Eliza and her sisters were just about to go on a walk in New York City with Philip while her husband fought in Yorktown when there was a blinding light and her sisters and every one who plays an important part in her and Alexanders life until Alexanders death along with King George and Samuel Seabury shows up in to a theater where they meet everyone. Why are we here Peggy Asks. I am Ondrea and I am so glad you asked that peggy. Um how do you know my name Peggy questions. That will be explained in a minute. Now the reason the you are all here is because in 2015 and Musical came out called Hamilton about Alexander Hamilton. Now I am showing this to you now so that you can change things that will happen in the future and even save people's life. Now I hope that you enjoy the musical and you guys can have any treats and drinks that you want and you all have tissues because you will need them.