I definitely need time to process this shit show otherwise known as my life. I mean yeah, on one hand this is an amazing project and I'm flattered that apparently I'm the most fit to execute it. But on the other hand this is most definitely NOT my normal routine. I like my job because I can capture beauty despite the personality or attitude, but now I have to not only take pictures of the twins but I have to spend time with them? Get to know them? What if their attitudes are absolute shit? Then fucking what?! This is a fucking mess but what the hell am I supposed to do? Opt out? I might be super particular about some—everything, but momma did not raise no bitch! Therefore I can't be a pussy.
With that final thought I get up and go back to my office. I quickly check my phone to see what time it is and the twins should be arriving in about fifteen minutes. That gives me time to make myself another coffee in the lobby. At least that was the plan. The moment I walk into my office seated on the futon (that looks way smaller than usual) are two guys. One has a dangly wing earring and is wearing a black shirt tucked into what I'm assuming are designer dress pants with intricate printing and some black loafers. That must be Grayson, I'm assuming based on his build. The other one, aka Ethan, is also wearing a black shirt except his is tucked into a pair of black dress pants, probably also designer, paired with a Gucci belt. On his feet he has on a pair of all white air forces. Like me.
I'm not only shocked but I'm also pissed. Contrary to most, I hate when people arrive anywhere early. 5 minutes, sure I'll let it slide, but 15?!! Not only do early arrivals make the host look bad (because maybe they aren't ready yet or I don't know maybe they were planning on getting another cup of coffee to calm their nerves!) but it also catches people (me) off Fucking guard! I prefer when guests arrive on time, Hell I'd rather them be a little late because then I'm not the one standing in the middle of their own fucking office looking like a god damn fish out of water.
I inhale through my nose. And try to collect myself before walking past them to my desk where I contemplate being childish and not saying anything until the 15 minutes are up. But I soon realize that's rude and though I couldn't care less about people's opinions on me, good first impressions are crucial. Plus they are clients. So I turn my icy stare towards them only to find that they both already have their eyes fixed on me. Great. What comes out of my mouth next is completely accidental and maybe a bit sarcastic.
"You're 15 minutes early. Thanks for the warning." My eyes widen at my own fucking statement but I said what I said, so I continue to look at them with what others have described as a bored face. Their faces on the other hand go from bored to shocked. But then they look at each other and smirk. The one that I think is Grayson speaks first. "We did. We called your dad but I'm guessing he didn't relay that message to you." My look remains bored as I wonder why the fuck my dad never keeps me in the loop. But then remember he's in a meeting, so he has a pass this time. I shrug it off, "He's in a meeting. But whatever, I guess we can just get this shit over with. The sooner we get the details worked out the sooner I can get my coffee."
I roll my chair over so that I'm now across from them seated at the futon and hold my hand out for them to shake. "I'm Emma Chamberlain, but apparently you guys already know that." They take turns in shaking my hand and I can't help but notice how strong they are. "I'm Grayson." No shit. "And I'm Ethan." No way. I would've never thought. I half expect them to say "and we're the Dolan twins" but it never happens. I cross my legs and tuck some flyaways behind my ears. "Alright, so from what I've been told I'm going to be getting to know you two on a personal level. Meaning I'll be spending a lot of time with you for the next month." They both nod their heads.
"So what? Am I like going to meet up with you guys every day at a certain time and place or how the hell are we going about this?Because I'm not gonna lie, I've never done anything like this. Ever." I start to chew on my thumb nail in nervousness as I notice Ethan lean forward placing his forearms on his knees. "Well, Emma, we were actually planning on having you stay with us for a month. In our guest bedroom." Something about the way he said my name made chills run down my spine, but I quickly brush them—-WAIT WHAT?! "I'm sorry what, excuse my fucking French, but what the hell do you mean staying in your damn guest room?! I have to live with you two for a month. All for some editorial?" I stand from my chair and start pacing the room. I have to live with them? There's no way that's required. It seems unethical and unnecessary. I start to chew my nail again.
Ethan stands up and comes over to rest his hands on my shoulders. Stoping my constant circle. Who gave him permission to touch me? His hazel orbs connect with my blue ones and I'm entranced "Look Em—" I interrupt "Emma" He furrows his brows and frowns. "Okay. Look Emma, we understand this is a lot but it's extremely important to us that the story that is put out is honest and something that the fans can read to connect with us on a personal level, and I know for a fact that you can do it so much justice. You're an amazing photographer and writer I trust you—we trust you." I smile and just when I'm about to say thank you, Grayson comes out of nowhere and bear hugs me. Lifting me up from the ground and spinning me. "Emma this is going to be so much fun! Please tell us you're down with it."
"Put me down Grayson." He does as requested and I turn to face both of them, us all now standing. "Fine. I'm in. Please don't make me regret going out of my comfort zone." They smile and pull me into a group hug. My face is smushed against Ethan's chest.
I don't mind this. He smells good. Like extremely good.

Falling down|| e.c x e.d
FanfictionEmma, did you truly think us booking you as our personal photographer for a month was some coincidence?