not a lie.

Let's back up a little bit.

6 Hours Earlier
"You haven't started packing yet?! You are leaving in less than six hours!" my mom yells as she barges into my room early on a Saturday morning.

"Geez mom can you calm down a little bit it's just a summer camp," I frustratingly say wanting to go back into the bliss I call sleep.

"Just a summer camp?! Sarah Layla Bayn get your ass up right now because it is not just a "summer camp" it's an opportunity for you to meet people and have fun, not just sit in your room watching Netflix like you do every goddamn day!"

"Arghhh! Fine! I'm up! See?" I sit up on my bed and I let my hair go every which way knowing I'll put it up in a messy bun later. My mom huffs and stomps out of the room. I chuckle at the fact that me going to camp is more important to her than to me. Yeah I love going to camp don't get me wrong, there's so many fun activities to do there and so many people to meet and see again. But then there's the people you don't want to see again. These people are more interested in who banged who and who was that girl who shared a midnight kiss with the hottest guy there than actually making friends and enjoying their time outdoors.. Last year the gossip was all about me being lonely because I didn't have a boyfriend and the fact that I've never been kissed.

I reach for my phone as it buzzes a few times. I glanced at the caller ID. Audrey. Those people I was mentioning earlier about how I don't want to see again? Yeah she's one of them. I groan and answer.

"AHHHH ITS MOVE IN DAY GIRLY ARE YOU READY???" I move the phone away from my ear as to not go deaf by her ear piercing shrieks.

"Um yeah I guess so."

"What do you mean you guess so?? It's only like the best day of the year!! Awwww is somebody down in the dumps because she doesn't have a boyfwend?" She says that last part in a sing song voice mockingly.

"No! You are actually wrong about that one sweetie because I do have a boyfriend." What?! No I don't!! Why did I say that?! Ugh I hate her.

"WHAT?! You have a bf and you didn't even tell me?!" Like you'd be the first person I'd tell if I ever had one, yeah right.

"Umm sorry I guess I forgot?" I say hoping she'll buy my lies. God, I'm so bad at lying. I should just come clean. No! Then she could make fun of you more! Go with it. My inner conscious fought with me. I decided just to keep the lies going and see what happens?

"You have to give me all the tea at camp!! Oh and I want a picture of proof that he really is your boyfriend! Okay, kisses!" I could see that smirk on her face thinking it isn't real. Oh honey I'll show you he is real!

Wait crap! I don't have any pictures of guys on my phone to fake as my boyfriend. Shit. What am I going to do?

1 Hour Later
Okay, I'm almost done packing I just need my sunglasses. Where did I put it? Right! I left it in my car. I'll just go out and grab those real quick and only thing left to do is...find a boyfriend. Great! Should be really fucking easy. Note the sarcasm. As I walk outside I notice my neighbor getting out of his car in his workout clothes. God he's so hot. We make eye contact and everything in my body goes limp. I smile weakly as he flashes his white teeth and gives a genuine grin as he chuckles a bit. I can't help but wonder at what and then I realize my hair is still a rats nest and I blush and look away out of embarrassment.

He laughs louder and says, "Nice seeing you Sarah!" I blush harder and I can't muster up the courage to say anything back so I just give a slight wave and head back into my house.

2 Hours Later
Alright, only three more hours to find a boyfriend. I can do it. Let's see. I go through my contacts on my phone and look through every guy on the list. No. No. Gross, no. Cousin. Uncle. Moved to Texas. Brother. No. Gay. 20 years older than me. Then I see the name. Casey Wacaster. Of course how could I forget him and the awkward meetup this morning. Did I forget to mention his name earlier? Well, yeah the hot guy coming out of his car this morning was Casey.

We used to be friends in middle school, then when he hit puberty he climbed the ladder of popularity to be one of the most popular people in high school. Meanwhile, I still had braces until my sophomore year and I was a late bloomer in the boob department. So I wasn't exactly popular and we just drifted apart. Yet we remained neighbors. He often had house parties, none of which I was invited to. I kind of thought he forgot about me and didn't care. Until this morning. He said hi and he actually remembered my name! And now I'm contemplating whether to call him and tell him my situation or not.

Call him! You don't have much time left! If you don't have a picture before camp you are going to be the laughing stock of the summer. One side is telling me.

Don't you dare dial his number. He is literally way out of your league and just because he said hi to doesn't mean he wants to be your fake boyfriend! He was being polite! The other side said.

I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I think I'm going to call him.

No. Wait I'm not. He doesn't want to be friends. Much more boyfriend girlfriend.

I am.

No I'm not.

Okay, no I'm not going to call him. Final decision. I'll just look up a picture on google and show it to Audrey. Ha! Good idea. Mental high five.

Fuck it. I'm going to call.

Hey! Enjoying the book so far? Well it gets better so keep on reading!

~ Simone <3

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